
& Teaching CDs
Songs and Videos
Great Freedoms
from Norma and Mary on today's world
and a related song by Hildegard and upcoming free phone
I'm noticing a pattern of going backwards and reconnecting
with what I thought I had left behind and re-engaging with
it in order to move forward. Things and people that I
stopped interacting with months, years and even decades ago
have returned to my life.
As I look out at friends and even world events, it is as if
concepts that we engaged with months, years and even decades
ago have returned. We have collectively hit a giant 'reset'
Hitting the reset button: Restarting cycles with people
and situations that you thought you had left behind
Note from Norma:
As many of you know I often use a method of
'blended channeling' when receiving ideas and
information from spiritual beings. This means that
in order for what they are sharing to apply to our
world, I need to provide the human side of the
equation. From time to time they want to express
ideas with which I don't have enough familiarity.
Such is the case with this section of text, and so
my friend, Stephen
(PhD, LMSW) offered me a bit of informal history,
which I include here for those interested.
me illustrate this with one of the many issues that
are now returning as visible current events. The
various socio-political equality movements (such as
race, gender, sexual orientation) from the 1920's
arose again in the 1960's and are clearly visible
today. This time the transgender community is at
the forefront. In the 1960's the African American
community led the movement for equal rights, which
in turn fueled the movement known as Women's Lib,
and also led to a raising awareness of (what was
then) the gay male and lesbian rights movement for
those falling outside of the traditional binary
system of sexual orientation and gender. However,
the gay and lesbian movement of the 1970's that I
encountered at college was rarely inclusive of
people who lived as transgender.
the 1970's the movement encompassed "gay male and
lesbian", then they added bisexual and started to
call it GLB, then moved the L to the front to
reflect the additional oppression that lesbians
faced so it became LGB, then added the T in the 90s
(LGBT). Now some people call it TBLG because of the
additional oppression and invisibility that the T
and B groups face."
me this perfectly illustrates the motion of waves
working repeatedly in small motions upon the grains
of our understanding of this area of our cultural
current movement now more fully includes a call to
honor equal rights for all regardless of one's
gender identity and sexual orientation (LGBTQ). I
have to admit, at some point this 'alphabet of
equality' will reach a point of needing a single
as I do anticipate our exploration and
subsequent re-defining of sexuality and gender
identity or expression will continue to deepen.
to Stephen: "There
appears to be a single phrase emerging that
encompasses all of the alphabet letters, MOGAI;
meaning "marginalized orientations, gender
alignments, and
Our culture is opening to understand that both gender and
sexuality are not absolutes, but lie along at the very least
a continuum. My guides suggest that as we loosen the reigns
of our polarized reality, we will come to understand our
physical bodies as having loving expressions that fall
primarily between the poles of feminine/masculine. In this
scenario we might better say that the expression of gender
and sexuality both exist as spheres, intersecting within our
bodies in as many variations as each of our soul's vary.
But this is in the far future
At this point in time, I
am seeing swift changes in attitudes in the mainstream
culture around gender and sexuality that are based upon
changes made in the past. Each time our culture holds up an
issue to reevaluate, waves of energy from our attention
interact with the issue. It reminds me of watching ocean
waves interact with a sandy beach.
With every wave that strikes the sands of a shore-line, some
sand moves. It may be imperceptible to the view of the human
eye watching. Only when we compare the shore-line day after
day, week after week, can we appreciate the action of the
waves upon the sand. Those who live along shorelines know
that it isn't just one wave, or one week of waves that
changes the beach. Despite the dramatic changes that appear
after a major storm these changes do not happen solely
because of the storm. Years of waves create the beach upon
which the larger storm waves act.
This same scenario is true for our collective human
consciousness. In the 1920's and 1970's (and in previous
centuries) waves acted upon our perception of civil rights.
At this moment our attention is drawn to the grains of sand
representing the movements within civil rights and other
freedoms that I believe are innate to all of us as humans.
