1. Introduction: Maintaining inner Peace amidst
How do we maintain our own inner peace when the
world around us is spinning more and more into a
state of ongoing, seemingly non-stop chaos?. Each
of us has our own tools and we are developing new
ways to reach and maintain that quiet space within
ourselves. This is essential, especially when
surrounded by turbulent events. Here is one of
those new ways; utilize the stability of your
soul's unique and ongoing communion with Earth and
the Pure Energy of Nature to awaken from deep
within your body it's own remembrance of stability
and your innate inner peace.
Sacred Space Invocation: Nature and Archangel
The energies of Nature have been part of the
planet for a very long time, much longer than
humanity. Responding to the desire of the soul we
know as Gaia, the Pure Energy of Nature and the
Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences assisted in
forming the planet Earth herself. They can reflect
to us their level of unconditional love. Our
physical form, of course, resonates to them, as
each cell of our human body is created out of the
Earth's physical elements. And in this resonance,
we remember the stability that we know is also
within our own physical bodies. Here is one way to
find stability in chaos.
When this truth is understood many people recognize
their body's resonance to Nature and Earth deep
within their naval. Other people experience an
expansion within their heart. Some people feel an
awakening throughout their whole body.
The second part of this invocation asks those in
Spirit to help us magnify our awareness of
Archangel Michael's presence in all dimensions.
Because Archangel Michael and all the Archangels
exist not just within our 3rd dimension but in all
dimensions, they exist both inside our polarized
reality as well as outside of it. For this reason
Michael's elevator shaft anchors in the dimension
just beyond our dualistic reality. Central Sun is
often the point that I refer to. This is thought
to be a point of Sacred Masculine energy, existing
on the other side of the black hole which lies in
the center of our galaxy. The alignment of this
Central Sun, through the center of our galaxy with
our sun on December 21, 2012 marked the beginning
of the new Aquarian Age. I use Central Sun as a
symbol both for the point into which the upper
aspect of Archangel Michael's elevator shaft
anchors as well as the place from which our newly
emerging energies related to the Sacred Masculine
3 A Healing Song: Tranquility (after the
4 Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of
love that we associate with divine beings has to do
largely with the state of our own energy field or
Each person, no matter what gender body, has a
unique aspect of the Divine Feminine expressing
through them. The Divine Feminine has an unique
ability to cope with chaos. The Divine, not the
day-to-day feminine, but the Divine Feminine has an
ability to create space, and that space, often
spoken of as a grail or chalice, can both receive
chaos, as well as form a serene sense of safety in
the midst of chaos.
Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of
love that we associate with divine beings has to do
largely with our own ability to expand or contract
our energy field, or aura. It is this expansion
that allows us to feel, more fully, the divine. It
is this expansion that allows us to feel safe to
enter into meditation, and thus more fully, more
deeply into every cell of our bodies.
Our bodies have come from Earth and been potentized
by Spirit.
There are many chakras along the bottom of our
feet. The nourishment that our physical form
desires from the Earth aspect of ourselves passes
through these many chakras of our feet into our
body. How can we, after all, be the hands, the
heart, and the reflection of Spirit on Earth
without this wonderful physical form? Does it not
make sense that this form, in its initial creation,
contained connections into both Earth and Heaven?
Ideally our body continues to utilize these
connections throughout our lifetime.
We were designed by that magnificence of Spirit to
be the intermediaries between Earth and Heaven, to
commune and communicate with both.
By posing the questions, 'Is it really in tune with
me now?', 'Is it really in tune with my body now?',
you actually give an energetic pattern permission
to look and see if it is indeed in tune with your
body. And, you give that energy permission to move
onto wherever else it might need to go. Seldom do
we consider that energies we experience as physical
pain or blockages, reoccurring thoughts, or
overwhelming emotions
that all these might
actually be the result in current time of an energy
that at some point in the past was actually working
with us and in tune with us. In fact, we might have
called this energy in to help us with something. In
this new Aquarian age of co-creation with Spirit,
we have the responsibility to release all that we
have invited in, whether we did it in a conscious
invocation or whether it was a thought or emotional
urge we had for a brief moment.
