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January 2003 Email Newsletter
Opening Doors, Opening Hearts

Dear Friends,

I wish you all a splendid new year, as marked by the Gregorian calendar (yes, the same pope that brought us the Gregorian chant notation also standardized the Christian calendar - you gotta love those administrative types).

For those of you lounging about today, I have a short newsletter and information on two new articles.

The Toronto Star ran a large story on sound and healing in which I was featured. To see the article, which included information on other sound healers and their concepts as well as myself, there is a link from my home page,

It will remain up until this coming Saturday evening.

For those who are looking for an inspirational piece, "Love, Compassion and Desire; choosing a new reality" from The Sedona Journal of Emergence: Prediction 2003 is available at

The shift in mid-February that many psychics have predicted seems to be moving closer and closer. I'm sensing it occurring in mid-January, perhaps even sooner.

A feeling of needing to hurry up and complete spiritual or personal growth is apt to be a result. Unfinished business is often part of the changeover to a new calendar year. This year completing spiritual cycles, completing relationships, releasing the old so that the new may be birthed and welcomed in mid-January is the major path.

Joy can be a part of this release, as well as sorrow at the potentialities not realized. Remember, that which is not birthed in this world is always birthed in another world, another reality, or simply by other means a bit later in time. Focusing on the unrealized brings our attention to lack. We are seeing and repeatedly giving our energies into a non-reality, into 'what might have been'.

Giving our attention to that which does grow, such as those opportunities and open doors and open hearts that stand center in our paths, let's us stay in the loop and in the moment of the creative process. As humans, this is much easier in theory than in practice, of course!

Below is a short itinerary for the next several months. I will be back to the office this weekend to return emails requesting sessions - my apologies for the delay!

If you are interested in bringing me to your community for a concert, workshop or private sessions please read the Sponsor Information (also on my website) and contact me if it seems appropriate.

My best to each of you at this time,

-Norma Gentile (with Amano)


----------------SHORT UPCOMING EVENTS LIST-------

(complete info at


Ann Arbor area January 4-10, 16-20, (Many Hands Healing Jan 18)
Chicago/Evanston area Jan 13-14
Portland, OR Jan 27-28
Cleveland, OH March 9-10 (and perhaps sooner TBA, email if interested)
734-330-3997 or to schedule an appt. in the US

Toronto downtown, February 16-18
(416-873-1514 or to schedule a session time)

-------------CONCERTS AND WORKSHOPS--------------

Evanston, IL Sunday Jan 12
Unitarian Church 847-864-1330

Portland, OR Jan 24 concert - The Old Church
Portland, OR Jan 26 workshop Opening to Life Center
503-257-7623 / advance discounted tixs at New Renaissance Bookstore

Ann Arbor Feb 6 concert U-M Art Museum (FREE)
Ann Arbor Feb 23 workshop Crazy Wisdom 734 665-2757

Cleveland March 7 concert
Cleveland March 8 chant workshop &endash; sing Hildegard
both at Ursuline Sophia Center, 440-442-4160


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