Insights from Archangel
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veils or boundaries between worlds are thinning.
And not just between what we think of as Earth and
Heaven, but also between the spiritual energies
that we perceive of as residing within the Earth,
and the emotional and mental boundaries we each
have with the larger collective consciousness of
That's a whole lot of thinning veils!
Here are some insights from Mary and Archangel
Michael on why this is important to acknowledge,
and what we can each do.
Veils Create New Opportunities
from Norma, with Mary and Archangel Michael)
A little background:
Our town, our country, our social friends, and our
family each have a separate group consciousness. We are all
subject to, and able to somewhat impact, each of these
groups of consciousness. We are actively exchanging
information with everyone and everything (Earth energies,
for example) related to each group consciousness. We
establish boundaries not with energetic walls or by cutting
cords, but by intensifying the unique vibration of who we
are. Each choice we make, especially in regards to
interactions with uncomfortable situations, generates a
quality of energy in our aura that is 'heard' by others in
the group consciousness.
As as much as we might try to deny it or clear it, we are
subject to feeling issues the groups are dealing with. When
more than the Golden Mean (5/8ths) of a group is expressing
anger, fear or depression, (as is currently happening) our
own related issues come into our awareness.
Clearly there is much anger being expressed that individuals
are not able to process. This particular type of anger isn't
just anger. It covers over suppressed fear. When the
individual cannot move into the anger and recognize it as
fear, people around the individual, as well as within the
group consciousness, feel it more intensely. But they do not
always experience it as anger, or the suppressed fear.
Rather, others around the individual experience the anger as
being a sense of physical heaviness, emotional dullness and
depression of their own life-force. Ignoring these symptoms
or trying to change the symptoms themselves gives only
temporary relief.
Now, a part of me wishes it were possible to simply make
everyone look at their own spiritual, mental and emotional
'stuff'. But of course that is the whole point of
incarnating into a free-will zone, where we learn, through
our own choices, how to be divine creators.
So what does one do when (it seems) that 5/8ths of the
various group consciousness' to which we belong are busy
being angry in order to avoid feeling their fear and other
We learn to allow any bits of our own anger to arise. And
feel what we fear arising alongside the anger. Knowing what
you fear the most brings that vibration into your awareness.
This isn't about dwelling in the vibration. It is simply
about naming it, identifying it, and releasing or
transforming it.
Let's look at the most common fear; losing one's lifestyle.
Perhaps due to illness, a spouse's death, or money or a
natural disaster. What if the form of your lifestyle were
swept away? What things that you view as lynchpins would be
taken from you? Are these lynchpins truly and completely
irreplaceable? For example, losing a computer is an
opportunity to find newer more efficient technology. Having
to move to a new city means meeting new people, and
potentially re-prioritizing what you do each day. What
difficult issues would also be swept away in the process of
major change?
Now that you have opened into extreme aspects of the fear,
feel your feet on the ground in this present moment. Feel
the walls around you and the roof over your head. In this
moment you are safe. And you just learned to psychically
'you're your greatest fear, and then place it in the context
of the vibration of safety. You are right here, right now,
reading this. There is no need to take the fear into your
aura or body. You can see it. But it isn't you. You are the
one observing it. The fear is outside of your current
vibration. Your current vibration is one of steadiness. Your
current vibration is a reflection of your conscious presence
in the room where you are, at the time of day, breathing
into your own feet and body and noticing the Earth where you
Diving Deeper
I have spent time psychically or intuitively 'looking' into
the reason we are experiencing, and so needing to address
anger, its underlying fear, and the resulting group
depression. I'm recognizing that we have come to the point
where we think we've done a deep dive around clearing
emotional issues and becoming spiritual. Many people feel
like they have taken a deep dive, done their work and have
come up and out the other side. But there is much more to
When coming out the other side, we've opened our collective
eyes, looked around and have seen the sun shining. There
were crystals and sandy beaches and soothing sounds
now, our eyes are open far enough to see that there are also
right in front of us! We can't avoid them.
And although the beach is beautiful, the waves soothing and
the sun warming, we can't stay here. For a moment we might
try to focus on these wonderful elements
but then there
are these alligators.
In a decision made by the collective consciousness of
humanity, we realized that we must return to the ocean, even
though it contains the discomforts and emotions of our
collective unconsciousness. And being there now, we allow
ourselves to sense the discomforts within our own lives. We
dive down even deeper than before. This time we connect to
the heavenly energy that we already know, and open into
dimensions of consciousness that appear to reside within the
Earth. These spiritual energies anoint us in ways that open
hidden energy channels within our physical body.
So while we believe we have already done 'the deep dive'
toward self-awareness and awakening, (and we did do a good
dive), we have to go back in and go even deeper. And this
time, especially at this time of year, we are able to access
spiritual dimensions within the Earth that bring a sense of
profound stability to our life and physical body. As each of
us learns to tune to these newly available energies, and
therefore vibrate within this stability, our stability can
be a resident and resonant factor in our world.
Opening ourselves to these newly available spiritual
energies within what we perceive of as the Earth allows for
what we think of as miraculous healings and amazing events.
Of course what appears to be miraculous or amazing is simply
allowing pranic or energetic wirings that are pre-existing
within our bodies to function as they are meant to function.
As you do something as simple as feel your feet now, your
new wiring can more fully open and plug into the energies
your body is meant to plug into within the spiritual
dimensions of the Earth.
In time, perhaps days or weeks or months, your body will
recharge itself. Then, how you organize your physical form
changes. Sensing anger, fear and depression is a doorway
into this stability. And reminders to practice accessing it
frequently. As your ability to tap into the deeper stability
of your own body and aura grows, your ability to see, but
not need to fix, those emotions around you grows. It begins
by letting yourself feel your own fear, and contrasting it
with your own safety.
Current events are not random. Humanity has chosen to awaken
at this time. While the awakening appears as a moment in
spiritual time, it is a process of many hundreds of years in
linear human time. Do not be discouraged. This new even
deeper dive you are taking through emotions allows you to
access remarkable new qualities of spiritual energies that
lead you through the veils and into new frontiers.
Your bodies are not just solid forms; as you well know the
space between your molecules is the largest percentage of
your form. And what lies in this space? The potential that
spiritual energies bring. And how does this happen? With
your conscious attention and awareness.
May each being be blessed, may each being be joyful, may
each being know home as residing already within them.
-Norma (with help from Mary and others in spirit)
PS (a little addendum from Mary and Thoth)
This even deeper dive allows you to access new qualities of
energy within the lower dimensions that nourish your bodies
and open new energetic wirings including your ability to
nourish yourselves with prana. Stay tuned for more
More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available
in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe
yourself here

