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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more

Dear Friends,

We are living in the space between. The space between what was and what has not yet arrived. Fear comes easily when we try to ground and make mental sense out of the shifting currents that surround us...that Earth and physical reality no longer exists. Therefore we cannot use old ways of grounding our body. It's scary but true.

However, our body does know how to ground, even while we exist in the space between realities, and our job now is to encourage our minds and our need to 'do something' to come to rest. We are now listening to the promptings of our body. Allowing each day to unfold in its own manner, according to its own rhythm, is all that we can do.

In honoring our journey through this luminal space, I am hoping to amplify and clarify what we are moving towards by offering several ways to connect. First, the meditation app Insight Timer is featuring my meditation '
Bringing Wholeness to Your Body" as their staff pick today. And I will be offering a Healing Meditation Concert on the Summer Solstice, Saturday, June 20 via livestream on the Healing Chants Facebook Page. More info on both events below.

May contentment find you easily in these days between the old and new worlds

Feel Safe, Whole and Ground Easily

Listen now on Insight Timer

This meditation is particularly potent. Plan on an hour for the meditation, and give yourself another 10-15 minutes afterwards to integrate the changes that have occurred.

Listen via my podcast page

A soothing meditation focusing on healing energies that support your body in feeling safe, whole, and grounding easily.

Archangel Michael and Thoth (who has returned to my circle of spiritual guides after several year's abscence) join me. Together, we share energies and insights that create a deeply sacred space in which you, your guides/angels and your Soul can fluidly interact.

There is a spontaneous healing song as well.

------ - - - - - - Saturday, June 20 at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific
- - -
- - - - - - ONLINE STREAM - - - Healing Chants Facebook Page

Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the
Summer Solstice

with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Schruti Box, Overtone Chant, Songs from Spirit, Healing Chants by St. Hildegard of Bingen and lots of wonderful deeply healing energies.

Plan Ahead
LIKE and FOLLOW the Healing Chants Facebook Page that will host the live stream.

Donations Welcome

Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48198

This online streaming concert will be very intimate, featuring myself and a few of my favorite Singing Bowls and most likely some spoken insights from my guides (usually Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor named Atamira).

Here is song, drawn through me from Spirit, as a little gift:
Mother of Eternity

No matter the space between us, our interconnectedness through Spirit is palpable. Just like in person concerts, where the atmosphere in the room is rich and Spirit is tangibly present, this concert will create a potent sacred container for deep meditation.

...and yes, you can join in by toning, humming and singing, from wherever it is that Spirit has led you to be, so that Spirit will continue to sing through all of us.

Impress Your Friends!
Norma's singing is described as "devotional ecstasy" by Yoga Journal, and her voice "like the song of a bird". Her ability to draw spiritual healing energies through music, including the chants of St. Hildegard, brings forth "subtle tones of the Universal Harmony" according to Creation Spirituality Magazine.

Come, bathe yourself in Sacred Sound and Healing Chants.

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:

I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered by phone or Skype or Zoom) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

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Tender Strength
a song and insight to empower the Sacred Masculine within each of us
(from the December Solstice Concert)

Empowering our Expression of the Sacred Masculine

Much has been spoken in the last few decades about the rising of the Divine Feminine, and now it is time for the Sacred Masculine to be afoot. It is available to each of us through the choices we express in daily life and living. Here we honor the empowerment within that allows us to be present as a tender expression of the Sacred Masculine.

Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone / Zoom / Skype

June 20​
9pm​ Eastern / 6pm​ Pacific


Healing Meditation Concert of Chant

Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness

created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)

Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.
Subscribe today!

Meditation #61 from January 10, 2020

Is it an Obstacle or a
Spiritual Redirection?
Includes the healing song Remembering Home

LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music, CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.

Apple Music

Listen to mp3


Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive and be constricting to our lives, we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. (Especially our Navel Chakra and First Chakra)

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies that we pick up from others as if they were our own.

Here is an audio meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.

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