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Healing Chants
P.O. Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Sound Healings --------Sacred Songs and Chants

I offer two options for creating Sacred Space for your healings or meditations. The first is a video with spoken meditation before and after a sung invocation of Sacred Space. Or you can listen to just the song itself.

As I sing, I invite the Nature Sphere, tuned to Nature's concept of unconditional love, and Archangel Michael's energetic tube, moving through all the dimensions of our reality, to be present. If you want to see the video with complete written notes, it is in my free online course
How Healing Happens.

A musical invocation of
Sacred Space

watch video
listen to song only

The song itself is from Norma's album
Songs of Spirit: live sound healings

This month I share an invocation of Sacred Space, a bit about what it does, and how you can do this yourself. It is not the notes I am singing, bur rather the underlying communion that I experience as I sing, that allows energies to shift.

And anyone can do it.

In this song, you will notice three sections. At first, you hear only my solo voice, then I am joined by a Tibetan bowl, and finally a section where I alternate between high and low tones. As I sing each segment, I am asking the various elements of the room, the land that supports it, and the pure energy of Nature (the Divine Matrix) to step forward and participate with me.

The Three Beauties of the song's title refers the three elements that create a Sacred Sphere around any room, and let it become a sacred place. Anytime, anywhere that we choose to, we can create and enter into Sacred Space. By inviting these three elements and recognizing their presence, we honor and ask for their assistance.

-The Pure Energy of Nature
-Nature Spirits and Intelligences of the Room
-Nature Spirits and intelligences of the Land beneath the Room

As you listen to this song, be aware of the sphere that is being called forth from around the room you are in. If you are outside, the sphere will be created using your physical body as its center.

When I am channeling or healing, I always use this sphere, along with Archangel Michael's octahedron. Together, they create a space, a sacred container, that is safe. Energies and entities feel Michael's presence, and know they can go home through his energy, so they release from the body more easily. Other energies feel the presence of Nature, and move home into her lower dimensional arms.

I must honor and point out two main teachers who provided me with parts of this healing design.
Machaelle Wright ( who demonstrated to me the tangible presence of Nature Spirits and their willingness to provide what we ask, and Drunvalo Melchizedek ( It was at one of his Earth/Sky Workshops years ago that I was shown by my guides how to invoke and utilize Archangel Michael's octahedron and the Sacred Sphere that I ask Nature to create with this song.

Check out Norma's new online video courses
Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness
created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.



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