How to
Use these Meditations
is best to plan on lying down and resting deeply as
you listen. Do not listen to these meditations
while driving or engaging with other activities.
The general pattern of these Meditations is to
begin with an invocation of Sacred Space followed
by a bit of information. Then we weave in and out
of gentle meditative states. Your guides and angels
will work with you during these meditative states
and for several days after.
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#65 from June 20, 2023
Ease, Not Effort
to rest more fully into
to induce a good night's sleep!

Falling asleep is a known side-effect of listening
to this meditation. Be in a quiet place where
you can listen and not be disturbed.
Norma's music and meditations are available on
and most streaming services.
A deeply restful healing meditation from Archangel
Michael and Mary, speaking through Norma. Let
yourself lie down, close your eyes, and come to
rest into those natural healing processes that
surround and support you.
Energies may assist to release pain and discomfort
in your legs and lower body. The soft tender tissue
behind your knees, the spherical chakras at the
ankles and the chakras on the bottom of your feet
are included in this healing meditation.
Opening the lower portion of your body allows
congested stuck energies to flow more easily
throughout your body. This will help with headaches
and sinus issues.
Transcript as PDF
or read below
June 20,2023
Ease, not Effort
Learn to Rest more deeply into Healing
from sound
shaman Norma Gentile
with Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor
Welcome, this is Norma Gentile. This is a
simple hour of healing. Coming to rest into those
natural processes that already surround and support
us. Find a space ideally where you can lie down
and not be disturbed, where your body is
We start by finding and welcoming those aspects of
Sacredness that are already present in the physical
world around us. Find in your awareness the floor
of the room you are in. Find in your awareness the
corners where the walls and floor meet. Now find in
your awareness how the ceiling of the room meets
the corners of the walls.
Now you have found 8 corners of the room. This
allows the Nature Spirits within the room to step
forward and support you more fully.
RESTING INTO SPIRIT &endash; Discerning how to
use Activation Energies to Manifest
I feel that
sense of Spirit that surrounds all of us and
carries us is something that we are learning more
and more to rest into and to lay back into.
[This is part of] our ability to simply be
with others in a way that allows us to more fully
develop who we are. This allows us to feel
I think that sense of safety is what I am most
noticing right now. There is this call to be able
to relax so deeply; that it is a deeper relaxion
then we have ever known before.
And especially in this particular moment as we are
doing this live [June 2023], we are moving
into some interesting times. Because this
particular moment for us we are working with the
energy of the Summer Solstice, we are working with
that incredible awakening.
This year, more than others, I am feeling a sense
of what I want to call Activation Energy. It is
energy that you can use to pretty much do anything.
It is up to us to have the discernment over what we
are going to do, and how we are going to do it.
I welcome you again to just rest. Find the
corners of the room around you, find the floor and
how it meets the walls, find the ceiling and how
it meets your walls. Just define, with your
awareness, the space around you, so that those
Nature Spirits that vibrate at what they consider
to be THEIR level of unconditional love can join
you. They join in with the consciousness of the
human in the room, or humans in the room. All we
have to do is turn and ask.
And then we are also turning and asking for the
support of those Nature Spirits directly beneath
the room. Those Nature Spirits [in the
land] vibrating at their level of unconditional
love, just welcoming them to be present. Just
[those within] the footprint of the room.
We are not looking for anything more. Just the
Nature Spirits that are directly related to the
room you are in right now that vibrate at THEIR
level of unconditional love; not our imposed
assumption of unconditional love, but what they
tell us is THEIR level of unconditional love.
Welcoming as well that Pure Energy of Nature. That
wonderful quality of energy that the Nature Spirits
have referred to as Grandmother. They see it as
where they come from; their ancestor. And so too
it is a quality of energy that we, as humans, are
fully connected to. Our connection can be greater
or lesser depending on what we are doing and our
Oftentimes I explain this to people as being a
quality of abundance, of verdancy or of a verdant
nature energy. The kind you feel right after the
rain has come and the grass is growing and the
plants are so happy. Or, if you are lucky enough
to live in a place where you can walk through a
setting of trees or a small forest area, that is
the quality of energy that the Pure Energy of
Nature nourishes, and helps to bring into our
That Pure Energy of Nature then joins with the
Nature Spirits of the room and the land beneath to
create a sphere all around the space we
[you] are in. This sphere, again, reflects
the unconditional love of Nature as defined by
So there is nothing difficult, or hard, or rushed.
