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Questions for Healing (for
releasing energies/guides/angels that are out of
time, not of our soul, not in this reality, not our
body) When I am healing, I do not state the goal, but rather I ask questions. I ask what the situation wants. I ask what the next step in evolution is for the body or soul. I ask if what I'm perceiving is in the present moment. I find that the more questions I ask, the easier it is to let magical twists and turns bring the person or situation to a new place. I would invite you each to try this. Below are a series of four questions that Michael has developed with me over the past year. I use them when I see or feel or sense an energy presence that is not in tune with the overall quality of someone. It might be in a specific area of the body, or more general emotional state. 1. Is this guide, angel or energy in current time? If not, release into whatever timeframe the energies perceive as current time. 2. Is this guide, angel or energy congruent with the male or female body in current time? (we often take on a parent's or spouse's guide as our own). 3. Is this guide, angel or energy in tune with the part of the soul legally incarnating? 4. Is this guide, angel or
energy reflecting the series of choices that have led the
physical body to this reality? TIME AS A QUALITY OF HEALING Time is an invention of human minds. I like the comment that we invented time so everything won't happen to us all at once. It is accurate, as we seem to be victim's, not the creator's, of time. Taking back our ownership and creator status around time is the first step in healing. We simply can't heal or change energies that aren't in sync with our own time frame. The only place they can be healed is in the time to which they belong.
PHYSICAL BODY AND TIME We each have a unique vibrational rate of the atomic structure within our bodies, according to Archangel Michael. That rate is determined in part by the gender of our body, as well as our soul, and the time frame we are calling the present moment. If I am sitting with someone during a healing, then the moment we are sharing is the present moment. I ask if energies are in tune with or congruent with their female or male physical body as a simple way to begin to loosen up energies from a spouse or parent. As energies begin to loosen, the person may experience momentary flashbacks to the person or situation involved.
THE LEGALLY INCARNATE SOUL When I psychically look at the soul, I see a level of energy much more complex and profound than what can fit into a single body. I see an energetic river of party streamers that dips into a number of bodies simultaneously. As each body grows, I see that a few of those party streamers may be exchanged. One part of the soul may want to have a do-over of kindergarten, another part may want to try that adolescent age again. A few streamers may want to experience birth, but may not need to continue in the body. In this way I see that the soul exchanges parts of itself within a single body. A soul shift occurs when one or more of these parts or party streamers is exchanged. Our experience may be not to notice it at all, or to notice a short-term confusion. You will go to do something you normally do, such as put the key in the car ignition or operate an ATM machine, and it will feel foreign to you. The new part of you is integrating the human experience. Most soul shifts occur while we are sleeping. I have had a large one occur once while channeling for a workshop. I knew it had occurred when I stared at the sign "women" on the restroom door and didn't know what it meant! Occasionally the soul shift will be so large that there is a change in careers, marriage, eating habits, and life-style. In these cases those friends and family left behind did nothing wrong. The part of the soul incarnating in the body simply finished the journey, and rather than die, the body received other aspects of the soul. If you have witnessed this process in a loved-one, please know that the part of their soul that loved you still loves you, and they are simply needing to complete much more in this lifetime than just the contracts and loving commitments they had with you. As you can release them into their next cycle, they learn and grow, and bring that new experience back to the part of the soul that you knew. This leads naturally to the subject of 'walk-ins'. From time to time the soul that starts a physical body leaves it entirely, and a new soul enters. While I believe that the part or parts of the soul that start a body are seldom still with the same body by age 25, the process of a complete walk-in is different. A soul that walks into a body usually has an ongoing relationship with the soul that is already in the body. The moment of exchange may appear as a near death experience. It may also be a process of sleep for a number of days. Not all near death experiences result in the exchange of souls. I use the term 'legally' incarnate because it sharpens up the energy boundary of the part or parts of the soul that are choosing to be in the physical body. Because various parts of the soul come and go throughout our lives, defining the exact parts running the body at a given time is crucial.
CHOICES AND REALITIES The last question is new, and relates to the events that have been occurring since this past June.
Our 3-D bodies can only live in one reality at a given time. Every time we make a choice, there are a number of parallel realities created where other choices were made. The portals between these other realities are opening to our spiritual awareness. Our soul may travel through these portals, gathering healing and returning to us with new insights from choices not taken here, in this reality. But our body remains here, just as each of our other bodies remain in its own reality. As we are able to tether, or anchor our bodies more and more securely into this reality, our soul may venture further a field into alternate as well as parallel realities. If we are not grounded, we may experience fright or a scattering of our energies, as the soul is not able to reintegrate with our physical forms. By focusing on each chakra (or the physical location that seems appropriate) and asking if the energies present reflect the series of choices that this physical body is built upon, I am honoring that there may be energies from choices not made, but strongly considered, that remain lodged in the body. This is inhibiting the guides or angels that are supporting our choices from effectively supporting our bodies. This is especially true around the lower back. I see that the guides supporting how our soul incarnates into our body connect into us behind the navel. As this area clears, the pathway and forward motion of this lifetime usually clear. Often the stumbling blocks become more visible, so that they may be turned over and mastered as stepping-stones. Not coincidentally, the navel is a primary pathway of prana. As the core of the navel chakra is cleared, how we manage our life force becomes clearer. We may still choose to use our prana in ways that do not support our bodies, but we will feel the results of our choices more clearly.
from Michael: This system is based upon Unity Consciousness. It honors that each being has a rightful and meaningful existence. I, and we, the Hierarchies of Heaven and of Earth, honor that each one has a journey to complete. As each one of you move through your cycles of learning, so to do those that you refer to as guides, angels, or simply energies each have their unique evolutionary cycles. When you release any guide from serving you, do so with loving appreciation. We welcome you into your growing roles as co-creators with us. Our love and blessings to
each of you,
Norma Gentile is a Sound Shaman. She holds bachellor and master degrees in Voice Performance, and is a professional energy healer and channeler. Her recordings feature music of Hildegard von Bingen, and her channeling is published in Sedona Journal of Emergence. She travels regularly, teaching, singing, and working individually. Norma is now leading a series of workshops across the US/Canada based on this article. For the one nearest you please see her Itinerary. |