The freedom to express ourselves sexually in whatever gender
body we define ourselves in is just one freedom. Freedom to
live safely, to worship safely, to love safely
we are
experiencing the waves of Spirit acting upon all of these
grains of sand as well. And as the waves move the sands here
and there upon the shore, the freedoms that are most
important for humanity to address come into our daily
The freedom to live safely
It is not a
coincidence that waves of Middle-Eastern refugees are making
their way into Europe, particularly Northern Europe at this
time. Nor that individuals are publically choosing to assist
them. Most corporations and governments reflect the old
qualities of the profane masculine in their principles of
organization. Social groups of individuals (and some
businesses) that honor the principles of the newly emerging
Sacred Masculine are in the forefront of offering
assistance. Not because they must, but because they believe
that it is what is right to do. Governments are now being
shamed into following the lead of their citizens. We are all
redefining the freedom to live safely. Again remember, each
new story to appear in the media is the equivalent of the
action of one wave. Years must pass before there will be a
significant change in how government's political structures
cede to the rising migrant tides. And there will be many
more tides of migrants.
The freedom to worship safely
Does it not follow
that the trappings of religion are now being exposed when
they serve merely to hinder an individual's spiritual
journey? Our polarized world view has created a belief (in
most Abrahamic religions of the Middle East and Western
countries) of a superior God, made in the image of the male
gender. Religions that embrace this male God naturally
embrace the dominance of the male gender. And so we have
cultures that worship the profane masculine, and all that
keeps this quality of non-sacred masculine in its seat of
Slowly, as we re-embrace the role that the Earth and Nature
have in our lives even the Western world will experience
deity in its feminine form. The feminine Trinity of the
Bible (the three Marys) will rise again into prominence as
the Divine Feminine is already awakening. The Sacred
Masculine, not profane masculine, is her dance partner. And
once these two sacred examples of our polarized reality are
understood, our own comprehension of reality will no longer
need to be limited to male/female or right/wrong. But the
only way to reach this point beyond polarity is to dive
headlong into the dual expression of our sacredness here, in
this world. As I often hear, 'the only way out is
The freedom to love safely
This is the last of
the freedoms to fully emerge. Based on the time it takes for
our world's cultures to achieve significant shifts in the
other freedoms, this freedom will unfold. As religions
release rules (a symptom of the profane masculine) in favor
of compassion there will also be a recognition of the role
that all faith traditions have. Wisdom arising from
indigenous cultures will be especially honored.
Mary has provided me with the inspiration and ideas for what
you just read, and has asked to share something directly in
It is not that I, nor any spirit need speak to you
of what is to come. Your journeys are not written upon the
stones of time, nor are your thoughts always observable to
those of us within Spirit. We merely seek to offer guidance,
as guidance can in some instances assist you in seeing that
which is hidden from your view. Our vantage point merely
allows us to see around the corner, never to see better than
you what your choices might be.
It is always with deep compassion and loving kindness that
we in Spirit reach out to those of you who have undertaken
the great journey within physical form. Our presence, our
love is always with you, and upon the Earth.
Many, many blessings to you and to all who read
Sunday September 27
1pm EDT (New York City time) / 10am Pacific
be recorded and available as a free audio
coming weekend is the second of three Full
Supermoons, this one with a total Lunar
Eclipse, called a Blood Moon, because
those of us able to see it will watch the
moon turn red as it is eclipsed. Adding to
this is the annual influx of Sacred
Masculine energies from our celestial
Father, Sirius, which began in late July
and just finished this past week.
This time of year also brings observances
in most religious calendars, and the
obvious seasonal shifts as well. All of
these events together remind us of the
external change to which our physical
world (and we) are subject. These events
are juxtaposed with the energies of the
autumnal equinox, reminding us to also be
aware of that deep stillness within.
offer this time on the Lunar Eclipse -
Supermoon for whatever meditation my
guides, usually Mary and Michael, might
share with those who feel drawn to join in
the meditation.
This hour includes a series of silent and
spoken meditations, most likely from my
guides Mary and Archangel Michael. Plan on
finding a quiet space where you can lie
down and be deeply at rest and undisturbed
for the duration of the meditation. This
will be recorded and posted as a
podcast for download or can be listened to
Previous Meditations are available
at iTunes>Podcasts>Norma Gentile or
All are welcome to participate.
There is no charge. If you are able to
make a donation that is most welcome.