And as we have been creating the sphere all around
the space you are in, your own consciousness has
been shifting bit by bit. As your own
consciousness is shifting, it is allowing you to
see and know and feel things that otherwise you
might not see or know.
This is the wonder of healing! [It is]
almost always not about getting something from
outside, but it is about remembering something.
And we are remembering that 'something' oftentimes
because we are seeing outside of ourselves. Or
feeling it outside of ourselves. And it awakes or
resonates something from within us that we
remember. We know all about connecting to Spirit
but we do not know all about healing. All we are
doing is simply reminding ourselves of the balance
and the presence that we already know.
There is no such thing as being fully disconnected
from Spirit. It is simply that we have forgotten.
We have become busy. We have been distracted by the
So I invite you, whether you are on Facebook or the
phone, or listening to this later on as a podcast,
to try this little experiment. And it goes like
this: Feel wherever the weight of your body is.
Feet on the floor and butt in the chair perhaps if
you are sitting. Or are you lying down on a bed?
Or on a couch? Or on the ground?
How much more can you let the couch, the ground,
the bed, the chair, the floor support you? How much
more can you let those Nature Spirits that make up
the couch, the bed, the ground, the chair
make up whatever it is that your body is in contact
with now
how much can you let those Nature
Spirits support you?
Let them do their job. They love to do their job.
Let them more fully support you.
This seems so strange
but one of the areas
we hold a lot of tension in are the knees. I think
often of chakras as being either spherical in
nature, or of having a front side and back side.
So the cones that we think of opening out, can open
out in the frontside and backside of our body. They
don't just open in the front. I know we see
pictures all the time like that [of the front
chakras] but there is a backside too. And there
are [vortices or cones] that go up and down
too. Hence the idea of it also being a sphere of
Chakras are just a fancy word for energy. And if
you look at the energy around the knees, almost
always the space on the backside of the knees, that
soft tender place, is full of guides and angels
that we have drawn to ourselves, or perhaps
received, and agreed to hold for others, [who
by sending us the guides or angels are] trying
to help us move forward. Trying to help us advance
in some way.
And the thing about the knee chakras is that they
really don't like to have energies stuck in there.
Our knee chakras, like all of our body, prefer to
have just out guides, our angels, our energies.
But so often in Western Culture we feel a sense of
shame or guilt for not accomplishing something that
is visible in physical reality. I know that has
been a standard. And coming into a sense of rest
(I am hearing the word 'recline' right now in my
mind from one of the guides) [means]
allowing yourself to be supported by the physical
reality and the energetic reality
we don't
talk about that very much.
We talk about nourishing ourselves, but there is
always this goal of "if you nourish yourself it is
because you want to create something or have
something happen". So it is a quid-pro-quo.
[Here is an example] "If I eat this good
food, then I can do this" or, "if I let myself
sleep an extra hour, then I can do this". We
seldom consider simply meditating because
I think that is probably the best place to start in
terms of looking at how this sense of allowing
ourselves to rest and recline comes into our lives
more fully now.
The awareness of the couch, the bed, the ground,
the chair, the floor that are supporting you, can
allow your body to release habitual tension
patterns more and more. Go back to the knees. Now
that we have talked about this and let some time
pass your own guides and angels are much more apt
to be behind you, [even] behind your knees.
And, you might be able to feel a little bit more
motion or tingling or flow of energy in your legs
or some other part of your body.
Knees relate to 2nd chakra [in the] low
belly, and relate to throat as well. So working at
the knees these other areas are apt to begin to
raise their hands and say "hey, we want some
attention too!"
So let your body
and if there is nothing else
signaling [for your attention] go back to
the knees. This is the root of working with that
sense of coming into an even deeper ability to rest
right now. And the more we are able to rest (I am
hearing) the more we are able to receive
nourishment, information and support as we live our
life, and as we meditate, and do whatever practices
we each do each day.
So thinking about the knees, the knee chakras, and
[putting attention to the space] about 3
inches, 4 inches, 5 inches, 6 inches behind that
soft tissue of the [backside] of the knees.
Letting the Nature Spirits of the room receive
whatever your body is ready to let go of. They can
carry most of this to wherever it needs to go to.
