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Schedule of Events (Itinerary)


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May 2003 Email Newsletter

posted 5/5/03

Choosing the Vibration of Creation


The open heart is the surrendered heart. All That Is enters through the surrendered heart into this field of reality.

All That Is knows no bounds. Love unifies. Love is the power of the Word. The Word was before God, before all of Creation. Thus the very vibration of spirit is creation itself.
-Archangel Michael


Dear Friends,

As many of you know I am continuing to lead evenings mixing music of Hildegard, messages such as the one above from Archangel Michael, and inviting those present to join me in free-form toning, healing meditations, and sacred chants of various traditions. These act as nurturing evenings, allowing us to use breath, sound, and meditation to generate and infill our bodies with energies reflecting who we are now. (schedule at end)

The focus of the evenings is empowerment. The opposing poles of terror and compassion are being defined in US society this spring. Fear or separation from that which we know contrasts with our love or connection to All That Is. As we stand in love, we know and understand that fear is merely separation, and that love is merely remembering that connection.

Since last year we have been in high gear to release dark energies. When I say dark, I am referring to several levels of dark. I perceive a large out-of-place and out-of-time "off-planet' energy that is being called home now. It appears psychically as dark because it does not respond to the unconditional love our planet is based upon.

Many lightworkers have held parts of this energy since it first entered, nearly 13,000 years ago. They have held it for many lifetimes and now must remember that they are not this darkness. It is a challenge to let go of that which is familiar, and embrace the unknown, It is the challenge of facing the void space in themselves. For many healers this is the most daunting and fearful act. In facing the emptiness or void left behind, we each have the opportunity to then choose the quality of living energy with which we would infill this space. This infilling then allows the next level of dark energies to be seen, and released.

At this moment I believe we are finishing the release of the off-planet energy, and beginning the step of infilling.

As we infill, we are choosing new activities, new foods, and perhaps even new partners. We are choosing the quality of lifestyle that we wish to create for ourselves, from the ground up. As we do so, those energies that no longer serve our bodies, our thoughts, and the parts of our soul legally incarnate* begin to vibrate at a level that creates discord.with who we are choosing to be.

As we hold onto the energies that no longer are in tune with our soul or physical male/female body, they become dark. That which at one time was helpful to us no longer supports us. Just as we outgrow clothes we outgrow energies. We even outgrow some guides and the belief or habit systems to which they attach us.

Oftentimes this level of dark energies includes addictions. Now, most of society says working and shopping and eating are all good. Only each one of us knows when we are acting out of an addictive energy or whether that same action comes from a place of heartfull joy.

Addictions often are created when the pain caused by holding the 'off-planet' energy overwhelms the healer. As a result both soft addictions, such as to sugar or caffeine or wearing black or white clothing, and hard addictions such as to alcohol, sex, etc result. Each addiction has a series of low-level guides. These guides are fed by the addictive behavior. Until now releasing the addiction was nearly impossible, as the guides were attracted both by the off-planet energy, as well as the buffet provided by the addictive behavior. One could hold the addictive behavior at arms length, but it was a constant battle.

I am seeing that as this 'off-planet' energy is being called home, the next level of dark energy, the addictions level, is being clearly revealed. The low-level guides that support and even insist on being fed by addictive behavior are losing the protective shield of the off-planet energy.

In the past 6 weeks I've seen numerous people releasing these underlying addiction guides and addictions with relative ease. It is not that the addiction suddenly isn't there, but that the healer has the ability to release the guides that promote the behavior.

As we each address our addictions, we shift the vibrational level of our lifestyle. Just as we build energy into our aura, the energy field which surrounds our body, we can also tune and retune the quality of our aura and body. With each breath we build energy. With each thought we tune it. As we release addictive behaviors we retune our energetic and physical body. Here is the infilling process.

The more we infill with new behaviors and new thoughts, the more we find old ones coming up for release. Simply infilling more and more tends to let the old move out. If your space is full of your energy, there isn't room for anything else! Likewise, as you infill, that which no longer serves you naturally floats to the surface of your awareness. As old issues arise, be aware that you may be seeing their backsides as they are exiting.

The first of three astrological events occurs on May 15-16. This lunar eclipse marks the infilling of compassion into the planet. The second eclipse of the sun on May 31 brings the divine strength of the masculine forward. The summer solstice closes the doorway or portal through which the off-planet energies are now exiting. I expect a last minute rush…so be ready for some unexpected illnesses, and a rash of odd world events as the energies make a dash for the exit portals around mid-June.

Our task as humans is to bring heaven down into earth, and likewise to let earth express back into heaven. Here is where we stand as humans; channels of conscious love between earth and heaven, between spirit and form.

my blessings to you all,
Norma (with help from Archangel Michael)

*the part of your soul legally incarnate* refers to my sensing that the soul, as I perceive it, is larger than what can fit into one body at any given time. A part of us may choose to experience puberty, and another part adulthood. Guides may also come and go with these soul parts shifting in and out. A guide that was helpful to us as a child may not be as useful to us as adults. Some guides mature with us, others seems to move on and make way for new ones to enter. I find that clearing past guides in private sessions allows much deeper and clearer communication, and often releases chronic physical issues.

ITINERARY &endash; complete list at


PRACTITIONER'S INTENSIVE (new - click for description)
Toronto June 6-8 (
Ann Arbor July 18-20 or 25-27

Cleveland May 10 (private home, call 734-330-3997)
Ann Arbor June 4 at Crazy Wisdom
Yellow Springs, OH July 12

Cleveland May 11-12
Toronto June 8-9
Yellow Springs, OH July 13
Ann Arbor May 14-June 2


Norma Gentile is a nationally known clairvoyant Sound and Energy Healer, channel, writer, and recording artist of three acclaimed CDs. Her work has received international attention, and has been praised by Yoga Journal, Sedona Journal, and many others. Norma's healing abilities are included in Brooke Medicine Eagle's new book, "The Last Ghost Dance", and her music is used by Carolyn Myss, Drunvalo Melchizedek and others.

Her new CD, HEALING CHANTS, was released June 1st. It is a live recording of a healing concert featuring chants by Hildegard von Bingen. The songs invoke the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine, using the music as a carrier wave for healing energies. The recording includes spoken information on the role of women as healers in the Middle East, Hildegard's poetry, as well as a blessing.


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Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

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