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The New Road Taken
Turning down an unexpected Street and Coping with a New Unexpected Reality

Dear Friends,

This essay grew out of the phone meditation held on the September Equinox. You can listen to that meditation
now and also explore the new sound healings page. I will be in Niles, MI Oct 14 and then Ottawa, Canada Oct 20-23. In Ottawa I am joined by wonderful musician friends Jeremy Sills(Tibetan Bowls) and Gordon Johnston(harp) for a Candlelight Concert, followed by a workshop on Sacred Song and Healing, then a day of Private Sessions. Plans are still percolating for an early December workshop and sessions near Richmond, VA. Stay tuned for more on that, and some west coast winter events.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost from his poem "The Road Not Taken"

Since June, it is as if our planet has entered a cosmic roundabout. You know what that is - a traffic circle with all those different streets that you can turn onto. Sometimes they come with lanes that are marked, but more often than not it's up to you to navigate your way around it until you reach the street you want to turn onto.

We had meant, I think, to exit out a particular street. Instead we kept going around and around for most of the summer months. In early September we suddenly turned onto a street. But it is not the one we all had agreed upon exploring. We are not where we expected ourselves, as a planet, to be.

This is not what the GPS told us to do. But it is what the GPS of the shared subconscious of humanity decided upon. As we are traveling this new area we ourselves are becoming different from whom we thought ourselves to be. All the choices that we have made need to be remade. What tools do we need now for this new journey our souls have chosen?

If you are going camping in the mountains you take very different clothing than if you are going for a vacation in a luxurious hotel. A walk in a cold northern rain forest requires different planning from a walk in the warm desert. What tools do we need to pick up now, for this part of our journey? What choices do we need to let go of, or remake, simply because we aren't where we thought we were going to be. There is nothing wrong with where we are. The planet as a whole, changed. The group consciousness reset the GPS. We are in a different place than where we thought we would be.

Allowing ourselves to realize this helps us to also validate that we did nothing wrong. Choices that we thought would be available to us now are not showing up in our lives. This is because the planet chose to exit the roundabout on a different street. And it is taking our personalities some times to recognize that we are now traveling in a direction that is not the one we anticipated traveling in.

As a result the tools we use may change. Our decisions may change. Things that we thought we were going to do we might not choose to do now. There are other options in our lives on this new street that were not present before. And some of our previous choices are too far away energetically to easily access and bring into form now, on this new street.

As we release what we thought would happen, we can begin to ask; "What is it that we can do now, on this street, that we could not do as easily before?" One of the things that happens on this particular street is a deeper integration of the polarities expressed as male and female on our planet than what we might have achieved had we exited on the anticipated street.

This integration comes not as a blending of male and female into some homogenous whole, but rather an honest assessment of the strengths (and weaknesses) of the qualities our various societies have assigned to each role. My guides suggest that over the next two decades our perception of the sacred version of both male and female will slowly emerge and be valued by the many societies that make up our human world.

Now What?

Since we exited the cosmic roundabout onto a street in early September, you may have noticed a shift within yourself. Perhaps a bit like that sensation of landing, not too gracefully, in the water at the end of a long waterslide. For me it has been a sense of feeling my feet beneath me in a new way.

Letting your body feel the shift and experience the question mark that all of humanity is going through allows you to reassess what you need now, and what you need to let go of now. The soul changes its journey very quickly. It reassesses and releases those explorations of life that are no longer possible, while embracing the new options before it. It is our personality that has the more difficult task of adjusting to changes in the journey of our soul within a lifetime.

The soul accommodates shifts and changes easily. Our personalities…not so much!

You may have noticed that I frequently use the phrase 'legally incarnating portion of your soul' when defining the soul that is related to a physical body. It is because during times of great changes in personal and planetary consciousness, different portions of your soul may want to take advantage of exploring a situation that is suddenly become available within your lifetime.

As a result of our planet exiting onto an unexpected street from the cosmic roundabout, there is a portion of your soul that is sizing up its potential to experience what it had planned to experience. This portion of your soul is deciding whether or not to stay. Likewise, other portions of your soul are recognizing the potential for new experiences, and are considering coming into a closer relationship to your body. The possibilities that this new street offers may encourage new portions of your soul to enter your body, and other portions to exit.

