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For the year 2024

Entering Peace
Identifying and Releasing Old Emotions and Beliefs Held in Your Low Body

Our lower chakras are just as energetically and psychically sensitive as our Third Eye (6th chakra) and Heart Chakra. Emotional energies held in our low body are often from infancy or early childhood, and take extra care and patience to understand, transmute and release. Insights from Archangel Michael, Mary, and Healing Songs.

A song and a Message from Mary
An improvised Song from Spirit (Kyrie Eleison - Creator Compassion) drawn through me and a message on Compassion from Mary. Link to Video in newsletter.

Compassionate Transformation:
Gaslighting as Psychic Manipulation. Identifying and Clearing our Intuitive Psychic Compass. Insights on why (sometimes) we can't heal ourselves, and three new healing songs

New Goals New Paths
Audio Meditation and Essay
Change Anyone? How we Create Reality is Changing. What fit even a few weeks ago may not fit today. Healing Song: Safe Space

Gratitude, Compassion and the Eclipse(s)
Stepping beyond 'right and wrong' and out of judging ourselves. Healing Song: O eternal God by St. Hildegard of Bingen

Tenderly Holding Chaos (and crisis)
Part of why these times are so messy - Creating what is accurate in your life. Audio meditation channeled from Archangel Michael

Are you Stuck?
Insights and a healing song for balance

Online Streaming Meditation:
Meeting the Unknown:
Compassion as a Response to Trauma
Insights from Norma and her guides. Offered as a live streaming event

A Healing Opportunity:
It's not just politics
Channeling, low level guides and recognizing conditional love

Polarity is the basis of our Creativity (and healing)
Podcast and video from the live meditaiton Meeting the Unknown: Compassion as a Response to Trauma.

For the year 2023

Vibration and Creation
What if not just humanity, but Earth were also undergoing a process of Spiritual Ascension?.(video and song from Hildegard of Bingen)

Rebirthing Yourself from Spirit after Trauma
A medieval healing song to find the stillness within you, from which Rebirth arises. (from Hildegard of Bingen)

Spiritual Energetics of Long COVID Part 1
Our bodies are flexible. Each time we are exposed to Covid, whether or not we 'get' it, something happens. Insights from Archangel Michael and others.

Spiritual Energetics of Long COVID Part 2
We may be done with COVID, but it is not done with us. Long COVID affects up to 20% of us. An overview of Symptoms, Treatment Ideas and Spiritual Meanings from Norma and Archangel Michael, Mary and the Beings of Light.

Create Ease, Not Effort
A new meditation podcast (available wherever you get your podcasts) provides a deeply restful healing meditation from Archangel Michael and Mary, speaking through Norma.

Phone/Online Medtation
Fatigue, Headache, Diminished Intuition may be magnified due to our planet passing through a Cosmic Debris Cloud. Theme of the meditation is regeneration, nourishment and self-care as healing.

COVID is a means of Quickening Evolutionary Change needed for our Spiritual Process
Our DNA is now part of COVID's DNA. it's not about getting COVID, it's about how you take care of yourself before and after.

Exiting the Cloud
online / in person meditation
Our usual easy connection to Spirit may become erratic and intermittent. Sometimes due to energies that envelope our planet, sometimes due to the generation of large quantities of emotional energy by humans.
Turn on your ability to ground, find focus, and follow Spirit in difficult situations.

Creating What You Want (and want you don't want)
Insights from Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light to turn on your ability to ground, find focus, and follow Spirit in difficult situations. .

For the year 2022

New Path New Choices
When insurmountable obstacles appear, our usual choices are no longer available.

Preventing, not curing Disease
All viruses, bacteria and fungus have a consciousness within them. When interacting with our body, this consciousness offers us an opportunity to remember an issue taht our Soul seeks to look at, and potentially resolve in this lifetime. In this fashio, illness is not a sin or a weakness. It is the Soul at work

Building a Robust Immune System

Hint: vitamin D, our gut microbiome and our immune systems are all linked. And we psychically 'hear' them.

How We Pray Matters

Are we MicroManaging God's ability to help us? Insights and a healing song..

Covid After Effects - Treatment and Ideas

I have been helping people clear during and after Covid since this all started. AS a result I have a good 'feel' for where it goes and what it does. Here are some ideas..

Taking Back Our Body

Energy Work meets Science: Covid, our immune system, and becoming yourself more fully now.

