comfy with our New Reality
to engage more easily with our world now
plus a note on Grief and the Nov 14
First, a healing balm in
A song dedicated to Mary, a living
representation of the Divine Feminine
behold you, noble and glorious
You are the sacred matrix in which God
takes great pleasure.
The essences of Heaven flooded into
and the Great Word of God dressed itself
in flesh.
Your flesh held joy, like grass upon whic
dew falls,
pouring its life-green into it,
and so it is true in you also,
Mother of all delight.
Those of you who follow my work know that I love to
ask uncomfortable patterns if they belong to the
person who is experiencing them. Oftentimes the
answer is 'no', or 'not all of it'.
I have a new question now; 'is this
discomfort/disease a part of the current reality
chosen by this body and soul?' Over and over again
we are making choices and stepping into new
realities. Realities that oftentimes are not the
realities our body and personality anticipated
stepping into. By asking 'is this pattern in tune
with this current reality' I am giving the pattern
(which could manifest as turbulent emotions,
thoughts or physical illness) and the body to go
their separate ways. The body and soul are then
able to ground into the new reality. People report
feeling much clearer, lighter and at the same time
rooted and connected into their feet and the ground
beneath them.
Anytime we consciously ask for spiritual support,
we receive it. And now that we have graduated from
spiritual kindergarten it is up to us to keep our
spiritual support staff up to date. Just like our
computer software updates (nearly daily it seems),
so too our world and spiritual energies are
constantly updating and shifting. You are not where
you were a few days ago. Does it not make sense
that the aspect of your guides you are able to
connect with has also changed?
Before I move into offering a healing, I spend some
time asking 'What aspect of Archangel Michael wants
to connect with me now, in this new reality and
time frame?' And repeating this for the other
guides and angels that I know connect with me
When I did this yesterday, I received a few
insights, that I share below.
Our planet just did a big reality shift. Most
people felt it a few days before the US election.
The Earth herself changed vibration. Our shared
collective consciousness changed its vibration as
well. Like many people, I assumed that I was
stepping into the reality where She became
President. But it seems that our collective
consciousness and planet decided to explore a
different reality. And so we all stepped through to
the reality we share now.
I understand that with every choice we make each
option of the choice manifests as a separate
reality. So my first reaction to the election was
to feel how strongly I wanted to follow my energies
into the other reality.. The one where She became
President. But even thinking that thought made my
body unground and brought knots to my stomach. It
was a good reminder that our physical bodies are in
constant communication with the physical Earth. And
the vibration of our bodies must match the
vibration of the Earth. So when the Earth (and our
collective consciousness shifted a few days before
the election, it was my steadfast belief that She
would win that was causing me to feel ill.
And so here I am, and here you are, and therefore
here we all are, in a reality that is much more
challenging for some of us than we imagined it
would be.
moment in time calls us to step deeply
into our ability
to embrace tools of transformation such as
compassion and love.
As I was considering why this part of me stepped
into this reality, I realized that I felt a bit of
complacency and safety having another democrat as
president. Not that this was justified. I just
noticed that I was feeling like the fed government
would hum along, doing some things I agreed with,
some I didn't agree with but it was a background
hmm to my life.
Now I feel my complacency ripped away. I find a
sense of needing to engage more; not politically
but culturally and socially. I have a renewed inner
knowing that my voice must be heard and does indeed
matter. A sense that the voices and opinions and
ideas of others matter, and that I want to hear
I am grateful that so many people are sharing this
reality with me, and offering their wisdom. By
sharing our many views we are better able to map
out the mountain range we are exploring.
I also had an image come to me in meditation a few
times, which might in turn prompt some insights
from you. Think of the ancient pyramid of Giza. It
existed for thousands of years without a
The pyramid represents the physical form
of the USA, our Constitution, the Bill of
Rights, and our Declaration of
Independence. These are the fundamental
laws that our country is based upon. The
pyramid also reflects the spiritual aspect
of our country. It represents our souls;
all of our souls who have chosen to be
born here or move here. And the pyramid
also reflects our collective
consciousness, which is the consciousness
of our country.
Therefore the pyramid represents the principles of
our fundamental laws and our soul's agreement to
live within this legal framework.
capstone represents those people whom we
elect to serve within this legal
framework, what we call our government.
Notice that the capstone is only a small
portion of the pyramid. And while it
perches on top of the pyramid, it is only
stabilized and affixed to the rest of the
pyramid by another element; the will of
the people. In order to influence the
larger pyramidal structure, the capstone
must have some means of communicating with
the next levels upon which it sits.
Without this no significant change
In my meditation I was shown how the pyramid
endures with little change, as the capstones come
and go. We are the pyramid. We are the only ones
who can actively and permanently transform our
country, and our shared world. When we as
individuals change, we will impact those around us
who are desiring and thirsty for the new ideas and
ways of being that this moment in time is urging us
to explore.
Huge emotions go along with the huge SuperMoon
Version of this section
You know there is yet another SuperMoon Sunday
night into Monday morning (US time zones). You also
probably realize you are feeling it. The strong
reactions to the election results are (I believe)
magnified by this SuperMoon. I expect this
magnification of emotions/thoughts and behaviors to
continue for another week.
This time frame, until around November 20, exposes
patterns we each have developed that we can't keep
repeating anymore. I believe we are grieving those
things and those parts of ourselves that we had to
leave behind in the old reality (where She became
President). Who we thought we were, and what we
assumed we would do for the rest of our lives just
changed. We are grieving the loss of feeling
connected to ourselves within the old reality.
Grief is a powerful tool for
transformation. Especially when it is
shared by millions of souls interconnected
by spiritual agreements. The last
Supermoon of this size occurred in 1948,
just five days before the assassination of
Mahatma Gandhi. His example of peaceful
protest was the model for the civil rights
movement here in the US. I feel a
similarity in the waves of grief,
disbelief and fear of the future unknown
that citizen's of India and many world
leaders experienced back then with his
sudden death, and the same waves of
emotional shock that millions in the US,
along with other world leaders, are
processing now. There are no coincidences.
This particular US election and the
Supermoon are inexorably linked
I do not mean to leave you with a feeling of
inevitable despair or dour thoughts. Rather, I hope
to validate to you that what you are experiencing
is being felt by everyone, not just you. I also
mean to convey that this is an opportunity to
notice what you have left behind, and truly let go
of it! Only then are your hands free to receive
what spirit is trying to give to you.
May you be blessed, and in turn be a blessing to
supermoon will rise in the sky on the evening of
Monday November 14th. This will be a lunar event
that's almost 70 years in the making and not since
January 25, 1948 has a full moon been this close to
Earth! Read more at http://www.sun-gazing.com/largest-super-moon-70-years-rise-break-records/#6y2y3Id6KPLrZOhC.99
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Your Financial Guides
A new online
course opens Nov 15.
Pre-opening price $49, includes $20 coupon
towards a private session with
yourself hear and follow the money guides
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$49 (pre-release price)
the last newsletter
Prayer for Transmutation
(from Mary, through Norma)
May our ability to face adversity
reveal to us our own Truth
May our fear of another
become insight into our own wounds
So that our judgment
may become active compassion
the September newsletter
believe that there is great service in the
role Donald Trump is playing. He and the
beings he unwittingly channels are holding
up a mirror that shows what we as a
society are ready to change.
And we must look, in order to understand
the changes that must occur.