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We as human beings draw sacred masculine energies into ourselves from 'heaven'. (Heaven can also be defined as guides or angels) As we do this our bodies respond, and it is this response that we feel as a presence, or a warm surround. As our bodies open into the Sacred Masculine range of energies, matching energies arise from the earth plane. As the earth opens the gateways of the Sacred Masculine more and more, these energies pour into our experience. The Sacred Masculine provides a safe place in which to open into deeper Sacred Feminine energies. This is what is happening in the Middle East. It is a process, albeit messy, of defining what the Sacred Masculine is, and how we as a conjoined conscious race choose to embrace our power within it.
As we have stated before, humanity has not understood this creative power. In the past it was misused, not having sufficient spiritual tools and skills. Again, we are offering you an opportunity to learn about co-creating with us. Do not judge the passing over of many souls, for this is part of the creative energy being released at this time so that you as a race might 'see' new possibilities. It is your stubborness at accepting your true power, revealed in this land, that will be shed. May our love and blessings extend to all, through each of your thoughts and breaths. May each vision you see be held in the utmost of calm, knowing that the movement of spirit is indeed upon the face of the deep, and upon the face of the earth. For both are your realm, both reveal your sacred nature. Infinite is spirit, and this is your true home. |