They are excellent at sorting things out and
helping those energies, especially those energies
relating directly to our physical body, that first
layer [of the aura]; they are very good at
helping that stuff move.
And I know that Archangel Michael is also present
in some way, [although you may know this energy
by some other] name, which each [person
listening]. And Michael's energy is also
available to discern how and where each energy can
go, and to help that energy get to where it needs
to go to now.
Allowing yourself for the moment to continue to
feel how your energies want to move through those
knee chakras. You may be starting to there. There
may also be energies that are starting to move
through the calf muscles, the ankles, the feet
[and] the bottom of the feet.
Without recognizing a huge single moment of shift,
our Earth has done another shift vibrationally in
the last 6 weeks. Keeping in mind the process
humanity is going through of changing consciousness
is reflected within the Earth herself. [It
is] reflected within all of physical reality.
We are moving together. As we change, our bodies
change, and the availability of our body to change,
and remain in form, is based on the changes that
Gaia, the Soul within the Earth makes, and the
changes that all the plants, and the animals, and
everything in form makes. And my guides also want
me to mention that they too are effected by the
changes we make. And not only are they effected by
the changes we make, but they also have this
response to it. And their response to the changes
that we are making let us make additional
It is easy to think of guides and angels as static,
unconditional loving beings. It is more
challenging to think of them as beings that do
reside in the realms beyond right and wrong, beyond
polarity; realms that I would qualify as
unconditional love, and yet they learn from us and
with us. As humanity changes, guides and angels,
even the Big Guides get to change.
There is an energetic connection and
interconnectedness between all consciousness.
Whether it is a pebble in the lake, or the lake
itself, or the sand, or a grain of sand
is an energetic matrix that surrounds each. One of
the things we are learning is that this
interconnectedness in Spirit is reflected in the
interconnectedness of all life globally, all
physical life.
What each of us chooses and does impacts others.
When we choose something that leads to greater ease
and comfort and nourishment for ourselves, It
almost always does the same for others. Likewise
when we choose something that is painful, forcing,
driving us
it almost always brings that same
energetic 'spear' (I want to call it) into the
physical reality. And creates more of that same
driven quality.
In the time of the solstice there is this abundant
solar energy there is so much easy access to
[energies for] doing stuff; to getting
stuff done. This July &endash; August &endash;
September we are going to be experiencing some
additional energies. So just as the energy of the
sun begins to dissipate in a very palpable way, as
we move into Equinox time in September, before
that, we are going to have a couple of Super Moons.
And those energies tend to contribute to this sense
of emotional overload or overwhelm. So what I am
noticing this summer is instead of having a period
of doing things that then begins to slow and is
then heightened again [from the] end of
July into the middle of September by the alignment
we have with the Sirian Sun. There is going to be a
Full Moon energy on top of that having to do with
emotions and really bringing a sense of
magnification of emotional issues.
I don't see this as necessarily wrong. I see this
as something to be aware of. So as we are feeling
our own bodies, and feeling that sense of rest
[and] repose, we have the ability to remind
ourselves, always, that we are connected to Spirit.
That we are connected to the energetic matrix
within each and every being. Whether that being is
our couch, or the planet herself. Everything
around us can support us. Everything that
surrounds us can be part of why we choose to do
something and the energies that we use to do it
whatever that action might be.
Just allowing yourself, again, to tune in, as I
have been speaking. When there are challenging
concepts we often re-grip into our bodies. We often
find areas of our bodies that all of a sudden we
have tensed up again. This is a good indication
that "ah, here is a little extra tension that we
really don't need to have."
We can meet whatever might be more difficult to
hear, or even slightly adversarial, we can meet
that also with a sense that within us is ease and
comfort, and that no matter what is happening
external to ourselves, if it is difficult, there is
also that which is not so difficult. There is
always a way to create that which IS NOT so
difficult to encompass and embrace that which IS
difficult. Not to be rid of it, but simply to make
it possible to address and sit with the discomfort
long enough to understand what we need to know from
So again, I ask you to feel that space all around
you. And feel how your own body, your own couch or
sofa, or the land or chair is supporting you now.
Trust the Nature Spirits to do their job. Let them
do their job. Let them support you now. Allow
yourself to sink, more and more, on whatever
surface your body is lying on now.