Donations help me to edit, upload and
maintain this meditation freely available
to everyone.
Participate all callers must enter
Access Code 654222#
States and Canada (712) 775-7031
Other International
Please note:
Callers may be charged for the cost of the
call within your own country.
- Recordings of previous meditations are
available to stream or download here
Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
purpose is to provide a forum where the
experience of sacred music can be felt,
and participated in by all, regardless of
the ability to read music
this time of relaxed music-making
everyone will have the
opportunity to learn two sacred
songs by the 12th century abbess
Hildegard von Bingen.
is taught by 'call and response'
method, repeating phrases until
they are learned. Musical scores
in the 'Gregorian style' of chant
notation will also be provided.
Music reading skills are helpful
but not necessary.
is an experiential time in which
everyone can participate. Even
those who believe they have
limited range or ability can join
in on 'drone' tones to provide
harmonic accompaniment.
previous musical skills are
necessary. Those present will
learn about the historical
background of Hildgard's music
and have a familiarity with chant
notation by the end of the
of Creation
is a symphony..
which is joy and
All of Creation
is a song of praise
to God
Hildegard of Bingen
14 ANN ARBOR Meditation
Concert of Chants in
St Clare Episcopal / Temple Beth Emeth at

Hildegard's own representation of her experience
when receiving Spiritual guidance.
listen now
Eterne Deus
eternal God
- a medieval chant composed by St. Hildegard of
Stepping beyond the polarity of 'right and
wrong' is often done through the sensation of
Gratitude. As you see polarized extremes
externally, those that are internal and personal to
you are revealed to you. We each have the
opportunity to express gratitude, and in return
receive the grace of healing those aspects of
polarity, which we experience as judgments, that we
carry within ourselves. My guides remind me that
when we judge ourselves or another, we are in
polarity. Only when we can witness something and
experience grace and compassion are we free from
judgment, and therefore existing outside of
This song is from Norma's newly released album
Love's Creation
Love's Creation
on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants
illuminate the finer energies of the Divine
Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for
those seeking deeper stillness.
by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile
Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls
NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing
chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts,
essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops,
Private Sessions) in a city near you.
the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's
Your Trust in Spirit and
Revealing Your Natural

#46 from June 21, 2015
Relaxing and truly opening to spirit,
whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly
spirit, requires trust. This is not a
quality that we have learned much about in
our daily lives. Trust requires knowing
ourselves first. Trust requires knowing
who we are first. Trust requires knowing
our bodies, the vibration of our bodies,
and our emotions. When we trust in our own
competence to know ourselves, it becomes
easy to feel and to know that what
surrounds us can either be in tune with us
or not in tune with us.
When we do not focus upon that which is
not in tune with us, we do not feed it. It
will seek its nourishment elsewhere. This
is true of people, patterns and behaviors.
to a sample:
I included the short toning passage that
occurred spontaneously during the
More of Norma's healing songs, along
with videos, can be found under
and Recordings.
A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations
and Teachings:
As of today,
I have 46
Meditations and Teachings
available. They cover all on different subjects, some are
direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel
Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group
of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and
then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and
angels to work with you energetically.
Many are
drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few
times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants.
All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe
directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a
few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the
funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the
recording and editing process, posting them online and
paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free
download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these
meditations has occurred. And chances are you have
participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that
shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the
information and insights that I share through me from
I look
forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads!
And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone
meditations with your friends, your email circle and
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get
chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes
home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means
that what is released does not return. And it means that
those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them.
In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to
completion, because they are released with honor and respect
onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or
small, that your soul and body are ready to release.
Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in
time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining
of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the
physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness.
A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find,
address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This
frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues.
(and yes, we can address life issues as well in the
A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the
recording your guides and the healing angels will return to
continue to help your personal inner understanding and
release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour.
Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read
more about private healing sessions
Norma's other offerings ---
Norma's other
Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays
Watch Healing Chants online
Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit
and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download
Meditations and information, available as podcasts)
Stream Norma's music
(by phone)
Norma Gentile,
Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA
YES please pass
this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just
be sure to include my contact info.