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Nature and Earth
Together the Emotional Traumas of Humanity
list and more info here)
Dec 20
9pm EST
Phone Meditation
numbers for many countries)
Held on the last evening just hours before the
alignment with Galatic Center and the 2012 Winter
Solstice, we will offer stabilizing qualities of
meditation and ideas.
Meditation Concert
Arbor - see below)
Shamanism Workshop (sound, energy and healing) and
Private Sessions (Myra,
local contact)
Dear Friends,
The soul that we know as Gaia clothed herself long ago as
the Earth. Those beings helping to weave her clothing, the
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences, and the principle
tailor, Pan, are portions of the many souls journeying with
us now. Gaia's journey is our journey.
As we become more fluent to listening to the Nature Spirits
and Nature Intelligences of our space and the land beneath
our homes, we also become available to steward and give
permission for the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences
of the Earth to release what they need to release now. In
this fashion their consciousness is freed to move easily,
and the physical form they support. our Earth, will more
easily slip into our new shared quality of
As we move into this next week I am aware of the intensity
of energies, especially in the emotional realm, that are
both a manifestation of our current astrological situation,
as well as the magnification of these emotional energies
caused by human fear. This need not be so. We are not the
only beings who are changing. Gaia, the soul within the
planet we call Earth is changing right along with us. So are
the multitude of conscious beings, such as Nature Spirits,
that live upon her.
We are developing an awareness of the Nature Spirits and
Nature Intelligences in our rooms, the land beneath our
homes, and our outdoor garden spaces. This awarenss will
grow to encompass a larger healing process that the world is
experiencing. This is particularly true in areas where an
energetic web reflecting human emotions has been ripped
apart, such as that portion of the web underneath the area
of Jerusalem and much of the Middle East.
We will eventually be able to create meditations to re-weave
these webs. But for the moment the emotional energetic
webbing within the planet underneath the Middle East and
other areas of tumult are highly populated by people and
cannot be forced to close. They cannot be re-woven by our
will. There are multiple reasons why the web has been torn
in these places.
This essay (and the related audio meditation) begin to
address one of these reasons by looking at how we humans
interact with the planet, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature
Spirits, Nature Intelligences, and Pan. This is a starting
In order to take full advantage of what is offered in this
meditation, plan on being in a single location as you
listen. You will be creating a conscious connection to
elementals (Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences) within
the room and the land beneath your room, as well as to other
energetic consciousness available to you now.
This essay is based on a recent meditation which is
available as a CD or mp3 download from my
podcast page.
It includes an extended section working with the Nature
Spirits, Nature Intelligences, The Pure Energy of Nature and
Pan. For those of you not familiar with these concepts, I
refer you to
Machaelle Wright.
Her work in developing the concept of consciousness within
what we call the lower dimensions has been invaluable. I
recognize that much of this meditation was drawn through me
utilizing ideas that I was exposed to through her teachings
and writings. I would refer you to her book
as if the God in All Life Mattered",
available in my website's Bookstore.
Listen to excerpts from the audio meditation now:
Co-creating Sacredness
The Pure Energy of Nature, invoked here, has a great
ability to help us heal issues with bones and teeth, as well
as help our body access its ability to rejuvenate and
regenerate tissue. It also serves as a means to deeply
hydrate our cells, removing toxins that build up over time.
It is known as a Divine Feminine Matrix, and yet has the
ability to contain the Sacred Masculine, which is only now
entering into our awareness.
Each of us connects in some way to an aspect of Archangel
Michael. Michael is one of the four Archangels or four
principle energetic (and psychological) archetypes of human
consciousness. As such, Archangel Michael is known by many
names in many cultures. I use the Catholic name for this
energetic consciousness because it is the most common name
in my own culture. This is an energy that helps other
energies transport themselves. Michael's energy helps
out-of-time guides leave, and out-of-tune emotional patterns
move on.
Archangel Michael allows all those of consciousness to
potentially reach their goal of evolution. This includes
spiritual beings, guides and even those we might see as gray
or dark beings. We often think of dark energies as something
to get away from. Archangel Michael brings a new
perspective of allowing all energies, no matter how we
perceive them, to move onto wherever they need to go, so
that they may continue to evolve and grow. Sometimes they
just need to go home. Wherever that home might be for
This is a very different way of looking at the sorting and
dividing process. In this case there is no wrong, there is
just 'out-of-time' or 'out-of-place'. Archangel Michael
assists energies or beings to move onto wherever the
consciousness within them recognizes they need to go to
In this way, by invoking Archangel Michael, it takes the
burden off of us. We do not need to know where something
needs to go, nor do we need to know how it needs to get
there. We become a steward, pointing out to energies the
presence of Archangel Michael, and it is up to them to
choose to move so that they themselves can continue
Practicing (and Proving) your ability to clear Yourself
and Your Home
Clearing and releasing energies that imbue the furniture,
files and piles in a room helps bring you into a new
relationship with what surrounds you. Clearing out-of-time
energies within a pile of old papers releases guides or
angels that were in tune with you when you started the
project, but that no longer reflect who you are now. As you
release these out-of-time guides you consciously create
space around you for up-to-date guides. This makes those
dusty piles much easier to dismantle!