As you breathe in, imagine that your feet can
widen. Imagine your feet can lengthen. Imagen your
ankles can widen, and lengthen, and expand in all
directions as you breath in. Our attention allows
the energies that are naturally ours to be created
in whatever part of our body we are feeling or
looking at. There is no right or wrong. This just
allows our body to come to rest more and more. And
as we are surrounded by our own energies more and
more our body comes to rest more and more. It goes
back and forth.
This is also a wonderful thing [focus or
meditation or visualization] to do if you need
to [fall] asleep. Just breathe into some
part of your body and imagine it expanding with
each breath [inhalation]. Putting your
attention on any area of your body, allows you to
build more of your own energy each time you inhale.
And that quality of energy will be built most
specifically in that area of the body you are
putting your attention on.
And at some point you can begin to notice your
exhale and release whatever your body doesn't want
anymore. Just release, and give your body
permission to release what is already knows it is
ready to let go of. The energies know they are
ready to go. Anything you feel or notice
those little energies tapping at your body saying
"we are ready
come on, pay attention
are ready
we have some place to go
someplace to be."
Even old guides and angels from past projects,
other parts [times] of our life can be
released. Releasing past guides and angels allows
the current time guides and angels to be
[more] present.
Around the feet it is lovely to release Nature
Spirits you may have collected up into those feet
chakras when you were walking in a particularly
beautiful space, or walking in a Sacred Space. It
is OK to let those Nature Spirits go back and keep
the stones happy or the sand happy or the grass
or whatever you were walking on happy.
We also collect up Nature Spirits from floors,
where we have been standing or sitting, and felt
nervous. It is lovely to let go of them at the
same time. You may not have even known that you
collected them up. Maybe you were in a meeting.
Maybe you were talking, or maybe you were the
presenter. The Nature Spirits would have come
[to help you] when you had a sense of "oh,
I need to ground more."
It is OK to let them go back to wherever they came
from. The concrete [or] linoleum floor,
the carpet,
wherever. I honor that the Nature
Spirits we collect into our feet chakras often have
a role to play in maintaining the surface that our
feet were in contact with. We can also release any
Nature Spirits that we may have collected up from
arch supports or from shoes. [It] sounds a
little crazy but that can happen as well.
And again, this is a wonderful thing to do as you
go to sleep each night. To thank and release all
those Nature Spirits you may have interacted with
in your body and especially in your feet.
Allowing all that multitude of feet chakras,
because we have feet chakras that reflect all the
different organs and energy centers in the body; so
all those reflex points, all those energy centers
in the body, can release energies that they have
collected or been interactive with. All you need,
right this moment, are your energies and your own
guides and angels. Your body knows exactly what it
needs, and how it needs it.
And oftentimes when we start to open those feet
chakras, all this energy starts to run, and our
river expands tremendously. And all of a sudden our
ankles hurt! Or someplace else hurts. Because we
worked with the knees a bit, and the feet a bit, it
only makes sense that the other major energy center
in the ankles [in the middle between them]
may start to hurt or feel a little uncomfortable.
So we can release out of there, or wherever else in
your body you are noticing something, by doing the
same exact process. We honor, around the ankles,
that as we breathe in we want to create more of our
own energies. The chakras around the ankle shift
and change. They expand and grow. They reflect you,
more and more. They reflect exactly how old you
are, and exactly how wise you are. And they
reflect the balance in your life. They reflect the
strength your Soul has to give you the tools and
the information to maintain that balance.
I love how our chakras will grow so quickly when we
pay attention to them. And I also appreciate how
the action energetically of each chakra reflects
its physical location in the body.
That ankle is such a wonderful flexible part of our
body. It allows us to support the weight of our
body, but in a way that isn't rigid or stagnant.
Ideally the ankle has a sense of mobility. So that
as we plant our foot on the ground, if we tilt one
way or the other, our foot remains anchored. And
yet it shifts just a tiny bit, one way or the
other. The foot itself might move to accommodate
lumps and bumps, and the ankle allows the weight
[of the body] to continue to come down into
the foot in whatever way is appropriate. It just
has this wonderful mobility about it.
And again, it is not rigid. It does not insist on
holding in an exact location [position]. It
is not a perfect 90 degree angle at all times.
Obviously! This quality of flexibility while
supporting weight allows us to deal with tension
patterns in the world, and allows us to move from a
sense of overwhelm, especially a sense of emotional
overwhelm, into a sense of feeling like "oh, this
is difficult, but I've got it."