As new portions of your soul come into relationship with your body there can be certain symptoms that arise. One is an increasing intensity in the dream state. Portions of your soul that are exiting often need to finish up their business, and so the energetic patterns they are engaged with will rise to the surface of your awareness in both dreams and in waking, everyday life circumstances.

As the new portions of your soul enter, you may experience the sensation of doing something that is very routine as if you were doing it for the very first time. Something as simple as turning on a faucet, putting your card into an ATM or logging into Facebook might suddenly seem like new experiences but at the same time familiar experiences. I once stared for the longest time at the standard stick figure symbol for the women's restroom as if I had never seen it before. Fortunately the rest of my soul, and more importantly my body, had a muscle memory of where my feet had walked to multiple times each day in that building!

Most portions of our soul shift in and out during sleep or deep meditations. My sense is that small portions are constantly shifting in and out, and we do not notice these little adjustments. It is only when a large portion of our soul leaves and an equally large portion replaces it that we recognize something has happened and we feel somehow different. There are always aspects of our soul that remain constantly connected to our body and to this lifetime. These aspects help ease in the new portion of our much larger soul. In most cases all of us is integrated once again within a few hours or days, and we have readjusted our focus to accommodate the life journey that the new portion of our soul has brought into our life.

And for those of you who might be wondering, yes, the guides and angels also shift. Those spiritual helpers associated with portions of the soul that have left also leave, and make room for new guides and angels. When this shift in the soul does not happen easily into a new reality it is most often because we ourselves are holding onto the old guides and angels.

This is one of the principle issues that I find myself helping people with in private sessions. At this point I don't know a way of doing it completely by oneself, but I have provided meditations (click here) that address this issue. I equate this type of energy work to getting a haircut: you can cut your own hair, but someone else can do it much quicker and easier because they can see the bigger picture.

No one of us is healing and changing outside of the context of our shared connections to the subconscious of all humanity. Whatever small step each one of us takes makes it that much easier for another to make a similar step.

My blessings to all who read this,
(with Archangel Michael)

UPCOMING EVENTS - - - (complete list and more info here)

Oct 14

Niles, MI An informal Gathering w/Shepherd Hoodwin and Friends

Oct 20 -23

Ottawa (Canada) Concert (Voice, Harp, Tibetan Bowls), Workshop, Private Sessions
WATCH or LISTEN NOW to a song from our last concert together!
O vos flores rosarum (a medieval chant by Hildegard of Bingen, with harp improvization by Gordon Johnston and voice)

early Dec

Richmond VA area Workshop and Private Sessions

Get the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod / CD player with Norma's free Meditations
available as CD or mp3 - -

Meditation #34 from September 23, 2012

The New Road Taken:

Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine Essences of Your Soul within Your Body

Meditations to heal and empower the Ovaries, Testicles and Root Chakra

Purchase as standard CD
download or stream mp3

Subscribe at iTunes
under Podcasts > Norma Gentile

Our soul's essence resides within our root or first chakra. Just as foundational energies of our reality present themselves as polarized (good/bad or dark/light), our own souls divided themselves into male and female in order to incarnate. Here is a meditation to help you access both aspects of your own soul: Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Regardless of the gender of your physical body both essences are 2123qnow available and both actively support your body. In this meditation the focus is upon your root or first chakra. This is the foundation of your body, and how you engage with this physical world.

New! - Free Songs, Chants, Sound Healings, Meditations and Videos
Receive a Sound Healing from Norma without leaving your home!

O vos flores - You who are Rose Blossoms (voice and harp)
Medieval Chant by St. Hildegard of Bingen, accompanied by harpist Gordon Johnston of Ottawa

Renewal A sound healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Voice
(with multiple photos capturing Spiritual Energies in the room as I sang)

What are You here to do Now? Two sacred geometry mandala videos

FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK

Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook. If you want to increase that possibility SUBSCRIBE on my
official Healing Chants Page.

This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes / Amazon / CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here

( - 2012 isn't just about that old Mayan Calendar running out - )

Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag


FREE SOUND HEALINGS (moving to Norma's Sound Healing Page)

Renewal (video)


What are You here to do Now? (sacred geometry mandala videos here and here)

Mother of Eternity


Loving Tenderness Abounds (Caritas abundat) from Norma's newly re-released album Healing Chants

Tibetan Bowls to clear the backside of your Body and Aura

Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box

Caught by Spirit with schruti box

Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)

Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat

A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 33 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


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Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

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