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April 2009 email Newsletter
Emotions in Our New World
coping with psychic connections
to the unconscious emotions of humanity.

from Norma, Mary and Archangel Michael
Emociones en Nuestro Nuevo Mundo

A note for my Spanish friends, the English essay follows below...

Queridos Amigos,

Espero tener este ensayo en Espanol dentro de pocos dias. Por favor, envieme un email para recibir noticias de ello. Mientras tanto, hay una serie de mis ensayos disponibles en Espanol en mi sitio de web ( Tambien tiene ya unos de mis ensayos y muchas de mis sanaciones musicales. Por lo menos la musica no tiene paredes como el idioma!

Upcoming Events

Richmond VA

April 25-27

workshop and sessions

Ann Arbor

May 1

concert and sessions

Atlanta GA

May 8-11

concert, workshop, sessions

Emotions in Our New World - coping with psychic connections to the unconscious emotions of humanity

As I sat to write, I invited Mary into my awareness. She suggests starting with an overview:

Gaia, the soul whose body is our Earth, stepped up again into a new level of consciousness. She has settled into a higher level of vibration which is much closer to Unity Consciousness. This also means that she has moved closer to the enormous pools of unconscious shared human emotions, which have been created from millennia of our shared experiences as humans.

Each time Gaia shifts, her body the Earth shifts as well. With each shift it takes awhile for our own bodies to adjust to the Earth's new vibration. Many people experience weeks or months of not feeling grounded or centered or sure of themselves because their navel chakra has not re-established their body's natural connection to the Earth. As the soul Gaia is moving into her own ascension process, the Earth is moving into becoming pure emotional energy. (This is the closest term I can come up with to describe what Gaia has shown me as her experience of this upward dimensional shift). Our souls are also in ascension with Gaia, and so our physical bodies are coming along on the ride with the Earth.

This last shift brought humanity tangibly within telepathic range of vast pools of unconscious emotions. These emotions are the very ones that we can use to slingshot us forward in our journey of self-awareness, or we can drown in them if we forget that we create the emotions, they do not create us.

Many people are unknowingly connecting into these vast pools, especially since Gaia's shift this past winter. Chance are good that if you are reading this you have the sensitivity to have noticed that a vast pool of uncomfortable emotions have suddenly seemed to engulf many people in the world. This sensation of being deeply overwhelmed is a result of one's psychic antenna being tuned into one of these pools of emotions.

Our psychic antennas pick up whatever our emotions are already tuning into. Our soul tends to help us find those issues that we need to resolve. So each person's psychic antenna tends to help draw them to situations where the personality will learn a lesson that helps the soul continue on its journey. In this time, with the pools of unconscious emotions within range of our psychic antenna, it is easy to feel the entire pool of anger, frustration, rage, sorrow or despair as your own emotion, rather than simply feel your own single drop of anger, sorrow or despair.

And, no one person among us can heal or fix or drain these vast unconscious pools of emotions. Our process is to learn how much of any emotion we are feeling is truly ours, and use that drop of emotion as a guide to knowing how close to the path of our soul's journey we are walking.

For myself in my own process, anger and frustration tell me when I need to reassess my boundaries. A feeling of despair or sadness tells me that my personality may have a plan of action, but my soul is not in agreement with it. Sadness reminds me that I can't make everyone or everything happy or contented. We each have our own path to walk.

Moving closer to the vast pools of emotional energies created over so many thousands of years by humanity also means we are closer to Unity Consciousness. We are closer to knowing the sensation, felt within a quiet heart, of the vibration of Love which moves through all of Creation. As we learn to allow the pools of emotion to exist, but not to swim within them, we learn to tune our antenna to this vibration of Love. For we are also closer to this vast pool as well.


from Mary:
Love towards cone's own community, family, or neighborhood is natural. When you express this love as like, as warmth for each other, and in good deeds of supportive behavior, we here in the realms of Spirit feel your emotion. Gratitude passes both up into Spirit from your plane of existence, as well as down from us into your world.

