sound shaman / soprano

AudioClass Series
Spoken Meditations
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from Norma and her guides - Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira

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Please send a check payable to Norma Gentile for $9.99 plus $2.50 S/H to Norma Gentile, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

Please include your email and phone number, and title of the CD you wish to purchase.

Breatharian Meditations
with the Breatharian Elitom
a 2 CD set

available as CDs
or mp3 download

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Healing Chants
P.O. Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

The digital download version of these Spoken Meditations and Teachings are offered free of charge. If you would like to make a donation as a gesture of appreciation of what is offered, it will help me continue to offer these..You can access them to stream or download (playable on any mp3 player) at my podcast page: or iTunes.

Purchase these Meditations on CD
Edited into sections, so you can listen to each meditation separately. Includes brief text outline. $9.99 each.

Special Offer
Purchase any 3 Meditation CDs for $25

Meditation CD #23 from June 21, 2010

Ancient Energies Arise
and Depart
Healing Meditations
for Ancient Consciousness from Nature
and new insights from Thoth

Purchase as standard CD

Listen to a sample
"Gratitude Meditation"

If you are in a position to do so, please consider a donation

or by check to Norma Gentile, PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. This helps to cover the costs of maintaining the download mp3 site, audio editing, etc.

Through a series of meditations and insights, Thoth and others point out to humanity a doorway through which an ancient consciousness of the First Creative Cycle, long asleep within the Earth as oil, might now pass onto its own healing journey. As this happens, humanity's relationship with oil and other "inanimate" beings changes. This is our next step. Here are some ideas how we might begin it.

Moving into a new relationship with all of the consciousnesses with whom we share our planet means letting go of our belief that anyone of us knows how another should act, should be, or even should heal.

There is a rate that these energies can release. It is determined by the ability of the body of Gaia, our physical Earth, to release them and adjust the energies so as not to disrupt the physicality of the planet. This meditation is not about pushing or shoving energies out. It is about providing a sense of gratitude, which creates a chalice or receptivity. It is very hard to project gratitude or send gratitude. When you are in a state of feeling gratitude, it is simply a way of being. Part of that state of gratitude is not projecting your own or any other energies outwardly, but rather feeling your own world inwardly.


1. Introduction 1.:28
2. Essay: Ancient Energies Arise 10:12
3. Creating Sacred Space 9:39
4. Using Unconditional Love in Healing 5:26
5. Portals of Consciousness 8:51
6. A Meditation of Gratitude 2:30
7. Water 5:18
*8. Song: Aguas Sagradas / Sacred Waters 2:02
9. Meditation: Releasing Ancient Consciousness of Oil 10:49
10. Emotions and Consciousness (from Thoth) 6:16
11. Clearing and Releasing Sacred Space 9:15
12. How we act as Stewards for Ancient Energies 2:48
13. For more Information 1:33

Total Time: 77 minutes


*excerpted from a live concert of spontaneous improvised songs given by myself and David Darling. You can hear him playing cello underneath my singing. His music is available at iTunes, and also check him out on youtube and on his website,

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