Sound Healings --------Sacred Songs and Chants
As you listen to this simple song be aware of your breath. For many of us, breathing is an entry point into meditation. You are hearing a large Tibetan bowl being rung, and I am using my voice to create different intervals around its steady note. In the background a kitchen clock is marking the passage of time. This gentle rhythmic pulsation underscores the aspect of 'doing' in life. The long sustained notes create doorways through which you may step. Each note that I sing creates a different interval with the steadfast note that the bowl emits. Each of these intervals is a doorway into a different quality of your 'being'. At some point you may feel as if you enter inside of the notes. As you do so, time is suspended. This is both a natural occurrence and a psychic phenomenon. As I sing, I allow myself to move inside of the note I am singing. When I do this I know that the quality of consciousness I am experiencing is traveling on the sound waves to whomever is listening. With each note I rest more and more deeply into Spirit. As you listen, this invitation to rest into your guides, angels, Higher Self and Spirit is offered to you. Doing is what happens after we have spent time Being. It is not the reverse!