Letting ourselves feel that nourishment we receive
through our feet chakras allows us to expand that
ability to create stability in our ankles. With
that stability we can move forward through the
knees more and more easily. So much of the low body
is about how we interact with our world;
[especially] the quality of moving forward
[and] the quality of engagement.
HOW BEING NOURISHES your ability TO DO (and
effects your gut)
In Western culture, too often we see external
to ourselves the ideal of "simply do it." "Have
another coffee and simply do it." That unrealistic,
ungrounded quality of energy creates more objects,
more things, that are typically not fully
comfortable, not integrated into our reality, or
into life.
What if we were to allow ourselves the time and
space, just like now, to simply be and let the past
energies move elsewhere? Especially around the
ankles. And you might hear, in your head, [all
those times] when you have been told "just do
it, go clean your room!" (as a kid), [or]
"just go do your homework!" (as a kid), and then
you started telling yourself the same; "I just have
to do this now!" There is a huge difference
between feeling ready to do something, and pushing
through and forcing yourself to do something. Big
That pushing through, that forcing rewires the
enteric nervous system, which is the nervous system
that wraps around the gut and it rewires the
nervous system in the brain, and I would say it
rewires the Central Nervous System all the way
through the body through {utilizing} the spine.
Instead of our nervous system listening for
opportunities to rest, and relax and be nourished,
it begins to listen in fear mode. "When will I be
attacked?" "When will I be told that I must do
something?" It becomes turned on in a way where it
is constantly on guard. In order to truly relax,
in order to truly nourish ourselves, that switch
needs to be turned off.
We have had a lifetime of keeping it going. We
have had a lifetime of experiencing things where we
felt/thought we had to keep it going. But we don't
have to.
Bring your awareness to your feet. Letting
those feet chakras continue to plug into all those
Earth energies that your body wants to be nourished
with now. And the ankles; that wonderful spherical
round ball of energy at your ankles. How does your
Soul want your ankle or ankles to feel? How does
your Soul, right now, want to support that
wonderful round ball of energies at your ankles?
That chakra that comes from the front and the back
and the sides of your ankles, again, reflects who
you are, reflects your Soul's ability, and all the
guides and angels that support you, it reflects all
of their abilities to help you move forward gently,
easily, [and] maintain a sense of balance
and stability while you interact with the
The ankles have a wonderful spherical round ball of
energy that acts as its chakra. This chakra extends
in front, in back and out of each side of your
ankle. It reflects the abilities of your guides,
your angels and your Soul to help you move forward
gently, easily, and maintain a sense of balance and
stability while you interact with the world.
And all those other energies around pushing and
forcing and having to move forward are probably not
really in tune with you anymore. In all likelihood
those energies can easily move onto wherever they
need to go to now. Your body is fully supported by
your own Soul, right now. And it is fully
supported by that portion of your Soul, right here,
right now, today, that is choosing to incarnate in
your body.
The quality of energy that you create as you
imagine breathing from your ankles, breathing from
the bottom of your feet
that quality of energy
you create with every inhale reflects your legally
incarnating Soul, right now, the portion that wants
to be with your body, right now, and it reflects
your physical body, right now.
Continue to release all those energies that aren't
in tune with you now. There is no right or wrong.
There is only "How do those energies want to be
now?" Allowing who you are to be present now.
Allowing those guides, those angels, to be present
who are in alignment with your choices, your Soul's
choices, to be present now.
Coming back up to the knees, where we started.
Allowing those knees, and that wonderful sense of
the space behind the soft tissue of the knees, to
reflect who you are now, [and] to reflect
that portion of your Soul legally incarnating now.
This allows the front side of the knee, and the
space up above and down below it, because again,
the chakras can be a big ball of energy. So it
creates all of that area in a way that reflects who
you are now, that reflects your Soul legally
incarnating now, that reflects all of who you are
now, that reflects the tasks and the things you are
choosing right now. All those issues in life that
your Soul and you are choosing to engage with. And
you are choosing to engage with them in such a way
that your guides, your angels, your connection to
Spirit, your Soul
is beyond that which is
defined by the difficulty that you are engaging
Whatever you are engaging with lies within this
wonderful, nourishing sphere of energy, and that
sphere of energy is represented by each joint of
our body, each organ, each cell. The connection
with Spirit and the support we receive from Spirit
is always present, always available to us. It is
merely our turn [our job,] to remember
what that connection is.
