and Healing Meditation
Video Courses
Norma's music
is available at


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Healing Chants
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Insights from Archangel Michael and
Tenderly Holding
Chaos (and crisis)
Part of why these times are so messy
Creating what is Accurate in Your Life
And a brief spoken meditation channeled from
Archangel Michael
Dear Friends,
It feels like we have experienced several years worth of
events in the past few weeks. As I was asking what to share
with you, my guides and Archangel Michael started helping me
see a pattern of behavior that is useful to tag. At the end
of their sharing, Archangel Michael stepped in and offered a
very brief spoken meditation, which is included here at the
end of the essay as an audio link. There's also a sound
healing, Be (then) Do, that dovetails nicely with the
insights and the meditation from Archangel Michael. I hope
you enjoy this and feel free to drop me a note with any
feedback you might have.
A Note about my channeling of Archangel
Archangel Michael provided me with these insights over time,
and assisted me in sharing them with you. When I channel
Archangel Michael directly, the words can be a bit 'thick'
and intellectually challenging. In order to get the full
meaning you may need to re-read sections and intuitively
scan for the meaning that would benefit you now. When I am
blended in with Archangel Michael the words and references
tend to reflect both the Spiritual energies of Archangel
Michael and my own human experience. You will find a mix of
these two styles in this essay
Brief Summary of the Insights
You know how it is when you have to fix something but you
put it off and then it explodes. That's how world events
feel to me right now. We know we need to deal with
escalating violence, climate change and personal issues that
repeatedly arise. The longer we put these off, the more
likely they are to cause chaos.
Of course everything that explodes loosens up stuck or old
energy that can become something new. "How does Spirit move
through the people, land and consciousness of each situation
that is undergoing transformation now?"
I do not need to have the answers. By holding each event
within the chalice of a question, I do not impose my will,
my personal energy or opinion upon that which is being
shaped now.
Grounding myself and tending my own garden allows the calm
energy I generate to be part of the process of Creation that
is underway now.
Below is the complete insight
Holding Chaos (and crisis)
As our consciousness is shifting, the rise of the Divine
Feminine is threatening the profane or non-sacred masculine
energies woven through Western cultures. The Divine Feminine
is not really threatening them, but that is the perception
of profane male energies. They feel threatened. They feel
under siege by the clarity, the patience, the spaciousness
and the calmness that the Divine Feminine invokes, and draws
people to express outwardly.
In reality, the rising of the Divine Feminine provides a
space, a container, for the Sacred Masculine to enter our
world more fully. This has been happening in a magnified
manner for the last two months. During this time a flow of
Sacred Masculine energy has entered into this region of
space. This is an annual event. If you think back over time,
you've probably noticed a quickening of external events
towards the end of August and beginning of September each
This influx of Sacred Masculine energy disrupts aspects of
our world that are based on the profane masculine. When
humanity resists making changes to what is being disrupted,
more and more pressure builds, until finally what has been
built with a profane consciousness breaks apart. Earth
changes, economic breakdowns and social or political chaos
are examples of what happens when we resist addressing what
is being brought up into our attention by the Sacred
However, aspects of the profane masculine include beliefs
and unconscious assumptions that are entrenched in our
Western society and serve as much of its foundation. One
unconscious aspect is the imperative of obeying the king's
status, i.e. maintaining the hierarchy established by toxic
or profane masculinity.
Building our new reality means listening to the promptings
of our own inner being. As we are still living in a physical
world based upon polarity, this means shifting into using
the Divine Feminine in combination with the Sacred
Masculine, rather than the profane masculine, and
recognizing which is which.
People of all genders are building an energetic chalice.
Each time their actions reflect the Divine Feminine, the
chalice is strengthened. Sacred Masculine energy is able to
be contained within this chalice. Tapping into Sacred
Masculine energy means its impetus, its direction, its
psychic and spiritual motion guides each person to new
insights and new ways of expressing themselves into form.
This is divine creation expressing through humanity.
of why these times are so
All humans are connected through our collective
unconsciousness. We access this unconsciousness in sleep
and deep meditative states. Who we believe ourselves to be,
both our strengths and weaknesses, act like energy cords
that tap into the equivalent energetic patterns in the
collective unconsciousness. Sometimes we draw strength from
this web of unconsciousness.
This is the power of prayer.
During meditation, I know that the quality of energy I am
focusing on is magnified, and therefore becomes more
tangible to others. I do not need to send any energy
anywhere. My job is to simply be.
Because we are all connected into this collective
