sound healings
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Healing Chants
P.O. Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
How May I Help
have come to this page for a purpose. Your guides and angels
already know that purpose. These words merely assist your
mind in understanding that purpose.
Foundations of
soul is perfect in its spiritual expression
Your body has an intelligence that you can follow
Your personality strives to comprehend the wisdom in
Sessions include both information from your guides and
angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes
your Soul desires in your body and your life. This
multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find
that one or two sessions provides them with substantial,
lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so
complete that there is little or no going back to the other
ways of being.
In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who
you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now)
engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does
not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood,
and released. Simply put, the real world version of you
catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly
are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will
reflect each other more accurately.
How Your
Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks
perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My
guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ,
each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your
body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this
process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's
journey to be released.
The final, and most important aspect of my healing process
is that the released energies are ushered to their own home,
or onto the next step of their journey. In this way, they
are not pulled and left loose to hang about or return. I
find that for most people, their soul has an agreement to
help these energies (which often contain a deeper
consciousness) to return home. Once the energy 'sees' it can
go home, it released easily. Your contract with it is
Many of the energies I assist people in releasing have been
with them since childhood. In my experience, we all have
gathered experiences of wounding as a means of helping our
Soul's understanding of humanity. Over time we have become
accustomed to the presence of these energetic wounds, and
eventually we cannot distinguish between 'them' and 'us'.
During (and in the days prior to the session) your guides
will magnify the group of energy patterns that your Soul and
body are ready to release. You may have experiences to help
you recognize the beliefs, thoughts, emotions and physical
symptoms being caused by this set of soon-to-be-released
energies. This is part of the natural process of
Remember, energies that are not in tune with you will
distort the aura surrounding your body and eventually cause
chronic issues. Once your aura and body are freed from the
energy's 'blueprint' upon it, your own healing may move
forward more easily. Most clients report that other healing
modalities such as Reiki, acupuncture, chiropractic,
supplements, herbs, etc., are more successful in assisting
with their body's own healing process after a session.
How to
Schedule a Session
office@healingchants.com (please include Private Session in
the email title)
Phone/Text: (734)330-3997
Please include the following information:
Phone number or Skype/FaceTime name to use for the
- Your name, city, country and time zone
- At least three days/time frames that are
typically good for you to receive a session
In scheduling a session, consider times when you can prepare
beforehand, have at least 75 minutes of uninterrupted quiet
time, and ideally have ample time to rest afterwards. For
practitioners I recommend scheduling your session on a light
or no client day, so your energy field is not cluttered with
client's energies, and you have time to do your own
processing afterwards. I typically offer sessions in the
afternoon and evenings (USA eastern time zone), including
some weekends.
My sessions are primarily by phone, but I do offer private
sessions in person when I travel. See my Calendar
for a current list of cities and dates.
Why is this so
energy healing sessions are based on calling in the part of
your soul which is legally incarnate at the present time.
This comes from my belief that the soul is much larger than
what any one body can possibly contain. So parts of it come
and go, trading places every so often as your soul might
desire different skills or experiences in your life.
As each of us is growing more aware of the energies that
help to form our bodies and the world in which we live, we
also accept responsibility for being a part of the larger
creative process of Spirit. As a result we are on a strong
upward learning curve regarding energy, emotion and
By using the part of the soul which is legally incarnate as
a reference point, I can help you locate, and release, all
those other energies, guides, beliefs, and emotions that no
longer serve to support your physical body or your soul's
purpose. As a result most people notice that their lives
shift, usually releasing embedded habits and behaviors.
No change happens other than that which your soul is
already prepared to make.
With more than 30 years of experience I have found that
most people benefit from this deep healing, especially those
who already have an energy or meditation practice. This is
particularly helpful for practitioners.
What does a typical session look like?
one hour long
by phone/Skype/FaceTime (in-person if
I place the call/Skype to you
recorded and emailed to you as an
recordings contain the healing energy,
which comes back when you
Addressing difficult situations and making
decisions becomes much easier when your body is
your mind is quiet, and your emotions are
informing you, not overwhelming
might I expect afterwards?
clients have reported many benefits of healing
sessions including:
quiet mind with clarity of
greater physical ease and
emotional calm
stillness in the energy field
increased spiritual insight
heightened awareness of your guides,
Higher Self, and your energy
only suggestion is that you be committed to
spiritual growth, having new experiences, and
expanding your thinking.
do I Pay?
can be made here online, or an invoice an
be sent to you via Stripe, or you may use
a credit card over the phone.