Releasing the fixation on external "doing",
external tasks, and turning that focus of our brain
to that which nourishes us now. We start by asking
our body "what does it want?" Not imposing anything
upon the body but simply asking "What does it
Today we started by asking the river of
energies, especially relating to the low body, how
our body wants to relate
how does the river of
energy that moves through our body want to move?
How does our body want it to move? Can we simply
release all the sticks and stones that may have
accumulated within the river of energy within our
low body? Can we simply release them and allow
ourselves to feel that innate connection to the
Earth, to Spirit?
Notice again, down all the way in your feet. You
are connected to that aspect of the Pure Energy of
Nature that reflects your body [and lies]
within the Earth. Warm and rich and soothing. You
have the ability to make this connection anytime
you want. There is no right, no wrong.
Releasing as well any related guides, angels,
energies from behind the head, neck or throat.
Releasing especially those guides and angels
reflecting beliefs that no longer serve. Letting
that area behind the head, neck and throat reflect
who you are now, and your connection into the
physical realm now.
Releasing as well from behind the thymus gland,
high heart, shoulders, between the shoulder blades
and releasing out of heart chakra, again, releasing
those guides and angels reflecting beliefs around
healing, or what is "good" or what is appropriate.
Releasing what is no longer of service to you, to
your Soul.
Continuing to release out of the diaphragm area
just beneath the heart, out of solar plexus (sort
of mid-torso) all those Will Chakra energies that
we will work with in the next Meditation (Aug 11,
2023). All those energies around "I Can Do It" "I
Can Push Through". We can just have a sense of
humor about that and say "well, it's a lot easier
to catch that wave and surf on it, and be creative
and expansive rather than insist that we are going
to 'make something happen' and somehow we are going
to go through this huge wave of energy, instead of
surfing on it.
SOUL, not to YOU
Oftentimes our sense of what we should be doing
(and our plans) simply will not line up with
external reality. More and more this may simply be
because our external reality is changing a lot
faster than it used to. I think we are getting
pretty good, usually, "OK, that meeting isn't going
to happen" or "that trip isn't going to happen" or
"I am not doing that this afternoon I guess I am
doing this" So, we are getting better at that.
The next step is discerning when our Soul is
thirsting for us to do [something] that may
not be within the range of thoughts we are having
at the moment. I think we are getting better at
recognizing when there is a pull or tug to do
something but nothing of what we have planned seems
to be the thing that we really need to be doing.
Simply sitting and nourishing ourselves,
reconnecting to Earth so that we can listen to
Gaia's changes. So that we can understand that as
the physical reality in which the Soul, Gaia, in
the Earth lives, as that changes, all of a sudden
our reality changes too. It is not just
occasionally. It is fairly constant now. It is not
about having a moment in time where something
changes. It seems to be more that it is an ongoing
process, millimeter by millimeter by millimeter.
And this allows us to look back, to look back over
the past 5 weeks for example, and there have been
some slow but steady shifts made around many of the
political and ecological issues going on. This will
continue slowly, bit by bit by bit by bit
Continuing to have that sense of who you are and
how you are allows you to feel, appropriately, what
to do and what not to engage with. Especially as we
move into the heightened emotions in July and
August, it will be very useful to recognize that
when you see something external to yourself you can
(let it) respond, and let it resonate your issue up
[into your awareness]. Then you can clear
your issue before you take any action.
In that way you are not reactive to the external,
you are simply addressing it, and choosing whether
or not to be in relationship with it, and then
choosing the quality of relationship to have with
it, whether it is a person or a situation. We can
always [also] choose to see something
external to ourselves and feel our own issue arise,
and feel as if what is external to ourselves is
being placed into our [energy] field or
being pushed into our field.
When we feel a sense of something impinging
upon us, anger is a very natural reaction. One way
to lessen anger from circumstances where we don't
really need the anger, is to simply recognize what
is external to us is indeed reminding us of
something internal. Finding the space where
whatever that is can be addressed, surrounded,
so that we can feel that sense of
being in deep rest and repose. Reclining into our
guides and angels in a way that whatever is within
us can be addressed, seen and released. And then
whatever is external to us becomes
neither here nor there. We can
address it, or not.