Wisdom: A Healing Song
Wisdom allows us to see clearly from within the world of Spirit that which our outer world most needs to receive from us.

For the year 2021

Seeing the Other Side
Spiritual Truth, Survivor Guides, Entities and Compassion

Moving easily into new creative cycles and opportunities. Releasing the past.

Cycles of Creation
Anticipation and Manic-Panic

Opening to Deeper Healing
Engaging in any healing process isn't about making something happen, it is about allowing something to happen by releasing our control over it.

Our Cocoon Time
Realizing what it is that we need to change most in our lives

For the year 2020

Tender Strength
Song and insights to Empower the Sacred Masculine within each person.

Obstacle or Spiritual Redirection?
Is the challenging issue in my life an Obstacle to Overcome or a sign from Spirit to take a New Direction?

Dancing Your Own Dance
Dreaming Your Own Dreams
A brief message from Mary, channeled on the evening of Jan 7

Healing the Lower Body Helps us Find Our New Direction in Life
While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive (and be constricting to our lives), we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others. Here is an audio meditation to help you do just this.

Creating Change in our World through Spiritual Grace
Opportunities in life appear when we are ready to acknowledge them. But the changes that allow us to see major opportunities in our life must come first.

From Toxicity to Transformation: The Role illness Plays in Transforming Human Consciousness
What if the Corona Virus is a representation of a radical shift in human consciousness?

The Space Between
We can no longer live, or ground our bodies, into what was, and yet we have not arrived at our endpoint. How to be in the Space Between?

Calming Chaos
Sacred Songs and Spiritual Insights from Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor named Atamira assist us in listening to and finding our center. Includes songs for healing and meditation.

For the year 2019

Squeeze and Release Unique Energetic Opportunities during a SuperMoon

Make Changes in Your Life
Using New Moon Energies

Sliding into a New Reality

Making Change Easy plus a video musical meditation Love Finds A Way.

Pranic Nourishment, Healing and Breatharianism
Personal Notes and a channeling from Thoth on the evolution of the human-spiritual body.

Bringing Wholeness to Your Body
Meeting Adversity with Compassion (audio meditation and healing song)

Listening to our Highest Heart: By what means do we reach a point of safety in our lives?
and new videos on using Sound with Energy Healing.

A Doorway to Resolve Unresolved Issues in Your Life
Insights and a healing song

How and Why we confuse Health and Healing
Insights channeled from Mary

Traveling Through the Veil
What if things we believe are hidden from us actually want to be seen?

Your Wellspring of Being
an audio meditation with video excerpts

Healing Through Our Imperfections

Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life
A video meditation with a healing song to help you
Create ease, not difficulty in Life.

How the Subtle energy of Your Aura are Impacted by Man-Made Devices
Your Cell Phone is Re-Programming Your Body's Energy Field. Why this happens and how to strengthen your energy field.

A Thought and A Song for the Winter Solstice

For the year 2018

Navigating Sacred Chaos
Audio Meditation and sound healing to reveal your body's innate grounding

Healing (more than) the Tip of the Iceberg
What is true healing for you? Video and chant to release underlying deeper causal issues of disease from Norma's new online course.

Tools for Merging Multiple Realities
Coming back into Balance when everything, including you and your life, feels 'off'

Money, Ease and Comfort
A video meditation helping you release old guides around overwork, behaving 'right' and more.

Utilizing SuperNewMoon Energies
A few thoughts about responding to external intensity.

Courage Rising
The heart breaks open as Courage rises through it..

Truth Resides Within
External chaos challenges us to find our Inner Truth

Cultivating Peace in response to Anger
Whatever we notice, we can change, and offer a pulse of resonant healing to our world.

Letting the Wall Fall
Fear builds Walls - Compassion melts them.

Mystery - Cultivating Compassion
A video and healing song to Cultivate Compassion as a response to fear

Responding to Intensity
Insights on Creating Gracefully and not adding to the chaos in life.

Creating Outside of Polarity
The reverse of what you don't like isn't what you really want. Insights and a video meditation with healing song.

A New Light upon the Chalice
The Divine Feminine serves as a chalice; containing, supporting and providing nourishment to newly emerging Sacred aspects of masculine energies. Insights and a song..

You Are an Unimaginably Magical Human
Inspirational insights from Archangel Michael through Norma Gentile

Thinning Veils Create New Opportunities
Boundaries or Veils are thinning between the spiritual energies that we perceive of as residing within the Earth, and the emotional and mental boundaries we each have with the larger collective consciousness of humanity. How to deal with this...