unconsciousness, we each experience what is being processed
within it. In the current phase, there is much grief. And
while it seems odd, much of this grief has at its core a
deep fear. We have only known a society built by the
hierarchical structure that the profane masculine has
determined. Fear is arising for many people as this
authority structure is fading.
I believe that this change in the collective unconsciousness
is exhibiting itself in form as the withdrawal of people's
unconditional acceptance of false leadership; meaning
leadership that is based on leaders that need adoration
energy in order to function. Yes, the profane masculine is
held up by unbridled adoration.
While the current political climate is an easy way to
illustrate my point, I feel it is also very similar to what
I see in American culture around instant overnight stars or
celebrities. They are riding on an energy wave of adoration.
Eventually that wave will come crashing down on the shore
and that will usually be the end of their ride. It
oftentimes ends very poorly, but not always. Some people
will pick themselves up, learn to nourish themselves without
external adoration, and find a way to express their gifts
and be of service to others.
Right now there are multiple mini waves of adoration that
rising political celebrities are riding. They tend to move
well with the profane masculine energies, as the profane
masculine can favor quick results. Bringing something into
form using a spiral mix of Divine Feminine and Sacred
Masculine energies also means working with the consciousness
of the Earth and honoring all Beings. What is built in this
manner is not linear. Its form appears when all Beings of
consciousness are in agreement. (It is the ultimate
committee decision making process.)
I mention this because Archangel Michael wants to point out
the importance, right now, of choosing how we create. We do
not need to save the Earth. I have no doubt that my guides
are correct when they say 'at some point the Earth can
simply shrug her shoulders, relieving herself of much of
humanity'. I have no doubt this has happened before. And
is happening now in some regions. Can we use these Earth
changes as opportunities to not re-build what is not
sustainable? Can we think of destructive events as
providing us with raw energy to find new paths?
I think of the Cycle of Creation, or the Creative Process.
When writing, you can't write a new word until you have
thought and let go of the current word. In order to move
forward we must release from the present what belongs in the
past. If we are not willing to release something, it will
eventually release itself. When this happens, there is more
likely to be an energetic chaos.
I think of rising temperatures and rising water levels. This
changes weather patterns. It means crops no longer grow
where and how they did before. Therefore how we plant, and
what we plant will be different. Likewise, cities are no
longer always above sea level. Building in (now) constantly
flooding areas leads to more flooding. (Nature creates sand
dunes and soggy marshy areas as buffer zones between large
bodies of water and solid land. Only recently have humans
insisted on building permanent structures in these buffer
zones. This construction destroys the zones, and allows
water to move unimpeded into the surrounding solid
Ideally we are learning to honor the release portion of the
Creative Cycle and embrace stepping into a new portion of
the cycle. A final thought about honoring the importance of
releasing what was is a simple one. Notice when you are
putting off doing something that you know you need to do. A
home appliance repair, a conversation
even thinking
through something you are feeling your guides niggling at
you to think about. This is also an example of holding onto
a cycle that is now dissipating. Do not fear what you do
not know. How can you know about this next cycle without
stepping into it?
what is Accurate in Your Life
We as a society are slowly recognizing that what we interact
with determines where our life force is going. Likewise,
what we avoid at all costs and will not let ourself think
about, well, we are also giving an equivalent amount of our
life force to this as well.
It takes life force to stop yourself from thinking about
something. Thus you are engaged with whatever it is that you
are stopping yourself from thinking about. You are as
engaged with it as you are engaged with what you think you
want to create.
Going back to focusing on what is accurate, supportive,
steady in your life may be more accurate than focusing your
energy on what you think you want to have in life. Here are
a few things to ask yourself when you are creating using
your intuition in alignment with the Sacred Masculine and
Divine Feminine:
What makes
your body feel good?
What makes
your navel chakra relax?
What makes
your feet warm?
increases your awareness of the stillness around
Whatever that is, is yours to do.
Each of us has a different journey. Let your body, let your
awareness guide you. Yes, you can notice the external waves
coming at you. Or the winds of external critical voices
around you. Maybe they feel overwhelming. The energies
within them can only interact with you if you give them more
than a passing acknowledgment.
We're not avoiding them, and thus giving our unconscious
energetic attention to them, nor are we celebrating them and
thinking about them 24-7, also giving our attention energy
to them. We're simply aware of them. We note them. And we
find what's comfortable in our own bodies.
From Archangel Michael: a short meditation

