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Norma's Newsletter

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Update your personal connection to
Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price, good until course
believe that there is great service in the
role Donald Trump is playing. He and the
beings he unwittingly channels are holding
up a mirror that shows what we as a
society are ready to change.
And we must look, in order to understand
the changes that must occur.

and Channeling and Politics
mirror of our Spiritual
I am very aware that what is most visible in our
society is a mirror of those Spiritual issues that
dwell within us. There is so much that can be seen
right now having to do with polarity and opposites.
Clearly it is not just the USA, but certainly our
political two-party system lends itself to our
exploring polarized ideals and beliefs with each
election cycle. You don't have to be following
politics to feel the energies of this year's
election! And so I offer an insight about guides
and channeling and politics
for your
consideration. No one person sees the whole
picture. But here is a little bit of what I am
Anxiety causes a type of constant sniffing and
nervousness creates the sensation of an overly dry
mouth. Just ask us singers! When we first step on
stage and feel the wave of attention energy coming
from a large audience it takes our breath away, and
gives us these other not-so-great-for-singing side
effects. But we learn to consciously (or
unconsciously) expand our energy field and relax
our physical bodies in order to receive the
abundant energy. These symptoms, sniffling and
dry-mouth, are common when the energy someone's
body experiences overwhelms their ability to
process it. This also happens when the body is not
hosting its own soul, but has ceded the body to
another soul or consciousness. And that is why I am
sharing an insight about channeling and
In the case of Donald Trump, I see a closely knit
group of beings stepping forward thru his body that
I refer to in the singular as The Donald. As
we will be regaled with debate clips for several
days, see if you notice this as well. I observe how
his face changes into that of a young
mischief-maker when he is bullying and lying.
During these times he appears to be squinting, so
it is not easy to see, but if you look closely into
his eyes the quality within the eyes is brilliant,
sharp, and piercing. I find it incredibly
uncomfortable to make eye contact with his eyes,
even through a television screen. There is
enormous pain and fear within that brilliance. It
feels like a very sharp knife into my heart when I
see it.
This sort of channeling is very uncomfortable to
the human body. The beings (aka The Donald) are
functioning not out of a desire to create energies
that are conducive to the health of the human body,
such as unconditional love. Rather, they engage
with a human out of their own need to be fed by
strong emotions like anger and rage. These beings,
such as The Donald, grow quickly, and require ever
more energies of this sort to maintain themselves
here, within the third dimension. Those humans with
a narcissistic personality crave adoration and
power. They are perfect physical hosts for these
types of beings.
I believe that there is a symbiotic relationship
between the personality of the narcissist (Donald
Trump) and the power needs of the group of beings,
aka The Donald. They have provided him with
the chutzpah to say wild and crazy things. Donald
Trump (the personality) has gained more and more
adoration and power, which he craves. In return the
beings I call The Donald have received fear and
anger energies from millions of people. They
are now feeding off of the entire world's
But his body cannot support the perpetual growth
that The Donald seeks and demands. They have grown
as greedy and rapacious towards the physical body
hosting them as they have encouraged their host to
be towards others. Something is coming...and
in order to not have a similar scenario repeat
itself with another person, I feel that we as a
people must see, learn, and make choices about the
related behavior patterns that The Donald is so
clearly illustrating before us.
I believe that the soul within Donald Trump is
offering us a great service. By allowing the
personality to create itself in such a narcissistic
fashion, these beings have been drawn in. And they
are mirroring for us those issues that we need to
address and change as part of our communal movement
beyond polarity. Here are some ideas that I believe
are relevant to what The Donald is showing us:
we past the point of holding onto unresolved
grievances? Have we truly forgiven ourselves
and others?
Do we make choices based on the fear of hurting
someone else? Or do we choose the next step in our
life because it increases our capacity to love and
demonstrate that love to others?
jealousy and
Is some part of us wanting to hide behind another
person's success? When we blame someone else
for our missed good fortune we are actually hiding
our own power. This learned behavior can corrupt
many well-intended good works of well-meaning
people by crippling their ability to feel
comfortable being seen.This is particularly 'up'
for healers, and folks who have done a fair amount
of their own inner work.
I offer these ideas in order to support spiritual
growth and personal insight. We are human, and each
of us has the ability to choose the quality of our
expression of Spirit each day. May you find yours
to be a true reflection of your soul's
please share these newsletters with your friends,
your email circle and social media.

