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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(intro price of $49 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)

Changing Our Realities means Changing Our Grounding
Learning to Ground into New Earth Energies
(Insights from Archangel Michael and a healing song

Dear Friends,

Many people have been feeling odd lately. Most assume it has to do with the various weather storms or political world events, but there is more going on. But according to Archangel Michael (and my own psychic sense) there have been not one but two major shifts in the underlying energies of our planet and much of our solar system. The frequencies of the foundational energies that make up our reality changed. Twice. And it's a lot for a human body to keep up with!

from Archangel Michael:
What do I mean when I say your reality shifted, and how does it happen? Your reality shifts when people make choices out of a more loving and compassionate aspect of their consciousness than they have done previously. There is a minimum needed of 3/5ths, or a Golden Mean of all humanity, to be in agreement to make each reality shift permanent. In the past two weeks we (meaning both human reality and the nearby spiritual realities) shifted once and then we all shifted again into completely new realities. It is like a baseball game started in one town, then everyone picked up and moved it to another town for a few innings, and then decided to move again for a few more innings. Same game, different settings.

from Norma
In an apropos metaphor, Archangel Michael reminded me that when floodwaters wash away the ground underneath a building, removing the soil upon which its foundation rests, the building itself will shift and crack. Eventually its foundation will need to be rebuilt, or the building will collapse. So too when we shift into a new reality the underpinnings of our old ways of doing things simply do not exist. The energetic 'soil' is gone. And just as a building's foundation must be reconstructed to reflect the new configuration of land upon which it rests, so too we must become aware of the shifts that are happening within our Earth, and the changes we are feeling called upon to make at this time.

What used to work for us no longer works because the energetic underpinning (i.e. the Earth energy we are accustomed to) from previous realities is no longer available.

from Archangel Michael:
This is not to say that you are wrong in wanting to pursue the same or similar goals. Your baseball game may continue to be played. This is about changing 'how' and 'why' you desire to have something in your life. An important note on manifestation relates to the human habit of generating energies of blame. Your own self-blameoften causes you to cling to the old ways of behaving instead of shifting easily into new ways. In pointing out that each reality has its own foundational energies, we of Spirit hope to help you understand a simple truth; there is no blame on you when something that you have been doing successfully does not function well anymore. It simply means the reality shifted. And each of you will, with practice, learn to shift with it.

from Norma:
Because we have shifted through one new reality and right into another new reality, it is very important for us to release any energetic cords and connections to what we were anticipating creating in our lives. Especially anything that we feel odd sensations around. That is not to say that some of the same things won't happen for us that we were planning on doing in our lives as before. This is to say that the underpinning frequency has changed, and so the energies that we have access to have changed.

from Archangel Michael:
Those energies that your body finds itself connecting to within the Earth have changed. The energies each of you gathers together in order to create what comes next for your life have changed. As you release the old ways of grounding, for example, you are able to see and feel the new energies that your body desires for its own health and nourishment. Releasing what you thought would happen, and how you assumed it would happen, allows you to recognize those new connections and energies that are now available.

from Norma:
This song,
Mourning (what has not yet come to pass), helps to release energy cords and connections to the past which we have traditionally released through the process of grieving.

As we grieve, the energy connections or cords to what was coming into our life in the old reality diminish. As they diminish we begin to feel and perceive more easily the energetic cords and possibilities of our new reality. It is still possible to create something that looks similar to what we intended to create in the old reality. But it will be built with energies that reflect your body, fully grounded and connected into the vibrational frequencies of this current reality. And your reason for creating it will reflect your soul's journey, as it is now.

Archangel Michael gave me the sense that there will continue to be major shifts in our reality several times a year for many decades to come. In all likelihood this process will quicken as we move closer and closer to exiting from polarized consciousness. But as all of my guides keep reminding me; we aren't there yet! And so I offer this song as a means of releasing what was, in order to more fully embrace the potential of what is.

Many blessing to each of you,
(with Archangel Michael)

(scroll down to watch video of healing song)

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Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

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Private Healing Sessions
by phone or in person in SE Michigan

Dec 3​

Candlelight Meditation Concert Ann Arbor, MI at 4pm

pecial gathering via live strea

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness

created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)

Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

video this song only
audio this song only

what has not (yet) come to pass
a healing song from Norma's Hathor guide, Atamira
(read full text here)

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

(this particular meditation is available as video above or streaming audio below)

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon

Meditation #54 from August 4, 2017


- Sacred Space Invocation
of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- The Earth has only loaned you its atoms
in order for you to create your body
- Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
- Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
- Brain Chatter Release
(clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
- Connecting the two Heart Chakras (knowing what is yours to do


& more information

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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