And so with that little preview about third
chakras and will power, we come down to that navel
chakra. Allowing the navel chakra, and again the
sphere around the navel, to reflect each person
present. As you breathe in, allow that navel
chakra, front and back, up above and down below,
just letting it be a reflection of how your Soul
and body want to embrace each other now.
Thanking and releasing any other energies, and
releasing again, going down one more chakra into
your belly, and letting that sense of ease and
comfort and flow that your body wants to have now,
letting that ease and comfort and flow that your
body want to have at the second
allowing it to be present now. Allowing
those voices, those beliefs around heard work and
difficulty and pain, just allowing all of that to
release out.
And it may release now. [And] you might
notice over the next couple days odd strange
beliefs or weird, other people's voice popping into
your head. That means they are on the way out!
Don't hold onto them. Thank them profusely. Feel
that sense of gratitude because it must have been
of service, it must have been of use. At some point
in time that was useful for you
it is just no
longer useful. It's OK
it is a pair of clothes
or shoes you have grown out of. Just letting your
body retune the belly
the area that includes
the navel all the way down to first chakra to pubic
bone to grounding. Letting your body feel all that
supportive energy now available to it coming up
through the feet, and the ankles and the knees.
And the hip chakras. The joints creating this
wonderful matrix, and again containing so much
mental energy, mental beliefs built into our
matrix. And it is OK to let go of them bit by bit
by bit. We have spent a whole life-time growing
them. It may take more than 30 seconds to
or [more than] a day or two
days. Let your body be the guide.
Notice from your navel on down, anything that seems
like it is tapping and saying "I am ready to go".
Whether it is a physical sensation or an emotion,
just releasing it [and] letting it move
onto wherever it needs to go to now. And just very
gently allowing that release to create space for
your Soul, just the portion of your Soul right
here right now today that wants to sit into your
body, that wants to embrace your body, that wants
to step through and be within your body, especially
that low body area, just letting your Soul, this
portion of your Soul be present and generate along
with your body the quality of energy that reflects
who you are with each and every breath.
Who are you now? How are you now? And
releasing any other energies that your body and
your Soul, is ready to let go of. And just letting
this new river of energy, or I should say this
newly expanded river of energy, move all the way
through. With each breath [let it] move
all the way through from below your feet to up
above your head. Allowing the body to expand side
to side and front to back. This is just your own
electromagnetic field, your own aura, your own
energy. And wherever you feel a little static or a
little impingement or a little heaviness, that is
just something that is no longer in tune with you.
Feel free to let it go.
Feeing up above your head
so often we
collect guides and angels up through here
[above the head in the crown chakra]. And
they may sit inside the head and cause tinnitus and
headaches, they may also be slightly above the head
or to one side or the other sometimes, or behind.
All we want to do right now is to look at those
major life-time guides and allow them to sort
themselves out. They may need to upgrade or update
because you have changed. [So] it is time
for them to change as well. And again, it is just
like software, 6.2 [updates to] 6.3
[which goes to] 6.4. We are just updating.
Letting them update. Letting your body update. It
goes back and forth. It just toggles back and
Letting the space up above your head reflect who
you are now, and how you are now. And just very
gently thanking and releasing any guides or angels
that are ready to be released, especially out of
crown chakra and out of the space around the head,
neck and shoulders. Letting your guides and angels,
that sit with you right here, right now, be
Letting the area up above your head, what I
would call the 8th chakra, about 6 inches (more or
less) above your head, letting it reflect who you
are now, Just as we allow the lower 8th chakra,
underneath your feet, to reflect who you are now.
And both of these chakras emanate from that moment
of conception. The 8th chakra, in mystical terms,
is that very first cell. And that very first cell,
when it divides into two cells, that becomes your
upper 8th and lower 8th chakra.
So the energetic context of the 8th chakra (6
inches above your head and 6 inches below your feet
when you are standing) is that these chakras
interface with reality and how your Soul has set up
or created and expanded a space within reality for
your body to exist within. Shifting upper and lower
8th chakras allows for major shifts in life. And it
allows for those shifts to happen slowly, over
time, so as not to be disruptive. So as to bring
the same sense of flow and ease to your life and to
the changes you are making to your life.
When changes can be made in life with this
undergirding sense of flow and ease, that change is
going to create the same quality of flow and ease
in other people's lives, and it will continue to
replicate and to magnify within your own life.