The Spiral
and Linear Paths of Healing
(and Life)
the online course: Re-Initializing
Dear Friends,
I am so excited to share with you a video from my
new online course, Re-Initializing
Please have a look, and feel free to share with
It is also available for free to preview (along
with downloadable mp3 and PDF) in my other online
course, How
Healing Happens.
With our galaxy's passage into a new
consciousness, all things are changing.
Just as our world is undergoing transformation,
those healing modalities which have come to us from
historical traditions are also changing. The
consciousness within each healing modality, those
guides, angels and spiritual beings related to the
modality, desire to be called upon in their newest
capacity, as they are constantly changing as well.
It is only natural that we too are ready to embrace
our new relationships with them, so that Reiki and
other healing modalities reflect the consciousness
of ourselves and our world now.
Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)
I am very good at helping to lift off heavy
energies and get chronic issues to begin to move.
Any energy released goes home, to follow its own
growth and evolution. This means that what is
released does not return. And it means that those
energies with awareness know that I mean to help
them. In this way your agreement to "keep them
safe" is brought to completion, because they are
released with honor and respect onto their next
step. This is true of all energies, big or small,
that your soul and body are ready to release.
Remember that any energy in your body or aura that
is not in time or in tune with you will cause a
slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads
to larger issues arising in the physical body,
emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A
complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you
find, address, and release what is no longer yours
to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with
your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address
life issues as well in the session).
A recording is made of the session. When you listen
to the recording your guides and the healing angels
will return to continue to help your personal inner
understanding and release continue. Sessions are
$215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch
with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
more about private healing sessions
Meditations (free podcasts)
Safe in a Turbulent World
the Spiritual pattern of our
lower body chakras
to excerpts now:
the Body's Rivers of Energy
2. Engaging
with Comfort
This meditation includes
a song written in the 12 century by St.
Hildegard of Bingen. More of Norma's
healing songs, along with videos, can be
found under Sound
and Recordings.
Her albums are available on
and at Amazon.
#50 from September 16, 2016
lower chakras are underdeveloped and so
not able to convey to us the psychic
information that our body naturally
receives. We have lost our ability to
correctly interpret what our body is
actually experiencing. In order to feel
safe, we fall into habits that limit our
expression out into our world. Fear,
distrust, and not being able to make
decisions are some ways that this
manifests. This meditation offers you an
opportunity to clear and reset your lower
chakras, allowing your body to more easily
connect into the nourishing energies and
loving experiences that are possible in
your life.
This meditation is about letting go of our
brain's need to control, and learning to
trust that what is around us supports us.
Even when it feels uncomfortable to us,
whatever engages with us in some way
serves the journey of our body and soul.
Our personality's insistence that
something is wrong (or right) and must (or
must not) happen is what moves us into
When we are functioning in this polarized
state, it is very difficult to see options
besides doing something, or doing its
There is an intelligence deep within our
lower body's chakras that does not
function in a polarized manner. I see it
as a unique quality of psychic perception
lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra,
and enteric nervous system.
When we are able to engage with it,
information received by this psychic (or
Spiritual) intelligence is able to move
out of our lower body and reach our heart
and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about
deep-seated issues when the information
that has been received by our lower
chakras is able to be transmitted to our
heart and mind. For example, we can see
options that were hidden from us when our
only view was through the polarized lens
of our overly busy brain. And because we
perceive more options in a situation, we
are able to address life issues in a very
different manner.
meditations are very similar to what I offer in my
Healing Sessions.
If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my
healing sessions here.



Update your personal connection to Reiki and
your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)
and meditations to help you get out of the way of
your own healing process. FREE
yourself hear and follow the money guides working
with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)
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