We get Stuck in Healing because we are trying to do too
Often we are trying to heal what needs no healing. As
psychics we are interpreting the energies of Spirit through
our own brains. If we believe that something is not healthy
for us, we tend to see it as dark. If we believe something
is good for us, we see it as bright. In applying this to
helping other beings or energies move, it is important to
recognize the consciousness already present within them
knows better than we do where they need to go. We have our
own prejudices, and it is important to acknowledge this as a
natural aspect of our human form.
If we can step back and unbind an energy (or energetic
process, such as a situation) from our own perception of
what it should do or how it should be, we give it the most
freedom to evolve. Without our insistence that something
resolve a certain way, it is more likely to work out in a
way that allows the greatest amount of freedom for it to
change and all the energies within it to go home. For us,
and the rest of humanity, we can experience that same
process as unexpected and very creative, and for our own
issues to more easily resolve.
Grids of Nature's Consciousness
Typically energies that are in tune with a person will
appear as clear in color to that person. There will be no
motion, no weight, no static, no hot or cold sensations.
Initially that can be scary, and experienced as emptiness.
But in reality this clarity simply means there are no
energies in your aura or body except your own energies. How
often do you experience this clarity? Here is a meditation
to help you do so now.
There is a difference between those Nature Spirits and
Nature Intelligences that make up an object that has been
created by humans (wall, floor, chair
) and the Nature
Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the land itself.
Ultimately they are Beings that emanate from the same level
of consciousness. Those in the room have allowed themselves
to be acted upon by the hands of humanity. Those in the
land respond to our dreams, our imagination and our
There are grids of intelligent consciousness to which Nature
Spirits and Nature Intelligences belong. These grids can be
quite large, reflecting geographic areas such as valleys and
mountain chains, as well as social neighborhoods. They have
long been holding the energies of emotion within our planet.
These are emotions which have been shed by humanity,
particularly in areas of physical trauma, such as
battleground sites, but which we have been unable to process
ourselves. Machaelle Wright speaks about this eloquently in
Perelandra Garden Workbook.
What is actively at play now goes beyond those emotions held
by the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences on behalf of
humanity in battlegrounds or similar spaces. Rather, the
emotions that they have held and are now beginning to
release, we created when we chose to cut ourselves off from
Source, God, or All That Is. In choosing to become Beings
within this world of polarity, we had to cut off our ability
to feel Source. If we could feel Source, wholly and
completely, then when we looked at another human being, we
would see Source, wholly and completely manifested before
us. We would not have been able to manifest the polarized
world of US and THEM.
We are not yet returning completely into the oneness we
experience as Beings within Source.
There are many things left to be wrapped up here in this
reality. Many things that we have learned from polarity
need to move into other levels or dimensions of
consciousness. Those many beings, guides and angels that are
watching from other dimensions can only see bits and pieces
of what we do. We have created the belief that they can see
everything clearly, but they really don't. Just as we can
only see them in fleeting moments and hear their suggestions
when they bend down and we raise ourselves up onto tiptoe,
so too their perceptive ability of our world is limited.
The farther away from our third dimension a consciousness
is, the less clarity it has regarding human existence.
It is each of us, each of our souls, that takes the lessons
learned here in polarity with us into the other
In this moment, we are in kindergarten. We are learning how
the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the 2nd
dimension see and support us, just as the upper dimensions
see and support us.
Those grids of consciousness within the planet create the
physical world that we interact with. The grid of
consciousness that pertains to a mountain chain on the US
east coast, for example, feels different from the grid of
consciousness that relates to the Rocky Mountains. Each
grid contains a unique blend of its own consciousness.
These grids of consciousness underlay the foundation of our
physical Earth, bringing unique qualities to each
These grids of consciousness also contain within them
emotions created over millennia by humans living upon the
Earth and interacting with these conscious grids. Remember,
these are grids within the Earth, reflecting the
consciousness of the 2nd dimension. There are also
additional grids of consciousness that surround our planet,
which interact with the grids of consciousness within the
physical planet.
