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Pranic Nourishment, Healing and Breatharianism Personal Notes and a channeling from Thoth on the evolution of the human-spiritual body. a prelude to a special retreat with Elitom, a Breatharian of 19 years, and Norma (see below) Dear
Friends, It was almost 20 years ago when I first learned about Breatharians; people who are able to sustain themselves by energetic nourishment rather than eating food and drinking water. A few months later I was invited to an informal gathering where such an individual, who had been living without food or water for more than a year, was sharing his experience. I was not convinced that such a feat was possible. Going without eating or drinking seemed to me more like a form of spiritual anorexia. One that would end poorly. Nonetheless, I was intrigued, and decided to attend the gathering. One of my psychic gifts is to be able to 'see' how people connect with their own guides and angels. I figured that someone who legitimately was able to nourish themself from energy would have an unusual configuration in their aura. Something that would indicate to me that indeed this was possible. Upon arriving I was struck by the messy energies in the room where the gathering was held. Most of the people present were ill, and looking for wellness. They were attentive to the talk that the Breatharian gave, but incredulous. Their belief system could not stretch to include subtle energies and experiences outside of the daily world they lived in. Of course, when any of us is unable to set aside what we know in order to explore what is possible, new information cannot reach us. Potential changes cannot be incorporated. As I listened to the Breatharian speak, I asked my guides to step into my awareness and provide me with deeper insights. Archangel Michael came forward. As the connection with Archangel Michael intensified, my psychic vision became more potent. I find that Michael's energy helps other energies (such as stray emotions, old packets of beliefs and at times ghosts or attached entities) go to wherever they need to go to. In this situation, it was not appropriate for me to ask Archangel Michael to clear the room. But Michael's presence energetically amplified my personal boundaries. Once I was not distracted by the psychic energy clutter, I could see past it and begin to sense unique aspects of wiring within the Breatharian's energy field. I was intrigued. There was something different overall about the psychic 'feel' of his aura. Something that was a mix of heightened focus and magnified attentiveness. My guidance suggested that some of what I was picking up was merely the energies he was running as he was interacting with the audience and presenting his talk. These would change if we met in a different setting. And so we did. Meditations in parks and spaces that were abundantly full of natural pranic energies were common. I noticed that I was able to identify a quality of energy that I had been using in long distance healing sessions to help people's physical bodies remember their own health. I had already named it the Pure Energy of Nature. Now, doing Qi Gong alongside the Breatharian, I found this same energy filling my lower 8th chakra (which is 4-6 inches under the feet). As a larger percentage of my lower 8th chakra filled with the Pure Energy of Nature, I began to salivate. On warm days my thirst resolved itself,,,until we concluded the meditation or Qi Gong. Then my thirst slowly and naturally returned. I noticed that the Breatharian was able to maintain his lower 8th chakra tuned to the Pure Energy of Nature. And simultaneously his upper 8th chakra was tuned to a type of Solar Energy. This created a double toroidal field, sending Solar Energy down his pranic tube and the Pure Energy of Nature up his pranic tube. This appeared to provide an overall energy flow that nourished the core of each chakra, as well as generated his personal aura. I want to let Thoth explain a bit more now:
from Thoth For many years I have been silent in Norma's life. The bodies that she and each of you have are created by your Soul's choices at incarnation. They are malleable and bendable to your will, but where does that will come from? If from your personality, is it in service to you or to the greater world to follow what is willed? If, ideally, your desire to explore Breatharianism comes from your Soul's desire to be on this new journey, then shall it be a blessing to all. Just before Norma encountered the Breatharian, she was told of a newly emerging wiring within the pranic tube of the human body. The pranic tube is understood to be the central channel around which two streams of kundalini flow. The kundalini energy is best described as the aspect of life-force that your Soul choose to engage in while within your physical body during this lifetime. It is not polarized. However, as your body exists within a region of physical space that is polarized, it divides itself into two distinct qualities as it engages with your body. You have translated these energies into male and female. This translation reflects how polarity has stepped forward through your consciousness, and therefore into your worldly expression. Soon, perhaps as soon as 2030, enough people will be experiencing changes in the kundalini streams that it will become commonplace to speak of such things. Even now there are those of you who are already experiencing four streams of kundalini arising from the base of your lower spine. These are merely a re-interpretation of the original life-force that your body was dividing into two polarities. Now it appears (in your awareness) to be dividing itself into four streams. Over time these four will become eight and the eight will become sixty-four until the pranic tube is fully energized with life-force. This is the act of ascension. For this moment now, your world's exploration of Breatharianism is a first step. This exploration allows you to address many beliefs that you hold about your physical reality and how you relate to the world. These beliefs are the most difficult to change! Boundaries must first be learned. Establishing and maintaining a quality of vibration that is unique from other people and reflects you is paramount. As you explore your ability to nourish yourself from prana, it is imperative to construct an intelligent webbing around each aspect of your aura (emotional, physical and mental) that clearly reflects you and no one else. This is done over many years and with much self-reflection. For this reason my larger Soul incarnated over multiple lifetimes (starting with a lifetime far in your planet's distant future). Exploring what is new and unique can be exciting. And ideally it leads you to new awareness' of your own motivation. Do inquire within. Is your interest in exploring the energies relating to Breatharianism a part of your personality wanting entertainment, or truly a calling from deep within to be upon your Soul's journey?
From Norma I have sat with Thoth to help me understand more fully some aspects of Breatharianism. In offering these insights I want to help people explore new capabilities of connection between our physical form and spiritual essence. Too often people jump into new ideas without fully understanding them. So I also want to share that my own experience of Breatharianism is one of balance. First our body learns to open its innate connection to Solar Energies and the Pure Energy of Nature. Then we learn to cultivate these connections. By trial and error, we find various conscious movement practices (such as Q gong, Sun Gazing, Pranic Nourishment) that fit our bodies, and use them daily. Eventually we realize that we are eating a bit less, while not forcing ourselves to eat less. The time has come, my guides say, to share more about Pranic Nourishment in a public way. Not because we are all going to become full and complete Breatharians! No. I am being guided to share what I know because humanity has reached a point in our spiritual evolution where we need to learn to practice the core energetic principles upon which Breatharianism is based. These core principles are applicable to many aspects of our life as humans. Each of us will use the energetic wiring that is now available to us in different ways. For example, I cultivate my connection with the Pure Energy of Nature in order to help awaken healing potentials within my own and other people's bodies. You may use it in other ways. We are each creator beings. What is yours to create? I offer a
free video mediation (with a healing song) to assist you in
awakening your own innate connection to the Pure Energy of
Nature. It can be found at: http://www.healingchants.com/MerkPrana.html -Norma
A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me: I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself. Private
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