A short meditation channeled from Archangel
Every time you breathe in, whatever you are thinking,
whatever you are aware of, determines the quality of energy
you are building around your body. So just let yourself come
to rest. Feel the weight of your body on the couch, the
chair, or wherever you are right now. Just feel the weight
of your body. Let yourself acknowledge your human form. And
allow that human form to feel supported, not just by Spirit,
but also by the very form that you are sitting or lying on.
Just let your body be supported. Allow what you need to be
present in your life, into your awareness.
Many blessings to you
-Archangel Michael
through Norma
Healing Sessions
(offered by phone or Skype)
include both information from your guides and
angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate
changes your Soul desires in your body and your
life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep
and most people find that one or two sessions
provides them with substantial, lasting and
profound change. The kind of change that is so
complete that there is little or no going back to
the other ways of being.
In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation
of who you are (the portion of your soul
incarnating right now) engages with your body in a
new way. This allows what does not reflect your
Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and
released. Simply put, the real world version of you
catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you
truly are. After the healing session your Soul,
body and life will reflect each other more
Your Healing is
I do not intend or focus healing so that your
body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it
does in a book. My guides consult and follow your
guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each
issue in your life; what is it that your body and
Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this
process, allowing whatever no longer serves your
Soul's journey to be released.
A recording is made of the session. When you listen
to the recording your guides and the healing angels
will return to continue to help your personal inner
understanding and release continue. Sessions are
last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to
secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
more about private healing sessions
Safe Space
a song to help you remember

or Watch
is merely the presence of noise within an otherwise
quiet and tranquil landscape.
You can hear the noise,
and know that it only exists as splatters of paint
upon the larger canvas of Life.
Feeling safe comes from a restful
you listened to this podcast
Want to read
the updated insights
from Archangel Michael and Thoth?
#64 from August 22,2021
Goals for New Paths
way we were creating reality, as well as
the path and the goals of that reality,
have changed.
Great to release trepidation, fear around
changes in the world and your own

For Best Results: Be in a quiet place where you
can lie down and not be disturbed.
Norma's music and meditations are available on
and most streaming services.
A Series of Healing Meditations Tuning Your Body to
your New Path and New Goals
Feeling stuck, or heavy or unable to follow through
with your plans? You may be tied to parts of a past
reality. Here is a meditation to help you step into
the new reality that our world, and your Soul is
choosing for you now.
New beliefs, habits, and behaviors that we started
in this last year or even within the last few
months may not serve us anymore. The way we were
creating reality, as well as the path and the goals
of that reality, have changed. New options are
available and for most of us, our Souls have
decided that we want to investigate and pursue
those new options.
Even the guides and angels that were helping us
achieve those old goals can now release, allowing
our intuition to open more fully to the guides and
angels that reflect our new reality and are meant
to help us right now.
two new songs for deepening your Soul's connection
to your body.
- Safe Space for Healing (release old patterns,
- Resting Heart
to Stop someone's energy from Influencing
Psychic Energy from others Clogs your
and How Narcissists and their Reality
Guides and Angels are Meant to Work with
Your Intuition by Updating Connections to
Guides and Angels
Norma's Meditations are freely available as podcasts or
on her website.
#67 from February 4, 2024
what Wounds and Loving what Remains
How it works
How to identify it
How to intuitively 'see' beyond

