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a sound healing video (O vos flores)
celebrating St. Hildegard's Feast Day (September 17)
with voice and harp
It was my intention to
share this essay with you when it first came through me in
late July. Somehow I forgot about it completely until this
evening. As I was feeling a spiritual urge to share
something, I recalled this particular essay below. Here it
is now, along with information on upcoming events (Private
Sessions Mon, Sept 17 near Santa Cruz, a Concert, Workshop
and Sessions in Ottawa Oct 20-23, Niles MI Oct 14 with
Shepherd Hoodwin) along with links to my new free songs,
chants, meditations and videos page.
New! -
Songs, Chants, Sound Healings, Meditations and
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Sound Healing from Norma without leaving your
Releasing Fear
"Fear acts to
inform you of your distance from your true Self,
and from those who most love you."
- Archangel Michael
There are moments when fear is an appropriate response to a
situation; for example standing on the edge of a cliff or
driving much too fast. Both situations should elicit fear
responses from your body. But we also experience fear during
times when our bodies are not in danger. I define this fear
as being the result of a disconnection from Spirit.
Most of us live in a state of partial disconnection from our
own bodies and our own souls. Our senses register that we
aren't quite as fully present as we might be within our
bodies, and not as clearly connected to our soul as we might
be. This generates a small but constant awareness of
disconnection within us.
It is indeed so constant that our brains don't register our
usual level of disconnection. It has become habitual. We
only notice being ungrounded or feeling out of sorts when we
are more disconnected from our body or soul than is normal.
Life unfolds, and we function adequately until something
profound occurs. Suddenly, all of who we are is needed to
address a situation. In this moment we become aware that
our connection into our body and soul is not fully complete.
We cannot access enough of ourselves. We experience fear.
Feeling the chasm between who we are (a personality with a
body and soul) and who we are meant to be (a soul fully
embracing a body with a personality) brings about a fear
response. Most of the time the actions we choose to take
while experiencing fear are based on our fear. This is not
heard to imagine! But what if we could, in these moments,
remember that fear is actually a recognition by our
personality of disconnection from our bodies and souls.
Nothing more. Just a recognition of the need to reconnect in
order to move forward.
Oftentimes when we experience fear we give our energy to the
disconnection that is generating the fear. We try to make
the fear go away by hiding the disconnection or convincing
ourselves that we are not afraid. I know that if I feel
fear, I can choose to turn and notice what it is that I am
afraid of, name it and tag it as fear, and then I can look
at why my disconnect from Spirit is happening. As soon as I
name a fear, I can choose an action that reconnects me (my
personality) to my body and soul.
This is one in a series of essays based on naming some of
our most common fears, what they might be connected to in
this lifetime, as well as how they might be reflected in the
larger journey that our souls are making upon the Earth.
We expose 'fear of death' patterns in order to heal
When anyone experiences a situation in which they might die,
it brings up 'fear of death' patterns in their energy field.
How many decisions do we make based on our fear of
dying? Many more than you might believe.
During a recent flight a friend of mine experienced an
emergency landing. The cabin lost air pressure while at an
altitude without sufficient oxygen to breath properly. The
oxygen masks did not deploy, and people were struggling to
breath. My friend became especially fearful when he sensed
the airline attendants were themselves panicking. As he
struggled to breath, he asked internally if he was going to
die. When his body replied 'no', he relaxed. Eventually the
plane descended safely and landed. Over the next days and
weeks this experience revealed a series of energetic fear
patterns held in his chakras that related to dying. But
they also related to choices he has since made about
According to my guides, our fear of dying is within our DNA.
Passed down through the generations within our cells are
memories from ancient times upon our planet. In this
long-ago past, living in community was the only way to
assure food, fire, and protection from wild animals
other words, survival. Stepping outside the rules of the
community meant death. Our bodies hold this wiring deep
within our cells.
When we experience a moment of potential death in this
lifetime, we awaken this memory of fear held deep within our
cells. This fear tells us 'don't step outside the communal
rules, or there will be no water, food, fire or safety, and
the body will die'. Naturally when we feel this we choose to
keep our mouth shut and our head down, continuing to do what
we are told to do. If we follow our inner guidance, we will
be different from the tribe, we will be noticed as being
different, and we will be ostracized and left alone outside
the protection of the tribe. This will lead to the death of
our body. Therefore 'don't be different' is one of the
principle messages we here from within when we experience
I believe that most of our small fears in this lifetime
relate to this deep fear of death held in our body's cells.
