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An article on Sound, Healing,
and Attunement
Norma Gentile

(copyright 1996)

I believe that Singing, Attunement, Ascension, Chanting and Healing are words for the exact same function. We are creator beings, responsible for our bodies, our emotions and our thoughts and minds. What we give our attention to grows by virtue of the energy directed to it. Adding the conscious and intentional use of the primordial creation tool, sound, is the ultimate means of expressing ourselves as creators and as creation in this dimension. However it is the power of unconditional love, which gives intimate knowledge of the union of all life, whereby the tools of creation can be used. Without this nothing lasts. And it is love which allows all creations to be used towards the Ultimate End. Whatever that might be!

"...a person often sighs and moans upon hearing some melody,
recalling the nature of the celestial harmony."

- Hildegard of Bingen

As a child, and again as an adult, I experienced the Cosmic Symphony. It played as I slept, full of chords and melodies so natural, so beautiful that upon awakening I could remember them. As a child I assumed that writing music was easy. One simply learned how to write these sounds down in musical notation. I couldn't wait to learn to read and write music onto paper. After six years of training in music at a university, I understand the art of musical notation. I now await the innocence to again hear the Symphonies play while I am lucid enough to write them down.

"A tone lies at the foundation of everything in the physical world"
-Rudolph Steiner

And so here is where attunement comes in. The word 'at-tune-ment' means what you think it means - to be in tune with. So what do you choose to be in tune with? During my first attunement I realized my orientation was actually to a nearly intangible realm. There was a lot more to the world then I was acknowledging. I knew about invisible or subtle realms, but had conveniently 'forgotten' them. My first attunement was a wake-up call to this invisible realm, which I know now as a blue-print for my sturdier physical world.

"Remember that the only difference between things is one of vibration.
When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of a hat, you become a hat. When you harmonize yourself with the vibrations of God, you become God, or one with God. Therefore...become one with creation so that in consciousness you are it."
-Uranda, "Instantaneous Manifestation" from The Third Sacred School

Seven years into the attunement process, I find that the music of the Cosmic Symphony is again audible to me when I am awake. It has become so normal that on occasions when I can not hear it clearly (aboard a jet plane, during extreme fatigue or emotional stress) I seek it out in meditation. Some sounds are my own body and its parts. Other tones are sounded as Beings pass through my awareness, each Being having a note and a place in my head or body where they resound. Objects, food, animals and other people all have sounds. Some of the strongest sounds are those made by the emotional energy of a group working in a conscious manner.

One of the most beautiful and powerful sounds is that of the silence immediately following a song. It is in this loving stillness that the vibrational uplift of a song or chant impacts me. To sound a mantra or sing a song is the smallest part of its creation. It is in the returning silence that we receive the blessing and ascension that each sound intends for us.

The ability to create sound is the ability to listen. We must first be able to hear a sound in order to create it. This has been proven in the work of Dr. Tomatis. To the extent we do not hear the invisible we cannot sound it. Our ability as creators then is limited to our perception.

Where does Attunement come from?
How does it fit in with other healing modalities

Attunement comes not from any one source, not even from what I know of as SOURCE, but rather from the interconnectedness of ALL. This ALL exists beyond this space, time and dimension. It is more vast than consciousness itself. Attunement is a principle. I find that love is both the power of attunement and the key for understanding it. All of creation is held in the unconditional love of attunement. It is indeed the space between atoms.

The purpose of attunement is one of ascension. It is a process of alignment with the God Source within each one of us. Physical well-being may occur as a result. But it is not a guarantee. The intention of our Higher Self is for wholeness, and sometimes that wholeness is honored by revealing inharmonious attitudes, emotions and situations.

Attunement is a process of loving connection and cocreation with all that is. It is a means for the transmutation of living substance into usable energy for the body, heart and mind. Attunement is the unfettered flow of Life through all Creation.

I believe that attunement serves the ascension process and allows us to more readily access the other tools of ascension which we have at our hands, but which perhaps are not in conscious awareness.This awareness can be facilitated by singing. For each note that the physical body learns to resound with, there are notes in octaves of dimensional space around us that also resound. From these other octaves information pours into us through the resonate site, awakening yet more knowledge held directly in the physical body.

