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This also appears in the September 1999 issue of
Sedona Journal of Emergence

Posted to web


I have been asked to place this information in the public domain

 Children of both Dark and Light
The New Generation


(Observations made in the aftermath of the school shootings)

The role of prophesy is to help us to avoid fulfilling certain destinies. With this in mind, I suggest that children will continue to act out in extremely violent ways, until we as a planet have cleared more of our collective emotional unconsciousness. It is these acts of violence which force us to examine our own dark sides, and give us reasons to release buried emotions.

Each generation that incarnates on the planet has a series of tasks. Those of us who are among the 'baby boomers' have worked to bring about a new energy consciousness. Those of the current teenage generation have excepted the task of breaking open our concepts of polarity consciousness.

These children, these perpetrators, are acting out of an agreement made long ago. It is with the deepest love that they play their part in opening up the US, Canada and Europe to a quality of grief and grieving which has not been known since W.W.II. Strange as it may seem, these children are part of a generation which is more spiritual, more connected to All-That-Is than the older generation.

Even these children who perpetuate violence, and perhaps especially these children, know spirit in an intimate way. This connection is profound to the point of their being able to play a role in our unfolding drama which is cast as 'evil'. Yet these children who are within spirit understand that evil is simply another aspect of spirit defining itself. Moving outside of polarity consciousness, any action simply becomes an interaction with some aspect of All-That-Is.

Regardless of the circumstances, those carrying out violent or abhorrent acts may be seen to be playing out a role which is required at this time. The movement of compassion is to allow for a larger, unrestricted viewpoint to emerge. This viewpoint then allows love to lead one's vision of a circumstance.

It is with the utmost respect, care and support for all those who are grieving that I propose to hold those children who are walking on the 'dark' side in a state of nonjudgmental love. Each of these beings has chosen his or her road, and is trusted to play out their role. When we step out of polarity consciousness, and into Christ consciousness, we can truly hold each other in such love, regardless of each other's actions.


-Norma Gentile

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