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(and fearing) the next step
now and November 20 there is a potent window open
for us to easily feel emotions, beliefs and
behaviors that are of the old way of being, and
welcome ourselves (and our world) to step more
fully into a new way of behaving. Much of the time
when we look at the start of these cycles it seems
very scary! Stepping forward into something new
often is unnerving, as our body's ability to ground
itself into the new quality of energies, ideas and
choices may seem to be lacking. Because it seems
scary we tend to hold onto old behaviors and known
ways of doing things. But as we trust that indeed
our body is always and already fully grounded into
Earth, we will be more fully capable of feeling and
knowing what to discard and what to welcome into
this new cycle. And if grounding and safety
continue to be issues, we know that these are
precisely the areas of life into which our soul
desires to expand.
Prayer for Transmutation
(from Mary, through Norma)
May our ability to face adversity
reveal to us our own Truth
May our fear of another
become insight into our own wounds
So that our judgment
may become active compassion
have been hesitant to share what is below
publically. In part because it is
information given to me while I was
teaching the online courses about
Financial Guides and Re-Initializing Reiki
& Healing
It comes from a section where I ask
Archangel Michael to step forward and
share energies and ideas with me that are
helpful for the group.
when this happens the ideas I receive seem
a bit far-fetched, and only later in time
do I understand why Archangel Michael
helped me think a new way, and brought me
into an awareness of a new idea.
is one of those ideas. And I decided it is
important, so rather than hold onto it for
just those participating in the online
courses, I want to share this idea with
the community that works with energy healing and
spirituality we (energy workers in the U.S. and
Western Culture) have looked at the upper
dimensions, but we have not looked with as much
interest at the lower dimensions.
We are truly blessed in the U.S., Canada and Mexico
to still have an indigenous population who are
actively working with the lower dimensions. They
are doing this on our behalf. Such an indigenous
culture is not present in other parts of the world,
such as Northern Europe.
For this reason energy workers and those of aware
of subtle energies in the U.S., Canada and Mexico
have been able to focus on the upper dimensions of
Spiritual Energies without completely losing
themselves and their connection to their physical
But this is ready to change.
Spirit lives and expresses itself through all
dimensions. Spirit flows in equally loving ways
through the so-called upper dimensions of vibration
we think of as Heavenly and those lower dimensions
thought to reflect Earthly consciousness. We who
have incarnated into the Western Culture (and into
non-indigenous bodies) are ready to begin to look
into the richness of the Earth and lower dimensions
that our indigenous brethren have held on our
behalf for so long in a sacred manner.
Collectively, our Western Culture has been taking a
deep breath and preparing to take this very
particular step for over 50 years. And it is just a
tiny first step! There is much more to come.
Our readiness to begin to dive into the depths of
the Earthly dimensions is intertwined with our
larger world's awakening and embracing of the
Divine Feminine. This time period is not just about
embracing the Earth as Mother, but learning to
welcome how the cycles of Creation, as interpreted
through the lower dimensions of Earth, play out in
our lives.
we each gaze upward into the Heavens,
we do so from within bodies
made from Earthly atoms.
We [in Western Culture] are learning to
welcome and not fear the end of things. For
most people it is far easier to welcome the end of
Winter than the end of sunny warm days that lead
into Winter. It is far easier to welcome the birth
of green buds on tree branches than these same bare
branches exposed to the grey skies.
And most importantly, it is much easier to welcome
the beginning of an idea than to accept the end of
a way of living. Just as the ground of the Earth
receives our physical body when our soul is done
with it, so too consciousness within the lower
Earthly dimensions receive and respond to our
emotions and beliefs. Right now the Earth and lower
dimensions are helping all of humanity to move
through a process of collective grief.
Only as we express this grief are we are able to
summon the courage and momentum to go through it.
We are grieving the end of the profane and
non-sacred masculine. We are grieving all that was
built in its name and with its power.
We are celebrating (and fearing) the beginning of
the emerging Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine.
In order for these to manifest, they must be
honored not just in the upper dimensions but in the
lower Earthly dimensions. That means embracing
fertility and abundance, as well as decay and
Our bodies are birthed out of Earth's atoms. What a
gift we have been given. We (in Western Culture)
seem to believe that we have to 'get in-touch' with
the Earth. I and Archangel Michael find this
humorous. Why do we need to search for a connection
between our human physical body and the Earth?
Archangel Michael (at least the portion of
consciousness that I connect with) finds it
humorous that I spent many years trying to get more
grounded. After all that work, I finally realized
that my body was already connected to the Earth
because it is made from the Earth.
Yes, it really was that simple.
When we love and adore our body we are loving and
adoring the Earth. When we love and adore the Earth
we are loving and adoring our body.
Yes, it is that simple.
Humans, at least some of us, are still in Spiritual
Kindergarten. Thankfully some of the older kids in
our shared Spiritual school are helping us out.
They are bringing our attention to what we have
forgotten; that Earth, and the lower spiritual
dimensions, are just as important as the upper
In order to have any impact upon the Earth, an
energy (meaning a guide or angel, human soul or
consciousness of any type), must enter into the
third dimensional Earth from the dimensions both
above and below it. Nothing can enter into our
reality that does not already exist in both the
upper and lower dimensions. In my channeling of
Archangel Michael (while creating the Financial
Guides and Re-Initializing Reiki courses) Michael
stated multiple times that the consciousness of
everything exists in every dimension.
During energy work, true healing occurs only when
both Heavenly and Earthly causes of a pattern are
addressed and transmuted. Most of us in Western
Culture were taught to connect or channel energies
from Heaven, or from a source that is somehow
'better' than Earth. This limits us to working with
only the Heavenly aspect of a pattern. For this
reason there is often temporary relief, but no
long-term resolution to our patterns. Honoring the
Earthly aspect of ourselves and those beings and
consciousness' within the Earth is our next step in
evolution and in healing.
Blessings upon those who are reminding us of our
physical Earth, and the lower dimensions and beings
within Her.
-Norma Gentile
in blended channeling with Archangel
please share these newsletters with your
friends, your email circle and social
out Norma's new online Spiritual video
(save $20 with early-bird