When there is confusion in your world, we feel that also. Terror and rage are side effects of the human personality knowing that what the eyes are seeing is not real. The layer of reality that you see, feel and touch each day is becoming thinner and thinner, more transparent, and what lies beneath is nearly visible to you. This next plane of existence, the next spiritual plane or aspect of the dimension you inhabit while in physical form will very soon be visible. Much like paint wears off of a dearly loved toy revealing the metal beneath, the illusionary coverings of your world are being worn away.

Some of you already perceive what lies beneath. Some perceive, but have no one and nothing in their lives to validate to them that indeed, the paint is merely a surface paint, and the metal beneath creates and maintains the true form. For these souls there is much confusion, anger and ultimately an inner sense of betrayal.

The changes that have occurred in your world since 1972 and the subsequent Harmonic Convergence have setup a chain of events that many incarnate souls did not anticipate. These souls, while in form, have been presented with the option of stepping into the new paradigm being created, or remaining within the old paradigm. Remaining within the old is becoming more and more difficult. Being blind to the sun when you are not actually blind is very difficult. So too is staying asleep as the rock concert plays all around you!

from Norma and Michael:
These souls are at a crossroads they did not ask to come to in this lifetime. Their collective discomfort and disharmony is not their own doing. For this reason we humans are all feeling a bit of their quandary &endash; how to balance between those people whose souls are not wanting to make the journey that lies before Gaia now, and the large majority of souls populating this planet who are at the gates, in fact nearly rushing the gates to stride into the newly formed unknown reality that is being exposed.

Patience has always been one of my key learnings. As an adult I would like to think I am getting better at simply sitting with an emotion, a sensation, or a piece of knowledge. In this sitting, I allow what I am perceiving to be imbued with the wisdom of my Angels and guides. Their wisdom sometimes includes action, other times includes more sitting, more patience, and more allowing the cycles of creation to unfold themselves. Most times I find that my very attention to whatever I am sitting with nudges the people or situation involved in some small way. And of course I also find my opinion or attitude shifting as well.

from Mary
As change happens in your world, there will be much perception of danger. Change is fraught with terror, especially when you do not feel that you are the one in charge of the change. Creation is expressing itself in your world. And you are each of a part of Creation. Our collective love for you remains, even as this one world passes into the next. May each of you come to know yourselves through the expression of your love. For this is how we know you.

Your ability to love another, to like another, or even to dislike another reflects your ability to love, like and dislike what you manifest into this world. As this world fades, the truth is revealed. You see yourself reflected not by the paint, but in the metal beneath the paint. The shiny metal surface reflects your own face back to you in rage and love alike. And this scares many of you. The façade of kindness that you wear does you no service now. Your true emotions are felt in this new world by others, just as you feel theirs. Honesty becomes the only language. The sharing of intimacy that you feel when you meet a true soul friend is being torn open to all those whom you meet. You feel all their angst and joy, terror and trembling wonderment within your heart. The emotions of the world find a home in your own heart.

This is the very opening of the gate into the new realm and new world. You each will learn to gently see within the this new realm, and utilize the energies of the emotions that are available to you. This process is one of evolving souls, not of a practice of the mind. What can be learned will be shared by those wise men and women amongst you. Most of this process is yet unknown to you and some of it unknown even to us. Experiencing oneness and all the joy and terror and other emotions cannot be done in a purely human physical body. Know that if you are feeling many emotions, it is most likely because your heart has opened beyond your physical form, and your soul is kissing the souls of the many souls upon your planet.

Knowing that your primary expression is love may be helpful. Compassion, quiet inner joy, patience and acceptance are all aspects of unconditional love. As you experience any of these, you are deepening your ability to nourish yourself with these aspects of love. As you meditate or sit with any aspect of love, that vibration comes into your body and moves through your world. As you vibrate in love, even for a few moments here and there throughout your day, you help us as well. The support we offer to humans can only be offered. Each of you must remember to turn and receive it.

With great love and compassion for all, we bid you a good night, and great blessings.

Norma, Mary and Michael

And speaking of change….

The Healer Intensive Workshop I'm offering April 26 in Richmond VA will include the Reiki Re-Initiation, retuning of Financial Guides, clarification around emotions, working with ghosts and emotional layers of people who have not crossed over fully, and many new aspects that are still unfolding. If you have felt drawn to this workshop, know that what I share in each workshop is always based upon the needs and desires of those attending. I feel that what evolves into the workshop comes primarily from those who are drawn to attend. So while the description exists on the webpage, it is merely the outline of some of the possibilities. For more information, see my Calendar page.