All Energies evolve, change and move according to
their own innate consciousness. All energies are
constantly learning and growing, even energies that
we deem as bad or difficult or painful. These
energies are merely in transition, just as we are
in transition. If they are not a good dance partner
for us, then it is okay for them to continue on
their own soul's journey or their own evolution of
consciousness, just as we continue on our own
soul's journey, our own journey of
Through the Divine Feminine comes our ability to
heal by assisting each being or energetic pattern
that has come into contact with us to continue on
their own journey. We desire for them to move from
our bodies and auras, so that they are not stuck
within a place where they cannot continue to grow
and change. Simply by asking our emotions,
repetitive thoughts and physical sensations, 'Is
this really in tune with my body?', 'Are you in
tune now with my soul?', you give energies
permission to go to wherever they need to go to
6 Revealing the preexisting condition of
grounding within each of our bodies. Clearing deep
trauma from your root chakra and pelvis
If you are alive in a physical body, you are
already somewhat grounded. In this particular
meditation, we are pointing out and allowing your
physical body and soul to re-access and reestablish
the connection into the Earth energies that you
already have. At birth our body has its full
grounding into our soul's energies within the
Earth. We see that as the brightness in a child's
eye. It's not just Heavenly spirit; it's Earthly
spirit that nourishes that brilliance and
unconditional love within our eyes. While within
the womb, each of us creates some amount of
energetic tether into Earth, and that is what draws
our heavenly spirit into our gestating body.
I've spoken before about the Earthly soul. That is
simply a way of saying, if we exist in the upper
dimensions and in third dimension, we are not just
a drop dripping downward from Heaven. We are also a
geyser, a fountain, moving up from the Earth. And,
in that moment of conception, our Heavenly soul and
Earthly soul have met. Does it not make sense then
that throughout life, our journey is to continue to
access our Heavenly soul, as well as Earthly soul?
Both of these flows of energies meet, equally,
within our physical form, and both of these flows
of energies nourish who we are now.
The more at ease we are, the less likely we are to
have, literally, a knee-jerk reaction to something.
Within the energetic matrix of both knee joints are
qualities of ease and gentleness. I feel it as a
slippery, easy flow of energy around the knee
itself. This quality of ease is what your soul
wants your body to experience in this lifetime. We
are not usually, according to our soul, supposed to
have an experience of life as being like pushing
through a too narrow hallway that's wallpapered
with sandpaper. We're not meant to have to scrape
and squeeze through life.
And my having said that probably just tagged and
brought up all those patterns within your knees and
body that believe life is difficult, that you have
to work very hard, and that every day has to be
like rolling that proverbial boulder up the
mountain. So now, just ask all the tension you're
feeling if it's really in tune with you. Is it
really in tune with your soul? Is it really in tune
with your body? Is it really in tune with your
body, right now? Notice the response. You might
sigh as patterns of tension release. You may feel
more spaciousness around your body. The space
around you could feel larger, more expansive, and
yet quieter all around you.
How, right in this moment, can your body receive
the quantities of ease and gentleness, compassion
and support that your soul wants to offer your
body? How can your body receive all that compassion
and ease and support from that Earth aspect of who
you are? The connection that you have always had in
your feet (and your entire body) to your Earth Soul
can be re-awakened and alivened by your
consideration of this connection.
Honoring how your soul wants your body's innate
connection to Earth to be available to your body
creates a sense of stability. And when you are
aware of this sense of stability, you can find that
quality of patience that lets you take that extra
breath when you need to, before you respond to
something. Here is that sense of stability and
inner support that allows you to know your own
spiritual being is never in danger from the chaos
of the outside world. Here is that sense within
your body that your soul's journey is doing just
fine. Here is that sense within your body that all
truly is well within your soul's journey. With each
choice you can now feel what expands your heart and
body. You know that with each choice, if there
isn't a sense of expansion, ease and comfort, then
it is time to choose again.
Often, particularly in the low body, we have stored
experiences of trauma. Trauma, particularly as a
young child, can be as simple as our parents or
care-givers having an argument. The energy of that
to us as infants can create a traumatic experience,
and that traumatic experience is then stored in the
muscles of our bodies. Throughout life, we learn
that if we can't control the chaos external to
ourselves, then we must internalize it. We must put
it away some place. And only as mature adults do we
recognize that the chaos external to ourselves is
actually external to ourselves, and it impacts us
only to the degree that we have a similar trauma
stashed inside our bodies already. This is the law
of resonance.