Family: Our Final (Spiritual) Frontier
Navigating the Full Moons & Family Gatherings

Why do we Delay our own Healing?
Insights and Ideas to move from Inertia into Action

For the year 2017

Penetrating the Blindness: Healing the reverse face of Narcissism

Healing the Profane Power of the Masculine
with healing songs from the Hathor Atamira

Transforming Foundations
What your finances, Pluto, Barack Obama and Alexander Hamilton all have in common

Revealing our Truth
a meditation, music and insights. Are you feeling those SuperNewMoons?

Remembering an Inner Connection to Who You Truly Are
Insights & Spoken Meditation with 2 new healing songs to assist you in revealing your inner Truth.

When Your Inner Child becomes a King: Insights on Empowering Your Sacred Masculine
Insights from Archangel Michael & Mary, presented in their original channeled format, along with a Grounding Sound Healing Mediation and Song..

When the Stars Come Out
Meditative Insights and Healing Songs in mp3, video and text around change and eclipses.

Changing Our Realities / Changing Our Grounding
Learning to Ground into New Earth Energies. Insights from Archangel Michael.

How Death Connects Heaven & Earth
Insights from Mary

Patience, Guidance and Acceptance:Insights from Archangel Michael, songs to invoke these qualities from the Hathor guide Atamira

What are You Here to do Now?
Insights and healing chant from the Hathor Atamira to reset your built in spiritual compass

Mary, Bearer of the Star
Without Mary, there would be no Jesus...a healing song and video celebrating the Divine Feminine.

For the year 2016

How politics and weather show us what we are ready to heal

Bridging Two Worlds
Bringing our Inner Sacredness to our Outer World, with three healing songs.

A Quick & Timely Healing
a song and spoken meditation from Archangel Michael and the Hathor guide Atamira.

Polarity - Are You In?
What if we created polarity, and are meant to engage with it, both for learning and healing? An essay, with links to healing songs and a spoken meditation.

Boundaries, Change and Healing
Insights from the Healer's Perspective

Grounding isn't what it used to be
A meditation and song for grounding into your Earth Soul from Archangel Michael

Who is the Real devil in American Politics
The intersection of Spirituality and Politics

MicroManaging God: How we Pray Matters

Just as we often find comfort in the known, we often project a sense of impending discomfort around the unknown.

Choosing Profound Change in Our Lives
Why it is hard and how to do it anyway, with a song to help release what is now passing away

Navigating the Muddy Muck of Chaotic Energies
(insights from Mary on our current events)

Inner and Outer Sacred Space
(insights and a new musical video to Create Sacred Space)

Guides and Channeling and Politics
A mirror of our Spiritual Evolution

Healing the Villain
Finding gratitude for what hurts us

Celebrating (and fearing) the next step

Getting Comfy in Our New Reality
Insights to engage more easily with our world now, and a healing song

Shaking Our World
Transforming Grief into Spiritual Power

Pay no attention to the Fireworks
Deepening our psychic and spiritual connections

Hills and Valleys
Walking a Spiritual Mountain Path

For the year 2015

Blessing All Beings Homeward

When Things Change But you don't want them to

Your New Aura: Healing through the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth

Revealing Spirit Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Your Natural Intuition

Melting the Boulders of Belief Transforming painful life patterns now

Three Great Freedoms Insights from Mary

Tips for Driving Your Race Car (or watching from the bleachers) How to more easily engage with the energies of this moment.

First, Be Still Clarify your decision making process

For the year 2014

The Inner Space of Spirit

Turning Regret into Strength

Change is Everywhere
A Sacred Song and Message from Mary

Reawakening Compassion
An alternative to violence and chaos

Coming into Balance

Multi-Tasking and Discernment
Are Your Habits and Choices Serving Your Spirit?

Living in Both Ends of Polarity at the same time

Don't Rush It!
Recognize and Utilize your Creative Cycles

Turning Chaos into Creation
Using Your Body's innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies

The Greatest Healer is Within You
The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth

For the year 2013

Anatomy of a Sound Healing
description & video based on Ave Maria

An Eclipse of Linear Time

Full Moon Meditation
and healing song

Thoughts on Breatharianism
videos, meditations and resources

Healing what is Yours to Heal
a sound healing and thoughts from Mary

Solstice and Super Moon
Emotions and Earth Changes

Release Intensity. Find Stillness. It's that simple. Sort of...