a meditation for
Norma and her
Archangel Michael and
exceptionally soothing meditation focusing on
drawing healing energies to you so your body can
feel safe, whole and grounded. Archangel Michael
and Thoth join me, sharing energies and insights.
Of course there is a spontaneous healing song that
came through me as well.
A tiny bio for
those who do not yet know me:
I have
always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect
to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled
insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist
others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their
innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our
world is healed as each person heals themself.
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
include both information from your guides and
angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate
changes your Soul desires in your body and your
life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep
and most people find that one or two sessions
provides them with substantial, lasting and
profound change. The kind of change that is so
complete that there is little or no going back to
the other ways of being.
In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation
of who you are (the portion of your soul
incarnating right now) engages with your body in a
new way. This allows what does not reflect your
Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and
released. Simply put, the real world version of you
catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you
truly are. After the healing session your Soul,
body and life will reflect each other more
Your Healing is
I do not intend or focus healing so that your
body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it
does in a book. My guides consult and follow your
guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each
issue in your life; what is it that your body and
Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this
process, allowing whatever no longer serves your
Soul's journey to be released.
A recording is made of the session. When you listen
to the recording your guides and the healing angels
will return to continue to help your personal inner
understanding and release continue. Sessions are
$215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch
with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
more about private healing sessions
In this time we are called
Stand into our ability to honor ourselves
and others; finding our self-worth
internally, no matter the external setting
of family / work.
- Reveal our uniqueness, no matter the
pressure to conform.
- Sense our inner power, and use it to
empower others.
- Recognize anger as a call for inner
action before taking outer

you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to
you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters
Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online
courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an
audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some
fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of
information and healing meditations.You can go to
Your Financial Guides
and check out the other sections of the course that are
offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price.
That price also includes a $20 discount on a
with me. .

This meditation
in order to save your Life-force
How we value Big
more than Comfort
striving for more
doesn't serve you
You are Enough
(from Mary)
A healing song to create comfort in your
This meditation includes insights and energy healing around
financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies
that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It
includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from
Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..
One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we
use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This
allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what
what we allow ourselves to receive in life,
I believe that what is happening in the external world
always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our
conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we
understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily
have compassion towards the wounds of others.
May what has been offered assist you in your journey,
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pecial gathering via live strea

The Spiral
and Linear Paths of Healing
the online course: Re-Initializing
Dear Friends,
I am so excited to share with you a video from my
new online course, Re-Initializing
Please have a look, and feel free to share with
The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed
Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your
healing guides and angels
courses in Healing, Sound and Energy



for today's online world
Update your personal connection to Reiki and
your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)
Healing Happens
and meditations to help you get out of the way of
your own healing process. FREE
yourself hear and follow the money guides working
with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)
are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your
friends, your email circle and social
Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at
Subscribe today!
meditation includes insights from myself
and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary,
along with healing energies to easily open
your body's natural connection to it's own
Earth energies (also known as
'grounding'), while clearing old patterns
that block your Soul's desire for you to
create and manifest easily in your
lifetime. I include a meditative song
(Creating Comfort) near the meditation's
end for use whenever you feel 'off' and
the world feels 'off' and it's just too
weird to put into words. Because when
realities overlap and merge, our logical
brains are pretty useless!
of Norma's healing songs, along with
videos, can be found under
and Recordings.
Her albums are available on
and at Amazon
for Merging Multiple Realities
(58 mins long)
Creating Comfort
- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own
- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul
want for Your Body?
meditations are very similar to what I offer in my
Healing Sessions.
If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my
healing sessions here.
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Norma's Newsletter Here
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