And it is for a reason. If we can actively recognize when we
are experiencing a small fear, we can choose to respond to
the actual situation, rather than responding directly to the
fear. Each time we notice fear and then make a choice that
is not subject to it, we build energies that help us uncover
the pathways between small daily fears and the deeper fear
of death in the cells.
As we become aware of any energetic pattern within our
cells, we can actively clear it.
Typically the fear of death pattern within our cells has
smaller fears related to it. These are fear patterns that
we create for ourselves in this lifetime. Some common ones
are not fitting in with the popular kids at school, being
ridiculed for being too smart, stupid, tall or short. These
are all ways we have of creating fear patterns in our aura
and chakras in this lifetime. These smaller patterns
resonate with and therefore help to expose the fear of death
held in our cellular memory.
It seems silly that our fear of not belonging to a popular
club in school could connect us to our cellular fear of
dying, but it does. As we fear not fitting into our
community, we experience a genetic memory of being expelled
from our ancient tribe. As we fear a boss, a spouse, or
authority figure telling us our actions are wrong, our cells
fear the tribal leader judging us as unworthy of receiving a
share of the tribe's food and water. Receiving criticism
escalates internally into "Am I worthy of surviving?" Our
cellular memory magnifies our fear of losing another's
approval into a fear of losing the food provided through the
approval of the tribal leader.
As you are reading this, are you suddenly aware of feeling
anxious or uncomfortable? This is your way of perceiving
your own fear energies. They are being exposed because they
are ready to leave, and your body and soul are ready to let
them go.
Oftentimes in healings, just talking about an issue allows
us to release its power over us. We have named it, told a
story about it, and therefore come to understand that the
issue is not as overwhelming right now as we thought it was.
The fear of death pattern within our cells is from the
ancient past. It is only showing up in our present
experience because we are ready to release this memory from
our cells. While I certainly can't prove it scientifically,
I sense that as we tag and release this pattern within us,
it will not pass onto the next generation.
How does one release the fear of death? Not by putting
oneself in dangerous situations. When the time is right,
the pattern will be revealed. And once revealed, it can be
released. Sometimes this happens when one has an experience
that is fearful, like my friend. More often it happens in
tiny pieces when one is engaging into their body so
completely that there is no longer space for patterns that
our soul is ready to release.
Remember; all those smaller patterns of fear built during
our lifetime are miniature portals into this larger memory
of fearing death. Facing and addressing whatever fear is in
our lives right now leads us to slowly releasing a portion
of our cellular fear of death.
Notice right now what feels uncomfortable in and around your
body. These are patterns of energies that are ready to go
on their way. It is up to you to thank them and release
them through your gratitude. Why would you want to thank
them? Because they did their job. They kept your ancestors
alive and healthy enough to have children who in turn had
so you have your body in this moment of time,
here and now. Your job is to release them onto wherever they
need to go to continue their own process of growth, change
and evolution.
A Final
We do not always
recognize when we are experiencing fear. Fear manifests in
many ways, including holding back in a situation even when
you want to contribute, feeling self-conscious, being
nervous, or assuming others are judging you. Physical
symptoms of fear include the obvious; a racing heartbeat and
sweating, to the less intense symptoms related to low-grade
ongoing fear such as having to urinate frequently and sudden
dryness in the mouth. I am convinced that adrenal fatigue is
largely caused not just by our consumption of stimulants
like coffee, but is the end result of living with a pattern
of chronic fear.
Noticing that you are relating to a fear pattern is the
first step. Then you can begin to question internally if
the fear is really valid. Is it really true in this moment
in time? Also, is the fear you are experiencing completely
yours, related to you and you alone?
These are a few questions to ask yourself whenever you find
yourself feeling fear. And keep in mind that one of the
greatest indicators of being ready to overcome fear is
indecision. What is your soul ready to do now that you
are having trouble deciding to do once and for all? In all
likelihood, it is fear that is holding you back. And the
root of that fear is ancient. It no longer applies. By
facing and naming our fears in today's life, we move beyond
having to follow the communal rules written so long ago.