New Reiki Re-initialization Workshop (Atlanta May 9)
For many years I have seen the various lineages of Reiki has having beautiful light. But often that light seems constricted. As a flexible channel, I often pick up on other people's guides (really handy during healings, not so great in a tightly packed airplane). A group of guides associated with Reiki connected with me, and showed me how my talents at seeing 'the big picture' outside of someone's body lets me see energies that constrict or dull the light of Reiki.

As a result, I developed a workshop that is a series of meditations, led by these Reiki guides and your own Reiki or healing guides, to free up the Reiki light and re-tune it according to your own soul and the vibration of your consciousness now. Healers who have done this process with me say they feel much more power in their Reiki, and deep clarity in their own energy fields.

Read more here. If your Reiki group is interested, please be in touch with me about scheduling a workshop for your area.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S    E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Private Healing Sessions
available in SE Michigan in person or by phone to other locationsPrivate
I'm very good at helping to release chronic patterns and start a pattern of change and healing. For more, please read my
Private Sessions page.


Sunday, April 26
Healer Intensive Workshop a one-day workshop for practitioners, performers and advance students

Download Flyer Here

Registration $84 by April 17, $99 after

Private Healing Sessions
in Richmond, VA - Sat April 25 and Mon April 27

Fri May 1st Ann Arbor Kirtan and Norma in concert together


Fri, May 8 at 8pm
Meditation Concert of Healing Chants
featuring medieval chants by Hildegard of Bingen and spontaneous songs from Spirit, accompanied by Candace Keach on Tibetan Flute, harmonic toning, a choir of Tibetan Singing Bowls, and more.
Tickets $20, $25 after May 2
Unitarian Universalist 1911 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta, GA 30329

Sat, May 9 from 1:30-4:30pm
Re-Initializing Reiki A forum for all lineages and levels

A group of guides associated with Reiki connected with me last fall and showed me how my talents at seeing 'the big picture' outside of someone's body lets me see energies that constrict or dull the light of Reiki. You can register and read more of what I'm noticing. Limited Class Size. $35 before May2, $45 later Location: Harmony Learning Center Williamsburg Professional Center, 1989 N. Williamsburg Dr., Suite F, Decatur, 30033

Sun-Mon May 10-11 (Perimeter Mall area)
Private Healing Sessions
Sessions include both information and energy healing around your current issues, and can be extremely effective on chronic and deeply rooted issues. Sessions are one hour and are recorded for you, and cost $185. To schedule an appointment time please email or call 734-330-3997.

Coming Soon
Montana Ranch Retreat fall 2009
Portland OR December 2009
Tucson AZ fall 2009

Meditation Chants - CD and mp3 download

Pre-Release copies of my CD Meditation Chants are arriving in four weeks. You can purchase these early copies, and have me autograph them for you (include spelling clearly in email). This was originally recorded in the 1990's, and has been out of circulation for several years. It is a live concert recording that clears the chakras and body of emotional energies. It also helps infants and young children fall asleep.

TO ORDER with credit card online now
listen and see the CD Go to:

OR mail a check, payable to Healing Chants
Healing Chants, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48107

Norma's other offerings

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)
The newest Meditation CD, Honoring our Ancestors and our Inner Spirit is ready for
download or as a CD. Meditation CDs are one for $9.99 or any three Meidtation CDs for $25, plus postage/handling. Order online now:

You can see my
Healing Meditation Concert online now at YouTube
You'll find three healing chants, some by Hildegard, others my guides singing through me, and be able to see me playing the large Tibetan Singing Bowl with two of them.

sponsored by
Spirit of Maat
My thanks to Spirit of Maat e-zine for publishing my monthly sound healings and articles on-line. These are separate from the monthly newsletter, which you are reading now.

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If so, you can CLICK HERE and click on the or logo at the top of the Store Page of my website to send 5% of your purchase back to support the free newsletter, free podcasts and free soundhealings offered each month. Thank you! And yes, my CDs are available at amazon as well.

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.

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