In some areas of the world, such as the Middle East, these
grids within the Earth have been severed or torn apart. In
part by the huge amount of human emotions they have been
asked to carry, and in part by other forces at work within
the Earth.
What is the Next Step?
The grids of consciousness in highly populated areas are
under great stress right now. Those grids of consciousness
that the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences maintain
within the Earth have permission from humanity to release
emotional energies as they need to release them. There are
ways and systems already in place for the emotions of
humanity to be released out of the Earth and out of these
grids of consciousness. And as they move, we can allow them
to move, trusting that they know where to go and how to go.
Sometimes we feel them as they start to move; waves of
anger, distrust or fear. We grab onto them and express them
through our bodies yet again, not realizing these are simply
emotional energies trying to depart from our Earth. This of
course keeps the emotional energies bound into our polarity,
when it is actually their time to move beyond it.
One thing we can each do is to ask, "Is this really my
emotion?" and "Is this really my experience, right now?"
Particularly in highly populated areas these grids are
needing to release long held emotional energies from humans.
You can imagine that it is difficult for these energies to
move out from within the Earth without also moving through
some of the people living upon the land.
Meditation: Releasing Emotional Energies from Your Home
and Land
For right now you can feel your room, and the Nature
Spirits and Nature Intelligences beneath you. You can ask
if they are holding onto anything on behalf of yourself,
other humans, or energies perhaps from another time frame.
You can give the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences
permission to release whatever of these energies they, the
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences, are ready to
release. You can give them permission to release these
energies knowing that the energies will simply continue upon
their own evolutionary path, or move through Archangel
Michael, or will be embraced by a consciousness beyond our
We so often think of energies as having to go up (to heaven,
or to rise in vibration) in order to leave our awareness.
But it is clear that the lower dimensions (which include the
2nd dimensional Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences)
have their own system of escorting energies to wherever
those energies need to go to. For this reason Archangel
Michael's energies, which appear like a tube, extend down
into the 2nd and 1st dimensions, as well as up into the more
familiar 4th, 5th and upper dimensions.
There is an energetic consciousness which reflects the
planet Earth that many people refer to as 'Pan'. And that
quality of consciousness I feel not just beneath us, but
also all around the Earth &endash; a grid of intelligent and
reflective consciousness that surrounds us, just outside the
atmosphere of the planet. Isn't it interesting that in
polarity we want to say that if something is outside of us
then it can't possibly be inside the planet at the same
time. And yet it is!
As we move into the years of 2035 and 2036, our ability to
comprehend apparent opposites as being related will allow us
to access the consciousness that surrounds our planet as Pan
and the conscious within our planet that is also Pan. Those
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences within the land are
also a part of the consciousness of Pan, and so they have a
resonance to the Pan consciousness that surrounds us outside
of the planet.
As we continue into 2078, our souls will find a relationship
with the consciousness' of Nature that make up our physical
Earth as well as with her soul, Gaia. Even if our bodies
are no longer present, our soul will maintain its connection
to Gaia.
The soul that we know as Gaia clothed herself long ago as
the Earth. Those beings helping to weave her clothing,
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences, and the principle
tailor, Pan, are portions of the many souls journeying with
us now. Gaia's journey is our journey.
Meditation: Where is your natural connection to Pan,
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the land beneath
you and within your room?
As we become more fluent in listening to the Nature
Spirits and Nature Intelligences of our space and the land
beneath our homes, we also become available to steward and
give permission for the Nature Spirits and Nature
Intelligences of the Earth to release what they need to
release now.
Nature Spirits, Nature Intelligence and Nature overall have
a consciousness within the 2nd dimension which allows them
to receive and safely hold the emotions of humans when we
cannot contain or process the energies that result from our
emotional outbursts. Now it's time to allow those 2nd
dimensional consciousness to release what they have been
holding on our behalf.
We only get into trouble with this process when we, as
humans, try to do too much. We may try to make something
move that isn't ready to move. Or we make something that
looks rather heavy and gray pretend to be light and bright.
In healing it is crucial to allow energies to be however
they are. They are moving to wherever the consciousness
within them recognizes that they need to go. So dark
energies may remain dark, and simply move onto someplace
that we might also perceive as dark.
Releasing Pan, Archangel Michael, Nature Sphere
Thanking and releasing each element of our Sacred Space
allows us to close those energetic connections. This brings
our body and awareness back into the level of clarity and
consciousness that we function at well.
Your New Clarity
Take an after picture of how your body feels, the space
around you feels, and even the room that you are in feels.
Energies that have been stagnant around objects or piles of
papers often shift with this sort of clearing. This often
allows us to feel like tackling some sorting or cleaning we
have been putting off doing.