Checks may be made out to
Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Please make payment in US funds
Payment (cash or check) may be made at the time of
the appointment for in person sessions.
Should you need to reschedule an appointment, please let me
know immediately. Appointments that are cancelled within 24
hours of the scheduled time are subject to a cancellation
fee of $75.
are some additional thoughts on healing provided by
my guides, Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor I
know as Atamira.
Concepts in
(that might be new
to you)

Grounding - Decreasing Mind Chatter - Increasing Psychic
Any energy in your physical body or energy field (aura)
that is not in present time or in tune with you will cause a
slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger
issues arising, such as illness in your physical body,
feeling emotionally overwhelmed, hearing constant mind
chatter, or a lack of grounding and psychic cloudiness. A
complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find,
address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This
frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues.
And yes, day-to-day life issues are addressed as well in a
session. Sessions often help you to avoid becoming mired in
daily decisions as well as supporting the graceful flow of
living that your Soul truly wants you to have in everyday
The system I have developed is very good at helping to
loosen and lift off energies we perceive as heavy or stuck.
The issues caused by these stuck energies may present
themselves as emotions, thoughts, physical illness or a
sense of 'something is not right'. Lifting off stagnant
energies assists you in changing the chronic issues caused
by or magnified by these energies. This means most chronic
illnesses will decrease in intensity, and become more
responsive to healing modalities.
All released energies are free to move into their own growth
and evolutionary paths. This means that what is released
does not return. And it means that those energies with
awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your
agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion,
because they are released with honor and respect onto their
next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that
your soul and body are ready to release.
Releasing Energy Cords (to other people, to their guides,
even to situations or places)
There is a rising awareness of the importance of
identifying and releasing cords that perhaps in the past we
were not responsible for releasing. As our consciousness
grows, so does our responsibility for learning about energy!
Letting go of energy cords relating to old guides (our own
or those that other's sent to us), and body-to-body cords
from family, friends and co-workers frees them up as much as
it frees us up to be who we are meant to be now.
Healing from the Death of a Loved One
Time is truly part of a healthy healing process around
death. Grief is an honorable and necessary part of how we
move into and through the many changes that a loved one's
death brings to us. Over many years of hospice and
post-death experiences I have found that it is the process
of grieving that releases the body-to-body cords between
ourselves and those that have passed on. As these cords
release, the permanent soul-to-soul cords are revealed. And
a conscious connection with the larger, unconditionally
loving soul of the beloved becomes easier to sense.
Releasing Out-of-Tune Guides
Guides that have come to us from our parents (DNA
guides) or survivor guides can be assured that their task is
complete. They tend to generate thoughts in our minds like
"this is how to behave", and "you have to be a good person".
These guides, who are now out-of-time, keep us from seeing
possibilities, such as stepping up into our power and unique
creativity. I find that these are large guides, often even
angelic guides, whose energies need to be released from the
past in order to be available to assist others now in the
present. Again, it appears that as we have graduated from
spiritual kindergarten, we are now responsible for noticing
and releasing these energies ourselves.
How to Prepare for a Session - Energy
When you confirm and pay for a session, your guides know
it. And they initiate a deeper conversation with my guides.
This connection allows them to being to work even before the
session officially begins.
The energetic patterns you are preparing to release will
start to stir in the days preceding the healing appointment.
If you begin to feel ill or simply odd, these are the very
symptoms and energies that are on their way out. Coming to
the healing session will assist these energies and symptoms
to continue moving out of your body.
You will want to chose a time when you can relax and perhaps
even nap after the session.
If you are a practitioner, pick a day when you are not
seeing clients, or at least a time when you are done for the
day and able to have time to yourself afterwards. Watch your
dreams, as our guides' connection in dream state may start
helping you shift several days before the session.
Whatever is beginning to shift will make itself known in the
days before the session. Notice, and allow yourself to begin
the healing process. There is no need to wait until the
actual session when the healing energies are already engaged
with you!