Tension and Creation

Remembrance (a healing song)

Opening Psychic Potential in Your Body

A Leaf upon a Stream

The Inner Space of Spirit

DreamTime Council - see you there?

Grounding into Spirit

Moving beyond Right and Wrong

Coming into Balance

For the year 2012

The Year of Stillness - A Time of Dreams

Look Within: The Journey of Worship

Heart to Navel Chakras
Where we are going is Where we have been

Healing Emotional Turbulence
Shame, Blame and Spiritual Maturity

Photos of Spiritual Energies
Dark Energy cleared by my CD Songs of Spirit, then an invocation to Archangel Michael

What are you here to do now?
Accessing the High Heart to lead and empower your life now.

Audio Meditation: Lunar Eclipse / Venus Transit

A Lot of Sacred Masculine Energy
arriving a little early this year

ReCreating how we Create and a sound healing video with multiple photos of Spiritual Energies taken as Norma sang.

Releasing Fear of Death
will change your decisions, big and small in how you engage with life.

The New Road Taken
Turning down an unexpected Street and Coping with a New Unexpected Reality

Perfect Storm / Perfect Prayer
Linking Prayer and Meditation
to the Consciousness within Weather Patterns, Politics and Earth.

Annual Storm of the Century
Drawing Active Compassion and Change through all of us

Transforming Earth's Emotional Energies

Pan, Nature and Earth
Healing Together the Emotional Traumas of Humanity

For the year 2011

Revealing New Aspects of Yourself - 1/1/11 Meditation

The earthquake changed our brains
(and how we think)

Time and Creation

January #2
MicroManaging God: How We Pray Matters

Micro-gestionando a Dios: Sí importa cómo rezamos.

Being Called Home

Siendo Llamados Al Hogar

Updating Your Soul's Journey
What you came here to do has probably changed

Weaving Soul into Body, Mind and Heart - podcast meditation based on Micromanaging God

Facing what you Need to Do (when you don't want to)

Grieve the Past
Nourish Your Future

Not Me! How we play the Blame Game

Living within Polarity

August #2
On Earthquakes and Hurricanes

For the year 2010

The Fork in the Path: Re-making life decisions without Fear or Shame

La Bifurcación del Camino

Gaia's Love for You
a message from Mary (Magdeline)

Manifestation 101
Working with, not against the Creative Cycle

Asking Questions: Honoring Spirit in the Healing Process (and in Haiti)

Haciendo Preguntas: Honrando al Espiritu en el proceso de sanacion (y en Haiti)

Connecting Consciousness - Insights on the Gulf Oil Situation from Thoth and Shesat

Conectando Conciencias
Puntos de vista acerca del derrame de petróleo en el Golfo.

Your Body, Your Soul, Your Compassion
-a message from Mary

Serving Spirit:: Breatharians in our midst
Sirviendo al Espíritu:
Aerivoros entre nosotros

June #2
Ancient Consciousnesses Arise
How beings from our planetary past effect us now.
And how to ask them for help.

La Conciencia Antigua Surge

Politics, the Sacred Masculine, Divine Feminine and Our Shared Consciousness

Earthquakes, Emotional Intensity, EM Fields & Gaia

Terremotos, Intensidad Emocional, Cambios en el Campo ElectroMagnético (CEM) y Gaia

Healing with Gratitude those Ancient Energies now Departing


December #1
Addressing the arising emotions of fear and anxiety brought up by the Full Moon Eclipse on the Winter's Solstice.

December #2
Why are things so Intense? Re-writing our experience of the Great Shift
December #3
Why Energies Stick to Us.

For the year 2009

January #1
Unveiling Peace - a new song

A New Cycle of Courage

Un Nuevo Ciclo De Valentía

June #1
Divine Grace and Courage (Archangel Michael)

Gracia Divina y Coraje
del Arcángel Miguel

Compassion in Healing: Loving what ails Us
and a note on Living Well from Thoth

January #2
Generate Stillness, Offer Peace

Resting Back into Ease

June #2
Receving or Rejecting Change - How we face change determines how we experience change

Love, Fear and Inner Stillness
What we fear grows stronger as we approach 2012

Amor, Miedo y Calma Interno

January #3
The Bumpy Road of Change (Meditations for Peace CD info too)

Emotions and Our New World - coping with psychic connections
to the unconscious emotions of humanity

Emociones en Nuestro Nuevo Mundo imitando con conexiones psíquicas las emociones inconscientes de la humanidad

June #3
An observation on the death of Michael Jackson and other public figures.
How their passing opens our world to new Spiritual energies.