Watching the newscasts and seeing the chaos of the
outer world will tend to tag or stimulate the
equivalent trauma that we have within our bodies.
When we see or hear about external chaos, we are
more apt to be upset by it because there is a
resonant remembrance to a chaotic moment we
experienced when we were much younger that we put
inside of our body. That memory has been saved in
the tissues of our body. Within the womb, as
infants and then as young children, we don't have
the ability to speak clearly about what our
emotional experience might be. We see things that
don't make sense to us. For example, we might
observe our parents saying one thing and doing
another. As children, particularly before we begin
to have language, when we experience our parents
lying or fighting, or when we experience loud,
sudden sounds, our body's way of processing all of
this is extremely limited.
In order to continue to have space within our aura
to receive new information, we'll take the
energetic patterns of drama and chaos we experience
and move them from the mental or the emotional
levels of our aura and bring them into the etheric
level and then into the physical body itself. In
this way, we create what later can be released as
somatic memories, especially from the pelvis and
solar plexus.
Too often we have believed that feeling
uncomfortable feelings always indicated that
something was wrong. This is, of course, not always
true. Similarly, we assume that if we don't feel
something that is uncomfortable, then the situation
we are in is just fine, perhaps even a sacred one.
Especially in New Age settings there is a very
clear rule that 'everything is good'. Discord that
arises must therefore be bad. Living, or
attempting to live in a world where there is no
chaos external to oneself, merely allows our
internal chaos to slumber. Left too long, it can
fester into physical disease.
External chaos gives our internal patterns an
opportunity to awaken, as they resonate and begin
to move within us. As they resonate, we become
aware of images, emotions and memories from
previous occasions in our lives when we felt
overwhelmed and overcome by similar situations.
This is usually quite uncomfortable! And in this
moment we most often choose to suppress the
unpleasant sensations, by turning our attention
away from what we are experiencing, or stopping
ourselves from being exposed to the external
Sadly, and again particularly in New Age and
religious settings, we have been trained that chaos
is bad and 'getting along' is good. When emotional
discomfort arises, especially in groups of people,
during times of external chaos, the external chaos
is usually shut down in order to avoid feeling
inner tumult. Conformity reigns. 'It's all good'
is the rule to be obeyed. This is part of what I
call the 'pink fairy syndrome'. Drawing to
ourselves a certain amount of external chaos helps
us awaken similar patterns that are asleep deep
within our bodies. In this way chaos can serve to
clarify and process our soul's journey of exploring
this human experience.
By asking whatever body sensations you're noticing
as not quite as engaged or moving or warm or
comfortable in your body, 'is it really in tune
with my body now?' you give it permission to go to
wherever it needs to go to. It can move through
Archangel Michael to continue to grow, learn, and
unfold. In many cases by addressing what you are
noticing, you tag a small piece of a fundamental
belief or behavioral pattern your soul is ready to
change. All the other times that pattern has
occurred in your life now are free to also change
and evolve. As this happens, you are apt to have
memories, emotional surges, perhaps even a
reoccurrence of whatever this was in your life
arise. This occurs briefly, as it is moving out of
your body and aura. Let this memory just remind you
that this is no longer you. The pattern of behavior
around this issue is no longer in tune with your
soul's journey. Your body does not need to tense or
contract in any way. You and the energies that are
truly in tune with you can remain in that expanded
space that is truly natural for you to be contained
7 Navel Chakra Pranic Sphere of Brilliant
Clear light
Who you are is the result of many energies that
meet each other in the naval chakra. It is
convenient, looking at the adult human adult body,
to say that Heavenly soul and Earthly soul must
meet in the naval, and they do. But the flow of
your soul's energetic presence within the lower
dimensions and Earth continues to flow all the way
up and meets your Heavenly soul in heaven, or the
upper dimensions. Likewise, your Heavenly soul
comes all the way down, past your navel, and meets
your Earthly soul within Earth and the lower
Within the naval chakra and the pranic sphere that
sits just underneath it, there is a point of deep
engagement between both Earthly and Heavenly
aspects of your soul and your physical body. When
this engagement is clear and clean, our experience
of living in a physical body shifts from squeezing
through a narrow hallway lined with sandpaper to
slipping out into an expansive ballroom. Our soul's
journey opens up into an easier flow of energies,
which feels like an expansion of how much our soul
enters into and expresses through our body.