How to Prepare
for a Session - Physical Logistics
Phone Sessions:
If you have a corded land-line phone please plan on
using it. When using a cell phone, plan on using a corded
headset. Relax ahead of the session, and if you can plan on
resting afterwards. Remove all jewelry, sacred gems, stones,
and metals that can easily be removed. Chose a comfortable
location that is quiet, where you will not be disturbed, and
can lie down. I will call you at the appointment time. I
sometimes run 5-10 minutes late, so please be
In-Person Sessions at a
plan to arrive at the session location a few
minutes early
- Use the public restroom off of the lobby
- Remove all jewelry, sacred gems, stones, and
metals from your body and pockets
- Call/text the phone number provided in your
confirmation email when you are ready
If you need to, ask for me at the front desk. They will call
up to the room. If I do not answer, I may still be with
another client. Please leave a voice message with your name,
and I will phone down to the desk as soon as I am ready for
you. Stay near the front desk so they can find you
In-person healing sessions typically last 50-55 minutes.
Sometimes I can run a bit early or tardy, so please be
the Session
for Yourself
It is not uncommon for people to want quiet time after
the session. If you can, choose a session time that allows
you a few hours, or the remainder of the day for
contemplation. Be sure to drink plenty of water and set
aside extra time for a good night's sleep.
You and your body have decided to shift foundational
energies and release many long held patterns. As a result,
much more life-force is flowing through your body and aura.
As this river of life-force increases, it naturally expands
and speeds up. All sorts of debris that has been lying just
out of view may be swept along in its current, flowing out
of your body. Tears, moments of joy, odd tingling, a feeling
of clarity and perfect lightness, even a round of diarrhea
or a brief cold are not uncommon as the physical body
cleanses and updates itself.
If you feel any physical symptoms warrant medical attention
please call your primary health care professional. Caring
for the physical body assists spiritual changes to manifest
more smoothly. You may want to schedule a massage,
acupuncture, chiropractic or other supportive modalities for
the days following your healing session.
It is not uncommon for people to feel that they have another
layer of issues ready to clear a few weeks after the first
session. Please be in touch whenever it feels right to work
How to use the
people find they listen to all of their session a few times,
and then perhaps portions. It is stronger energetically if
you listen to the beginning invocation of the Nature Sphere
and Archangel Michael because tuning in to them first
strengthens the energies that you then perceive working with
you while listening to the session recording. Be sure to
also listen to their release at the session's
A Note about
the Invocation and Release of Sacred
The invocation of Sacred Space is done by welcoming a
conscious connection with the Nature Spirits of the room you
are presently in, and the Nature Spirits residing in the
land beneath that room. In this fashion the energies of
Sacred Space are tethered to the room and land. For the
purposes of this meditation, it is important to remain in
the same space until the completion of the meditation. At
the conclusion, we will ask the energies to clear the room
and land you are in, then release them from consciously
connecting to you, and releasing the Sacred Space they
Each time you listen to this meditation the Nature Spirits
of whatever room you are in, along with those of the land
beneath the room, will create an energetic sphere of Sacred
Space with you. You need not be in the same room each time
you listen to this meditation. The Nature Spirits of the
room and land you are in during the invocation are the ones
you are calling forward into a conscious connection. You
just need to remain in contact with the room in order for
the healing process to proceed easily. And remember to
listen all the way through to the end of the meditation, so
that you fully release your conscious magnified connection
to the Nature Spirits and all those energies, even guides
and angels, that came into your healing process during the
When you re-listen to this meditation you can be in any
location. The Sacred Space invocation will tether to that
location in which you are. Each time you listen to this
meditation, or any of my meditations where I have invoked
Sacred Space, it is tethered to the physical space that the
invocation is created in. That is why at the end we always
release from Sacred Space
so that your energies and my
energies are not hanging out in that same location long
after the healing process has been completed.
A Musical
All of my
musical albums contain songs that use music as carrier waves
for spiritual energies. Meditation
Chants of Hildegard helps
release emotional energies from the chakras.
Love's Creation
creates the Nature Sphere around the room, magnifying the
depth of whatever healing modality, artistic endeavor or
writing that is being done while listening. These two albums
are especially good for use during massage therapy or
similar settings.
invokes the Sacred Masculine energies of Archangel Michael
from within the Earth, alongside the Divine Feminine.
of Spirit
clears the listener and the room of lingering energies and
is good to use before and after hosting or attending group
meetings or workshops.
I also have many spoken
word Meditations with healing
you may want to check out. Many people use them to
supplement their meditation and healing process.