"When a human being brings forth a tone or sound, his whole organism is actually involved, and what takes place in the song or speech organ is only the final culmination of what goes on within the entire human being."

-Rudolph Steiner, The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone

Dancers, light-workers and therapists recognize that music impacts the entire body. I find that I feel music with my aura - particularly with the subtle emotional body. When I listen to a piece of music I can feel in my own body the extent to which the musicians were in alignment with Source. Certain singers help me sing better just by listening to them as I travel to my own concerts. My body resonates with their sound. It 'hears' how free and comfortable their body and spirit was while making the recording, and this ease is duplicated in my own body and Being.Seeing or sensing beings in the subtle realms responding to music is not unusual. In other dimensions music may well be considered to be the fabric of existence.

"Our spirit is consonant with the heavenly rays which, occult or manifest, penetrate everything. We can make it still more consonant if we vehemently direct our affections towards the star from which we wish to receive a certain benefit...above all, if we apply the song and light suitable to the astral deity and also the odour, as in the hymns of Orpheus."

-Marsilio Ficino (sixteenth century musician and philosopher),
quoted from "Performance: Revealing the Orpheus Within" by Anthony Rooley

Many esoteric traditions link the planets to the chakras and endocrine glands. I note that the emphasis in Ficino's thought is on receiving a quality or 'benefit' after establishing our own conscious link with a celestial body. It is the interplay between the manifest external and the seemingly internal which is the playground of sound. The principle of resonance, like-exciting-like to motion, is a primary one in healing. According to Rudolph Steiner a tone comes towards us from the world and meets the tone coming from within our body when we sing. The origin of that inner tone is the pineal gland. It is also the highest gland in the physical body.

"The pineal gland is the connecting link for the silver cord. Each of the
endocrine glands is a connecting link between God and the physical being. The first six of the endocrine glands form contacts which relate to the unconscious realm of physical function, that is automatic functions, etc. The vibrations received from the pineal gland activate the auric radiations which form the mind, intensifying them to the point where consciousness becomes positive (i.e. responsive to God or Source)."

-Uranda, "Orient and Occident" from The Third Sacred School

Mantras? We don't have any of those here!

I think of mantras as any sound which is being used for conscious creation. Some common ones are "Money" and Love", as well as longer ones like "I am angry" or "I want..." I am learning my own power to create my world with my beliefs, which are expressed again and again in my daily mantras. The sounding of these mantras simply reinforces what my creative abilities are intending. But it is the combination of intention, sound and love which allows this creation to be my reality.

"That which you have created remains in manifestation to you only so long
as you solidify it through praise and thanksgiving. Therefore you see the great reason for the many psalms of praise and thanksgiving."

-Uranda, "Instantaneous Manifestation" from The Third Sacred School

We can scarcely go through a moment without thinking or saying words. "Beneath these words are the vibrations of the tone upon which they travel. Tone is the underlying force operating in our lives. To understand this, enhances our ability to create what we wish and to give form and substance to the ideas in our minds." This comes from one of the earliest books regarding sound and creation, "Toning - The Creative Power of the Voice" by Laurel Elizabeth Keyes. She also states quite emphatically that:

"Sound is the meeting place of the abstract and manifested idea."

It is my belief that music has many functions. Ultimately it will replace all that I know and become what I rely on for creation, for information, for communication, and for my very existence. What is known as music in the third dimension is a very limited hearing of a vast Cosmic Symphony. Each planet, each Being, each life sings within this Symphony. Sings not just to create something, but sings because it exists. My physical and subtle bodies 'sing' as they exude energy in the electro-magnetic spectrum which relates to various pitches.

When I am meditating or sharing attunement, I have moved myself a little more towards another reality. Within this realm chords of harmony come into my range of perception. One or more high-pitched sounds, announcing the presence and support of Nature and her allies, follows. As my body becomes accustomed to a more intense silence, a sacred stillness, I notice that it is full of sounds. Low slow notes and dancing melodies. Each organ or gland or thought changes the musical panorama in my world. And so I listen, learn, and awaken in myself the innate knowledge of my being. And I remember more and more as I pass on this information and help others remember themselves too.

May the One Tone which sounds through all and in all excite Life to be
present in your world. My love and care to all who read this.

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