Helping, Healing, Fixing, Serving: Thoughts on my own journey as a Healer

Ayudar, Sanar,
Notas sobre mi propio viaje como Sanadora

January #4
Graduation Day
Re-tracing and Healing the Fear Patterns of 9/11
Re-trazando y Sanando los Patrones de Miedo del 9/11

Chaos and Healing: Generating Spiritual Energies in Your Life

Caos y Sanación: Generando Energías Espirituales en tu Vida

July #1
Judgment and Michael Jackson: Notes on our Journey into Unity Consciousness
from Archangel Michael.

Juzgar y Michael Jackson
Nuestro Viaje dentro de la Conciencia Unitariadel Arcángel Miguel

July #2
This week's Eclipses are moving us along

Healing from the Bottom Up: Meditations and Information from Nature

Sanando desde abajo hasta arriba

December #1
Darkness and Illumination
Oscuridad e Iluminacion

December #2
Heaven and Earth Meet in You: How Your Soul is Loved

For the year 2008

Bringing Heart Opening to the USA

Healing with Heaven AND Earth (includes free download of song from new CD)

a note on AtlasPROfilax

The Brighter the Light the more you can see the dust (and a thought on Sept 11 meditations)

November #3 Who does Your Soul want you to Be? (new Meditaiton CD)

Have you fed Fear or Spirit today?


June #2
Chaos leads to unimagined healing changes

September #2
The New Face of Properity - Moving through Fear and Finances

Choosing to Reveal Our Pain (and the New Hope behind it)

What's New and Are We Going Back to the Old?

Deep Stillness

The Pendulum Swings Obama / Osama - blessing Ama, the Divine Feminine.

April #1
Love is Abundant (and so is Guilt)

April #2
Pointy Sticks and Conscious Actions - Oprah, Eckhart & Obama

Stepping into Creation and Away from Fear

November #1 Are we there yet?
November #2 A New Clarity - Sitting in the Empty Field of Not Knowing

For the year 2007

Investing in Transformation

April (#2)
Weather and Emotions

Escalator Up/ Taking advantage of summer energies.

Addressing Violence
(equinox info too)

Cancer as a Gateway

Stirring Many Pots

What is the will of the Earth?

October 2nd
Changing Yourself (when you don't want to)

Courage is Standing in Your own Truth

What's Rumbling Beneath?

Compassion for All is Healing for All


April (#1)
Gloomy, Gus(sty) April

June #2
Ping Pong Balls of Opportunity

Fresh Financial Breezes

For the year 2006

Courage and Love; the greatest contagions

The Blessing of the Magdalene

July - August
Violence is non-sacred Chaos.

Creating a Sphere of Spirit

Intensity / Mass Consciousness

Insides Out

What we have Wrought?

Turning towards Home

Earthly Mire and Angel's Eyes

Don't put off today what you can't do tomorrow

early October

What is Healing?

Would you like Dark or Light Energies with that Belief?

Listening to Grandfather

For the year 2005

Ascension into Conscious Light

Life-force and Cancer

Rallying Against

God Within, God Without

Stillness, Grief, Tsunami

The New

Be Still, Be Steadfast

Drifting (Earth changes)


A Balancing Swing

Violence / Judgment
New Weather Patterns

Beginnings and Endings

Dreaming Our New Reality

Wesak/Eclipse Note

Divine Water and Energy Vortexes:
Truth and Water and New Orleans

Love and Appreciation


For the year 2004

Resting in the Divine Chalice

Names, Eclipses

Compasion as Guidance

Living Ahead

Escorting Energies Homeward

Pulling Ourselves Apart

Need versus Nourish

Fear or Empowerment?
Peur ou puissance?

Life on Mars
Violence on Earth

A Gathering


Pointy Stick or Carrot?

Healing Balm

For the year 2003

Opening Doors
Opening Hearts

Fear and Compassion


Gaia's new Clothes


Choosing the Vibration of Creation

Do Over

Love and Remembrance

Invitation to Freedom (creating w/energies of eclipses)

Going Home

Releasing Deeply

Taking Advantage of the (energy) Times

Creation Meditation

New Bodies / New Earth

For the year 2002











Aug-early September


Winter Solstice

For the year 2001




On Sept. 11

December (includes solstice meditation)