To fully benefit from this meditation be in a quiet
place where you can listen and not be
Healing Songs
Norma's Hathor guide Atamira blende with a
Divine Buddhist Being to lay their energies into
these songs. This was not planned in advance. These
songs are improvised in the moment to reflect the
energetic context and healing possibilities of
those listening.
Norma's music and podcast meditations are available
on Apple
and most streaming services.
We each have the ability to see psychically
what others want
us to see. and then we have the ability to
whatever it is that they want us to see, and see
with our own intuition. This lets us see our own
truth about what our Soul wants us to see, know and
do in life.
When we are not able to remove the psychic images,
emotions and beliefs that another wants us to see,
our own intuition is blocked by their energetic
will. (gaslighting)
Psychic Intuitive Compass has 3 Locations in Your
Body. Let's Clear
from Archangel Michael and
Why (sometimes) we can't heal
Are you micro-managing healing
Our Soul may create pain to direct our
We can release energies from infancy that
block us from feeling safe as
meditation will Relax your Body, bring Ease to
Personal Expression, and Clear your
#66 from October 22, 2023
and Releasing Old Emotions and Beliefs
Held in Your Low Body. Hint: most of what
you experience isn't yours.
song and message from Mary, drawn through me during
this live healing meditation.

or Watch
- Insights from Archangel Michael and Mary
lower chakras are just as energetically and
psychically sensitive as our Third Eye (6th chakra)
and Heart Chakra. Emotional energies held in our
low body are often from infancy or early childhood,
and take extra care and patience to understand,
transmute and release.
Healing Songs from Spirit
Norma's Hathor guide Atamira lays her energies
into these songs, improvised in the moment to
reflect the energetic context and healing
possibilities of those listening.
Resolving Restlessness
Clearing Pain
Lava me / Wash Me in the Sea of Tranquility
Kyrie Eleison / Creator Compassion
in case you missed it...
Energetics and Insights into Long Covid
for ourselves and our world
The 3
types of Long COVID I am seeing now, with
prevention, treatment and spiritual
Inspiration from Archangel Michael, Mary, and the
Beings of Light
consider a Monthly Donation
monthly donation lets me create healing songs and
videos, these newsletters, online concerts, and
audio meditations. Your support allows me to hire
and pay professionals for editing, recording and
various online services. Thank you!
If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent
it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters
I have
always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect
to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings
assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the
innate creativity and healing potential within each person.
I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels,
healing energies and music in this process. I believe that
our world is healed as each person heals themselves.
song to find the stillness within you from
which Rebirth arises.

my music and meditation podcasts are on most
And I have CDs!
Yes, I still have music on physical CDs.
Best Way to Purchase a physical CD
through my website

Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
the online course: Re-Initializing
Dear Friends,
I am so excited to share with you a video from my
developing online course, Re-Initializing
Please have a look, and feel free to share with
The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed
Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your
healing guides and angels
courses in Healing, Sound and Energy



for today's online world
Update your personal connection to Reiki and
your healing guides.
(pre-release price)
Healing Happens
and meditations to help you get out of the way of
your own healing process. FREE
yourself hear and follow the money guides working
with you right now
(pre-release price)
are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your
friends, your email circle and social
#63 from January 1, 2021
time of Reflection with songs and insights
from Archangel Michael, Mary and the
Hathor Atamira..

Listen to one of the songs now
Delving Deep
Norma's music is available on Apple
and most streaming services.
Includes 4 new songs from spirit and these
-Thoughts on the Healing Process
- Opening Your Energy Body to Deeper Healing
- Our Lower Chakras Follow Larger Creative
- Clearing Your Pelvis
- Releasing Tension by Clearing Other People's
Guides (Neck - Head - Third Eye)
- Updating Your Life Plans (and the guides / angels
to help you)
- Grounding into Your Own Energies within the
- Illusionary goals vs Achievable Goal
- Resetting Third Eye for Clear Psychic
each cycle of creation there is a period of
Renewal. During this time we acknowledge all the
cycles initiated in the past, and know that we
carry with us all that is coming from our past. In
this meditation you have the opportunity to
identify and release what you do not need carry
into the future.