This expanded state of the soul and body embracing
each other allows the aura to maintain itself in an
expansive manner. This allows the decisions that
are made to lead to those things that the soul
truly wants to investigate in this lifetime, rather
than an imposed decision made by our personality.
8 A Healing Song: Und Gott Sprach / And God
9 Reconnecting Your Heart into Your Own Energies
within the Earth
We have spent so much time in the last few
decades looking at the heart as a spiritual vessel.
Especially within the New Age, it seems that this
spirit is a Heavenly spirit. For just a moment,
what would it feel like to let your heart receive
the love and compassion of your own Earthly soul?
This aspect your soul is spiritually present within
Earth. How is this aspect of who you are within the
Earth present itself around your heart? How does
your traditional heart chakra want to be supported
and nourished by all those energies within the
Earth that are truly supporting and nourishing your
As your heart chakra allows and welcomes those
energies that are truly your own Earthly soul to
step forward and support it, you may notice a deep
sense of relaxation. Your heart no longer has to
function solely through the support of the upper
dimensions. It can function now through an equal
amount of support from the lower dimensions within
the Earth.
The heart chakras (traditional and thymus gland
chakras) and physical heart reflect both our
Heavenly soul and our Earthly soul. Doesn't it make
sense in meditation to allow that Earthly soul some
time to connect into the heart, and for the heart
to receive the connection that it most desires from
that Earthly soul and all of its potential
Any time we bring a new quality of who we are into
our body, we are very apt to awaken energies that
have been long asleep. They can manifest as blocks,
heaviness, heat, cold, or something just feeling
off or odd. By asking anything that you're noticing
if it is truly in tune right now with your body you
give it permission to release and continue on its
own evolutionary path.
Allowing your Earth soul to continue to reconnect
through the thymus gland, seat of the upper heart
chakra, brings the tasks your soul has planned for
you now at this time into focus.
10 A newly emerging chakra &endash; the lower 5th
In the front side of our upper chest, where the
neck meets our shoulders, there's a little soft
space. It feels like a notch in the top of our
breastbone. This is the sternal notch, and it is
the front side of a chakra that is just now
developing. This chakra allows you to connect into
the Pure Energy of Nature. As you are able to
discern the overall quality of the Pure Energy of
Nature, this chakra will bring your body into
balance with that essence, that drop of who you are
that exists within the Pure Energy of Nature.
From the very beginning of Creation, your essence
has existed within this very foundation, the first
dimension of our reality. This chakra lying between
(approximately T3) the third rib down from your
neck in back and the sternal notch in front, at the
base of the neck, is merely the smallest version of
itself in this moment. It is just beginning to
I touch on that to let you know something's
starting to move in this part of your body, and
something is starting to move because more and more
people are recognizing there is an inherent
connection between our physical bodies and the
physical body of Earth. Even in the upper body, we
each have an inherent grounding into that
foundation of who we are within the Pure Energy of
11 Pineal and Pituitary Glands
If there are issues, pain or discomfort, it is
simply a reflection of the fact that who you are
and who you aren't cannot take up the same
energetic space. Allowing thyroid (throat chakra),
pituitary(third eye or sixth chakra) and
pineal(crown chakra) to reflect you now, releasing
what no longer serves you. Then allowing those
energies from the Earthly soul to support pineal
gland within the center of the head however the
pineal gland wants to be supported now.
Let's not leave the meditation without returning
into the physical form that allows us to express
who we are and who Spirit is here upon the Earth.
12 Releasing Sacred Space
Each time these energies are invoked, it's up
to us to release them, so please give the same
attention to the release that you gave to the
invocation. When we ask or pray for guidance we
have the responsibility to release that guidance
through the same manner of prayer or feeling
gratitude in our heart. The guides and angels need
to feel something from us so they know that we are
bringing the process to completion. Only then will
they depart.