Update your personal connection to
Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)
and meditations to help you get out of the
way of your own healing process.
yourself hear and follow the money guides
working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)
the last newsletter
believe that there is great service in the
role Donald Trump is playing. He and the
beings he unwittingly channels are holding
up a mirror that shows what we as a
society are ready to change.
And we must look, in order to understand
the changes that must occur.

please share these newsletters with your friends,
your email circle and social media.

The Spiral
and Linear Paths of Healing
the online course: Re-Initializing
Dear Friends,
I am so excited to share with you a video from my
new online course, Re-Initializing
Please have a look, and feel free to share with
The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed
Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your
healing guides and angels
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
I am very good at helping to lift off heavy
energies and get chronic issues to begin to move.
Any energy released goes home, to follow its own
growth and evolution. This means that what is
released does not return. And it means that those
energies with awareness know that I mean to help
them. In this way your agreement to "keep them
safe" is brought to completion, because they are
released with honor and respect onto their next
step. This is true of all energies, big or small,
that your soul and body are ready to release.
Remember that any energy in your body or aura that
is not in time or in tune with you will cause a
slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads
to larger issues arising in the physical body,
emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A
complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you
find, address, and release what is no longer yours
to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with
your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address
life issues as well in the session).
A recording is made of the session. When you listen
to the recording your guides and the healing angels
will return to continue to help your personal inner
understanding and release continue. Sessions are
$215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch
with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
more about private healing sessions
Meditations (free podcasts)
Safe in a Turbulent World
the Spiritual pattern of our
lower body chakras
to excerpts now:
the Body's Rivers of Energy
2. Engaging
with Comfort
This meditation includes
a song written in the 12 century by St.
Hildegard of Bingen. More of Norma's
healing songs, along with videos, can be
found under Sound
and Recordings.
Her albums are available on
and at Amazon.
#50 from September 16, 2016
lower chakras are underdeveloped and so
not able to convey to us the psychic
information that our body naturally
receives. We have lost our ability to
correctly interpret what our body is
actually experiencing. In order to feel
safe, we fall into habits that limit our
expression out into our world. Fear,
distrust, and not being able to make
decisions are some ways that this
manifests. This meditation offers you an
opportunity to clear and reset your lower
chakras, allowing your body to more easily
connect into the nourishing energies and
loving experiences that are possible in
your life.
This meditation is about letting go of our
brain's need to control, and learning to
trust that what is around us supports us.
Even when it feels uncomfortable to us,
whatever engages with us in some way
serves the journey of our body and soul.
Our personality's insistence that
something is wrong (or right) and must (or
must not) happen is what moves us into
When we are functioning in this polarized
state, it is very difficult to see options
besides doing something, or doing its
There is an intelligence deep within our
lower body's chakras that does not
function in a polarized manner. I see it
as a unique quality of psychic perception
lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra,
and enteric nervous system.
When we are able to engage with it,
information received by this psychic (or
Spiritual) intelligence is able to move
out of our lower body and reach our heart
and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about
deep-seated issues when the information
that has been received by our lower
chakras is able to be transmitted to our
heart and mind. For example, we can see
options that were hidden from us when our
only view was through the polarized lens
of our overly busy brain. And because we
perceive more options in a situation, we
are able to address life issues in a very
different manner.
meditations are very similar to what I offer in my
Healing Sessions.
If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my
healing sessions here.
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