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yourself hear and follow the Spiritual
Beings working with money, ease and living
well. MerKaBa
Meditation & Pranic Nourishment
Dear Friends, When people who know me as an energy healer encounter me in places such as a chiropractor's office or the waiting room of an acupuncturist, they are surprised. It seems there is a perception that those who do healing work (and I would include parents, teachers, etc.) don't need to receive care from others. And too often we do put off and delay being on the receiving end of the care that we need. But is that really serving us? Here are some insights about the pattern of delaying and denying self-care that may resonate with many. Why do we Delay our own Healing? Insights and Ideas to move from inertia into action Why do we wait to care for ourselves until the very last ounce of our life-force is depleted? I always get a wave of people wanting healing sessions but insisting on dragging themselves through some situation first. Right now I notice folks barely making it through the last days of this year yet putting off prioritizing self-care. Why do we (especially care-givers, nurturers of other people) put off 'putting on our own oxygen masks' to recharge ourselves? Most common answer: if I recharge I will just be drained again by (family/spouse/entertaining/whatever I think I have to do) so I would rather wait until (they leave/regular routine is established/I am completely exhausted). My response? Let's look at the underlying assumption that you have to be drained. Or that you have to do something that drains you. And why anyone can deplete you of your vital life-force. And let's do that while the pattern is happening, so it is easy to see and release. Let's start a new tradition inside of you now. If this speaks to you, let's work on the issue right now, while it is 'up' and clearly tangible. What you notice you can change. And my guides can support you and your guides in this change. Additionally, you may feeling the impending energies of the Jan 21st Total Lunar Eclipse occurring on the first of three Full SuperMoons. (other Full SuperMoons this Winter are Feb 19 and on the March 21 solstice). Each of these Full SuperMoons will bring up into our awareness unique issues that our Soul wants us to understand more deeply. The Jan 21st 'Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse' illuminates emotions we have hidden from ourselves because external authorities (mother/father usually) made it clear such emotions were wrong or bad. Most of us learned to suppress these emotions as very young children, before we were able to fully speak. We learned to push the emotional energies into our infant and toddler-age bodies, where the energies created habits of tension and torsion in our muscles and soft tissue. I am also convinced (from seeing such pattern many times in energy healing clients) that our enteric nervous system and lower body is overwhelmed when we need to keep repeating a pattern of denying what is truth (that mom/dad is angry or violent for example) and behave as if everything is fine. At some point it is easier for us as children to believe the lie. After all, our family provides food and the physical house we are accustomed to navigating within. And so as children our head insists that all is well, while our body screams 'no its not!'. In order to survive, we needed to disconnect our brain from hearing our body's voice so we could function within the reality of the lies. But as adults, we recognize that we need to hear what is happening with our bodies. Our ability to 'tune into' what is happening in our body is the key to a satisfying quality of living, and catching what is out of balance in its early stages of discomfort before generating dis-ease. More and more I am noticing that our body's lower chakras, which are the most disconnected from our brains, are opening into a new telepathic connection with the Earth and physical form. In order to utilize this new psychic and intuitive ability, we must re-connect with the truth of our body, allowing a profoundly new resetting of our lower chakras. All this is to say that now is a great time to pay attention to whatever is happening; whether it is emotional or physical or an inner urge for a good deep clearing. These are the days of quiet, ideally providing an annual time of reflection for humanity. Allowing yourself to find your path of reflection is a gift only you can give yourself. May eacy who read this find their true light shining already within. -Norma
Sessions Sound
Healing Event TBA June
27 -30 Pranic
with Elitom, a breatharian of 18 years I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself. Private
Healing Sessions -
Stand into our ability to honor ourselves
and others; finding our self-worth
internally, no matter the external setting
of family / work. This meditation
includes: Yes,
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