- (complete
list and more info here)
Cruz-ish Private
Healing Sessions
Sept 23 Oct
Worldwide Phone Meditation (1pm Eastern US
Niles, MI
informal Gathering w/Shepherd Hoodwin and
Oct 20
(Canada) Concert
(Voice, Harp, Tibetan Bowls), Workshop, Private
NOW to a song from our last concert
- O
vos flores rosarum
(a medieval chant by Hildegard of Bingen, with harp
improvization by Gordon Johnston and voice)
Richmond VA
area TBA
Update: "LIKE"
Norma's Facebook Page
to be notified about new Videos and Sound Healings
Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online
sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook.
If you want to increase that possibility click LIKE
on my official
Healing Chants
Sunday, September 23 at 1pm EST (New York City
during the closing energy of the Sirian
Portal, a major astrological cycle of
creation, this hour will address our use
of Sacred Masculine energies to re-create
our world. This includes a series of
silent and spoken meditations, most likely
from my guides Mary and Archangel Michael.
Plan on finding a quiet space where you
can lie down and be deeply at rest and
undistrubed for the duration of the
meditation. This will be recorded and
posted as a free
podcast or at-cost
to Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI
are welcome to participate. There is
no charge. If you are able to make a
donation that helps me to offer this
meditation and its edited version as a
podcast freely to everyone.
US Callers: +1 760 569 7100
To Participate all callers must enter
Access Code 299660
International Callers: See
for your local call-in phone
Please note:
- Callers may be charged for the cost
of the call within your own country.
- Recordings of previous
meditations are available
or CDs)
the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod
/ CD player with Norma's free Meditations
as CD or mp3 -
#33 from May 20,
Includes 2 sound healings, recorded during
a live concert.
1 Using Sacred Space
2 Entering into Sacred Space
3 Your Two Heart Chakras (and what they
4 Meditation on Your High Heart
5 Updating Your Spiritual Support
6 Sound Healing: How does Your Body want
to be supported by Your Soul now? (Mother
of Eternity)
7 Sound Healing: What are you meant to do
8 Let your Soul Lead You
9 Re-Claiming Your Right to Say "No"
10 Your Traditional Heart Chakra
11 Experience Your Unique Quality of
Unconditional Love
12 Exiting from Sacred Space
album invokes your personal connection to Archangel
Michael and provides a unique healing for you each
time you listen to it.
This is a live recording of a healing concert.
The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred
Masculine energies held within the Earth. These
sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for
the feminine, especially as it relates to the women
living in the Middle East, and their emerging
Divine Feminine power.

live concert
Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small
woman's choir
chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael
for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING
CHANTS now: Click
for more of my Sound Healings and Articles
on SpiritofMaat
A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and
As of today, I have
Meditations and Teachings recordings
available. They cover all on different subjects, some are
direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel
Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group
of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and
then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and
angels to work with you energetically.
Many are drawn from
the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About
half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely
as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes >
Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time
donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so)
Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process,
posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain
them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000
downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are
you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy
that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull
the information and insights that I share through me from
I look forward to many
more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please
share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with
your friends, your email circle and others.
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get
chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes
home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means
that what is released does not return. And it means that
those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them.
In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to
completion, because they are released with honor and respect
onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or
small, that your soul and body are ready to release.
Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in
time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining
of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the
physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness.
A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find,
address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This
frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues.
(and yes, we can address life issues as well in the
A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the
recording your guides and the healing angels will return to
continue to help your personal inner understanding and
release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour.
Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read
more about private healing sessions
Norma's other offerings ---
Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays
Watch Healing Chants online
(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from
Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD
or download)
(meditations and information, available as a CD or
sponsored by Spirit
of Maat
My monthly articles and free sound healings are now
available in English, German and Spanish online through
This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading
This newsletter is available in Spanish and English
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someone else's books or music, suppliments
or even a new kitchen sink) HealingChants
will send you up to 2% of your purchase
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HealingChants too!
Norma Gentile,
Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
YES please pass
this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just
be sure to include my contact info.