In most cases you will notice a clarity and silence in the
space of your aura. In part this relates to energies that
don't fit you being stewarded away and onto wherever they
need to be. Therefore the space, including your own energy
field, now reflects you more.
A deep stillness within your physical body relates to
releasing emotional energies held by the grid of
consciousness within the land beneath you and those
emotional energies pertaining to you in this or other
lifetimes. As humans, we each have the ability to connect
into Pan, Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences. We can
do it with the quality of consciousness we access during
meditation, or by addressing emotional issues in our lives.
Each time we get a 'light bulb moment' of enlightenment in
this lifetime we are helping to release emotional energies
from this lifetime as well as any other lifetime where we
had a similar emotional experience.
It is nice to know that as we do our own work in this
lifetime, we are helping to release chaotic emotional
energies from within the Earth. And as we do this, we
assist Gaia to move her body into her new level of
My best to each of
PS If you enjoyed this
meditation's transcript, have a look at the various podcast
meditations available on the podcast
page. All
podcasts are free, and are also available as at-cost
For those in the
geographic area of southeast Michigan, I am offering a
Meditation Solstice Concert
on Sunday, Dec. 23 at 4pm at The Interfaith Center for
Spiritual Growth. It is by donation, an hour long, all are
welcome and a reception follows. I am joined by Atmaram
Chaitanya on Harmonium and Tambura, both East Indian
instruments used for sacred chant. For more information and
songs from previous concerts
click here.
Please let others know. Musical CDs as well as some of my
Meditation CDs will be available for purchase.
Have a look (and listen) to a video with photos that
captured spiritual energies moving in the room as I sang.
This is from a recent Meditation Concert at the Interfaith
the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod
/ CD player with Norma's Meditations
as CD or mp3) -
#35 from
November 28, 2012
Nature and Earth:
Together the Emotional Traumas of
The soul that we know as Gaia clothed
herself long ago as the Earth. Those
beings helping to weave her clothing,
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences,
and the principle tailor, Pan, are
portions of the many souls journeying with
us now. Gaia's journey is our
As we become more fluent to listening to
the Nature Spirits and Nature
Intelligences of our space and the land
beneath our homes, we also become
available to steward and give permission
for the Nature Spirits and Nature
Intelligences of the Earth to release what
they need to release now.
1 Introduction
2 Co-creating Sacredness
3 Practicing (and Proving) your ability to
clear Yourself and Your Home
4 We get Stuck in Healing (because we are
trying to do too much)
5 Grids of Nature's Consciousness
6 Meditation: Releasing Emotional
Energies from Your Home and Land
7 Pan
8 Releasing Co-Creative Connections
9 Your New Clarity
10 Conclusion
You may notice a few seconds of missing
sound happening a few times in the middle
section of the meditation. Be assured the
meditation picks up again within a few
moments. An essay based on this
meditation can be found as the
2012 newsletter, and may help you more
fully understand the concepts and
meditations offered
New! -
Songs, Chants, Sound Healings, Meditations and
Receive a
Sound Healing from Norma without leaving your
Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online
sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook.
If you want to increase that possibility SUBSCRIBE
on my official
Healing Chants
album invokes your personal connection to Archangel
Michael and provides a unique healing for you each
time you listen to it.
This is a live recording of a healing concert.
The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred
Masculine energies held within the Earth. These
sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for
the feminine, especially as it relates to the women
living in the Middle East, and their emerging
Divine Feminine power.

live concert
Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small
woman's choir
chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael
for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING
CHANTS now: Click
A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and
As of today, I have
Meditations and Teachings recordings
available. They cover all on different subjects, some are
direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel
Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group
of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and
then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and
angels to work with you energetically.
Many are drawn from
the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About
half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely
as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes >
Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time
donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so)
Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process,
posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain
them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000
downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are
you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy
that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull
the information and insights that I share through me from
I look forward to many
more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please
share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with
your friends, your email circle and others.
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get
chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes
home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means
that what is released does not return. And it means that
those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them.
In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to
completion, because they are released with honor and respect
onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or
small, that your soul and body are ready to release.
Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in
time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining
of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the
physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness.
A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find,
address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This
frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues.
(and yes, we can address life issues as well in the
A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the
recording your guides and the healing angels will return to
continue to help your personal inner understanding and
release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour.
Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read
more about private healing sessions
Norma's other offerings ---
Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays
Watch Healing Chants online
(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from
Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD
or download)
(meditations and information, available as a CD or
you buy stuff from or


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someone else's books or music, suppliments
or even a new kitchen sink) HealingChants
will send you up to 2% of your purchase
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Norma Gentile,
Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
YES please pass
this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just
be sure to include my contact info.