Just choosing one issue in life and saying "ok, I
am going to be mindful of making choices around
this one issue in an easy way, in a way that I
don't feel rushed". Doing that in one area of your
life will help you cultivate that quality of
energy. And it will begin to be something you want
to do and can tag and do in other aspects of your
life more easily.
Accessing this quality of ease is natural. It is
part of your birthright. It is part of who you
Turn your attention for a moment to that upper 8th
chakra and the lower 8th chakra. You will even feel
a pranic tube that connects them. And there is
much more to all of that. But for right now just
[notice] the upper 8th chakra and lower 8th
chakra beneath your feet, and you may notice the
pranic tube running through your body connecting
them. Again, this is who you are, and how you are.
No right, no wrong.
So for right now, we are going to thank and
release all those energies that have supported us
and helped us get to where we are now. Find the
room around you again. We are going to thank and
release all those angels, guides and beings that
have entered into the sacred space around you.
Letting each of them step to wherever they need to
go to now. Making room for the guides and angels
that will help you as you come out of trance and as
you move back, into your day to day life.
Releasing the conscious magnified connection to the
healing guides and angels that have been present
for each person.
And thanking as well the Nature Spirits of the
room. Those that have stepped forward at their
level of unconditional love to help to hold the
sphere around the room. Letting them clear and
cleanse anything from this meditation within
themselves, within the room, or within your space
or your body. Thanking and releasing them from
holding the sphere and releasing the conscious
magnified connection to them now.
And it is OK for it to feel a little empty and a
little lonely. That's going to come to balance in
a second.
Feeling the Nature Spirits of the land beneath,
again, those that vibrate at their level of
unconditional love and have stepped forward, very
gently just letting them cleanse and clear anything
from this meditation within themselves, within the
land beneath, within the lower portion of the
sphere, which may include the floor of your room.
Thanking them so much for doing what it is that
they love to do today, and for showing us an
example of how easy it is to simply follow the
programming, the matrix of consciousness laid
within each of us. They just gave us a nice
demonstration ot that!
So now we thank and release our conscious
connection to those Nature Spirits of the land
beneath. Thanking and releasing them from holding
the sphere, and releasing the conscious, magnified
connection to them. Letting them step back to
wherever they need to go to.
And again, it may feel a little odd or a little
different, and that is OK.
And addressing the Pure Energy of Nature, that has
been holding the full sphere around the room.
Knowing that we continue to have a connection to
the Pure Energy of Nature at all times. But we are
going to turn it down to about 10% or whatever your
Soul and body want to have now. That connection to
the Pure Energy of Nature can always be reopened or
energized and turned back on [more fully].
But for right now, allowing your body to recognized
that it has plugged itself in [to the Pure
Energy of Nature] and it has gotten
nourishment, and it has received what it was ready
to receive. And so allowing the Pure Energy of
Nature to cleanse and clear anything from the
meditation that it can help to cleanse and clear
from anyone's room. And letting it gently release
out, as we let go of it. Allow our conscious
connection to the Pure Energy of Nature to return
to whatever amount or percentage is appropriate now
for our body, our Soul, to maintain.
And allow yourself to feel the space of the room.
And again, it is OK for it to feel vacant or empty.
In many ways this is an excellent sign! It means
that you have changed. It means that a lot of the
debris and energetic clutter that was in your space
(in your body and your aura), as well as in the
living space around you, is gone. There is no need
to fill it up right away. A sense of emptiness can
also contain a sense of stillness, a sense of just
And that sense of stillness and just being, means
it is just your energies, your Soul, and your
guides. We have become habituated to constantly
having all sorts of stuff around us. And just like
when you take the extra furniture or stuff out of a
physical space, you look at it and you think "wow,
it looks empty now!" Well, it is not really empty.
It is now containing the appropriate amount of
stuff. It has been overly full. So this is a
wonderful time to not go back and fill it all up
again Let yourself feel whatever you are noticing,
and just be with that right now.
I invite you to come to rest, and whenever it feels
right, to go ahead and resume your day.
Thank you so
much for joining me today everyone. If this
has been of use for you,
I so appreciate any donations
that can be offered. You can go to my
Page, or use the
email office@healingchants.com or paypal.me/healingchants.
I offer private
healing sessions by
phone or skype, as well as these meditations,
healing music and inperson or online events. Come
to my website, healingchants.com
Your listening and engagement
make this all possible. Thank you.